to edwardbg and all who might be interested
Hi Ed, this is "grandma" and I responded to your post. Have been checking in here on this site often to see if you have posted again to update us. What kind of treatment are you getting? How are you feeling?Please update. This is a support group and we all have our problems and need cheering up at times. I have breast…
Gleason 9...and a high PSA
Hey Hi to you all My husband has a very aggressive form of Prostate Cancer and is not expected to live the 5 year 'rule'. Is there anyone else out there with an aggressive form of this cancer that has been given a bad prognosis. I have done lots of research about this cancer....just wanted to talk to someone else in the…
Castration as treatment
Hello, Does anyone have any input on dealing with this procedure. My Dad is having this procedure done on Monday- after almost a year - with a RP,radiation, and increasing PSA. He has opted for this over the Lupron, after careful study and recommendation by his Drs. Wondering what to expect. Thanks, Marc
Quality of Life after Prostrate Cancer using Zoladex or Lupron
I have prostrate cancer and have been recieving lupron and zoladex every 3 months for the past 15 months. I would like any input on what others have experienced from this treatment. My cancer was spread to my spine also. Now I am doing well with the cancer, but am aching all over most of the time. I am taking vioxx and…
Seed Implants After Prostatectomy
I have been told that a clinic in Phoenix can implant radioactive seeds even though my prostate is gone. I assume they are planted in the nerve bundles that were preserved. Has anyone had experience with this? Any advice?
Radiation & Nausea
Is there anyone who has had radiation for prostate cancer (hip & knee in my Dad's case) that caused nausea and vomitting? The docs told my Dad that it probably isn't the radiation since they are not radiating the stomach area. Does that matter? Also, does radiation cause nausea as a side effect? Thank you, Wendy
I had prostatectomy 6 years ago and a follow-up "roto-rooter" to clear scar tissue from my urethra. I now have incontinence when I squat dow or move my left leg wrong. This isn't a problem. I also have incontinence during intimacy. At the risk of being overly explicit, whenever I am the least bit sexually stimulated, I…
I had my prostate removed in June of 2001 and am still experiencing some incontinence. I am looking for any feedback on the 'Sling' surgury.
Worried about Waiting!
Hi, I'm a breast cancer survivor and am now supporting my husband who was diagnosed a month ago with prostate cancer. His Gleason score was 6-7 and he has surgery scheduled for Aug. 28th. I know prostate cancer can be slow growing but I am worried with his Gleason score it could spread while he is waiting. He is having a…
RE: Hormone therapy
A close friend of mine has Stage IV prostate cancer, with a metastasis to the hip. He is very concerned about taking hormones, in relation to "growing breasts" and the impact of taking hormones on his sexual function. Does anyone out there have experience in taking hormones for prostate cancer? Can you share your…
Waiting For The Big 5 Year News
I rceived the most shocking news in August of 1998 when my urologist informed me that the biopsy on my prostate came back positive The biopsy was triggred by a PSA of 10.1. The Gleason reading was at 7.2 and a stage betwen 3 and 5. Three weeks later, my wife and I decided the treatment method: 5 weeks of radiation and…
Ukrain is a great alternative
comination or an old chemo and plant alkaloid. tumor enzymes break it down and the Trojan horse takes Troy. check it out on Pubmed (medline.) God Bless
Alternative cancer therapies
Hello, It's been some time since I've been here to post a question.......hope everyone is doing well! My Dad was not responding to the hormone therapy, so now the docs have started radiation for 13 treatments, then 4 weeks reprieve, then begin chemo. I have been researching alternative cancer treatments, but most are not…
pau d'arco tea
Is anyone familar with and/or used this tea? If used, has it affected your PSA in any way? I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
Immune System Building - Any input?
Hello, My Dad is embarking on efforts to build his immune system, after radiation treatment. Does anyone have any experience with this? The Dr. wants to build his system up, hoping that it will fight his ca - prolonging the period before he is given Lupron. Any experience anyone?
Prostate Cancer
Thank you for your reply to my message. I am sorry your Dad is in so much pain. I am a physician as well as a prostate cancer patient. The new doctrine in managing cancer pain is TOTAL PAIN RELIEF. Forget tylenol & codeine. Go for oxycontin. It carries no addiction risk when someone is in cancer pain. Possible resources…
Pre-RP investigation
I have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Has anyone had any experience with having a RP at either the Mayo Clinic Jacksonville or Johns Hopkins in Baltimore? Bob G.
New to the forum!
Hello