Hi, my husband is 60 years old and had complete radical prostrate cancer surgery Oct./2002. The Doctor said his cancer was 85% in the prostrate. Since the surgery he has had two PSA tests done. The first came back at .8 and now the one he got back yesterday was .18. It has doubled in 3 months. The Doctor was surprised of…
New drug
I heard of a new drug from my doctor.It is called Glivec.Anybody out there who knows more about secundary treatment of prostate cancer?
Confused and newly diagnosed
I have been diagnossed with prostrate cancer-Gleason 8 - three out of sixteen positive in biopsy. Had bone scan everything is fine there. Doctor wants to operate. Nobody seesm to be in much of a rush. Is this OK. Does the fact he wants to operate lead him to believe it is contained? He did say he was going to check by lymp…
Message to Bum
Gloria....email me at mboneal1@earthlink.net I would love to talk with you! Hope to hear from you soon! Mary
PSA following radiation seed implants
I would like to hear about PSA blood levels following seed implants. My husband dropped from 5.7 to 1.89-is that pretty normal? He was a little disappointed that it had not dropped further by now.
Father in law finished surgery but cancer was not contained...
My father in law just had his prostate removed. Prior to the surgery, he had a gleason score of 6 and a PSA of 6.2. The surgery was nerve sparing. After the surgery, the Gleason Score was raised to 8 and the tumor grade was 3. The margins were not clean. His bone scan and cat scan showed that the cancer had not spread. The…
My brother is 58 years old. He has been diagnosed with inoperable prostrate cancer. The doctor has told him that he couldn`t afford the hormone treatment, so he wants to castrate him The doctor however hasn`t offered much hope with that either. My brother has the idea that he has a couple of years left.Now he knows the…
Recent surgery
Hello everyone. My name is Jim. Today is my first complete day home after having the surgery done to remove my prostate. If anyone would like to hear how it went in my case please send a message to duganjssp@adelphia.net or duganjssp@yahoo.com. If anyone thinks I should share my experience on the board I would be glad to…
cancer and meaning of life
Hello, I am a graduate student in psychology at Ohio State University and I would very much appreciate your help. I am studying how a cancer diagnosis leads people to re-evaluate meaning in their lives. Ive developed a brief, web-based survey of cancer in meaning in life. If you have had cancer, please take a few minutes…
Radiation Seed Implants-
My husband still has burning with urination and difficulty with urination after 6 months and can not seem to get any relief! Anyone else have this trouble?
A fairly new treatment
My father has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. There is some metastasis so surgery was not an option. He is 79 and currently on hormone therapy. The doctor has suggested a relatively new drug, Zamoda (not sure of spelling), which is infused monthly. Does anyone have any experience with this drug regarding outcomes,…
hi, thank you so much for responding to my concerns about my husbands prostrate surgery and the PSA levels. I guess I worded it wrong as the Doctor said that the prostrate itself was 85% full of cancer. But yet now there is still cancer cells floating somewhere. He will have a consultation on the l7th of march to see about…
PSA and beyond surgery
My friend is 57, his original PSA was 2.9 gleason was 8. Had surgery and first PSA after surgery was .3 Three months later the PSA is now .7 Doctor has said he would like to take quarterly until October, which will be one year after surgery. He said that sometimes cancer cells go from the perimeter and cells are present.…
recent prostate cancer survivor
I just had surgery last week to have my cancerous prostate gland removed. The Dr. said the cancer was contained to the prostate gland and had not spread. My only thought/worries now are about bladder control(wearing a pad/adult diaper) and impotency. I still have the cathetar and staples in, but will be removed in about 3…
Help eliminate cancer
I am looking for people in the Los Angeles area interested in supporting ACS in a Relay for Life event. I am a recent survivor looking for others to join me in the fight. email me at CelebrateLife@sbcglobal.net
Leg Pain
Hello, My Dad is a survivor! After RP,radiation treatment he is now facing rising PSA and leg pain. He is due for another bone scan in two weeks, and feels it could be the ca that has spread. What could you share about this. His pain comes a lot at night. Thanks, Marc
Help for hot flashes
Hi, My Father is receiving Lupron shots every month for his prostate cancer and is experiencing hot flashes at night(pretty frequently). His doctor prescribed him a hormone called megestrol to help with them and it has, but he wants to quit taking them because they are a hormone also that can affect his PSA. Has anyone…
Dad just had surgery and I have questions.
My dad was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in November and opted for surgery because the preliminary tests (MRI, bone scan) showed that the cancer hadn't spread outside of the prostate. Last Wednesday (1/8) he had surgery. Before they removed the prostate they did biopsies on the lymph nodes and these came back negative. He…
surgery difficulty/ease
I found interesting a remark my urologist made while he was removing my 24 surgical staples (October, 2002). I had asked him if the staples were put in using something like an ordinary staple gun. That prompted him to remark that yes, it was like a staple gun, and that there had been considerable progress in doing a…
Post brachyseed radiation therapy
I'm new to this group and have been scanning discussions. Have not found many experiences with brachyseeds. My husband had this radiation therapy Sept. 2001. The cancer was contained within the prostate. He is 73 and in excellent health otherwise so the Md's thought it would be a breeze for him. It wasn't. He had over a…
Bladder spasms
My husband had prostate cancer surgery a little over a week ago. He has a catheter. Two days ago he started having what the doctor said were bladder spasms. A small amount of urine is pushed out his penis, past his catheter and causes intense burning pain. The doctor gave him Pyridium for the burning and Ditropan for the…
artificial sphincter?
Can anyone suggest a web site where i can research artificial sphincter? Doc has recommended this after i had radiation, seeds, and cryo.
Decreasing PSA Scores
Is there anybody out there who has had a PSA score as high as 75.5? And if so, what kind of treatment did you receive and what's the lowest your PSA has ever reached. My Father has received Lupron shots monthly for the last 4 months and his PSA has went from 75.5 to 47. Just wondering if anybody else is in a similar…
Prostrate cancer
How do I get in to a chat room with anybody in it geeesssse its hard to talk to anybody about this stuff
The best cure for prostate cancer!!!!!
This is just my opinion as one who has had the procedures. But if one is diagnosed with prostate cancer the best decision is to get it out before it goes to the bone and lymphs nodes. I know this is a big, BIG step. I know that this is a BIG thing for a "man", BUT one has to make a decision of what is the most…
Salvage Work after Radical Prostectomy
I am exploring types of treatments after Radical Prostectomy. My PSA has incerased to about zero point five(.5)over the last two and a half years. After surgery my PSA was about zero. Does anyone have any ideas about possible treatments?
New Survivor of Prostate Cancer
Beginning of last year, my PSA was 3.8. Then it went up to 4.5 in June. Had a biopsy, doctor found beign growth. Said he would watch it. Four months ago, my PSA shot up to 12. Had another biopsy. I should have known that I was in trouble when the doctor called me into his office on June 19,2002 and began to speak quietly…
Declared Cancer Survivor!!!!!
Just to let those facing or recovering from prostate cancer that my doctor Scott E. Tropper, MD radiation Oncologist and Medical Director of Center For radiation Therapy in Scottsdale, AZ. declared me cancer free!!! He performed Brachytherapy as na alternative to removing the prostate. I was never hospitalized as this non…
stair usage after surgery
A question I'd like to pose here is how many people who have had the radical prostatectomy operation have been told to severely limit the number of times they go up and down stairs at home (assuming they have a place of abode with several levels). My urologist wants me to limit the number of round trips on the stairs to…
One year post-rp...I bicycled 431 miles last week!
This is to anyone who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and wonders if they will ever be able to get back to having the same energy as before rp. I had my surgery at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore 10/18/00. Before the surgery, I loved to ride my bicycle long distances. I had ridden across the state of Maryland and…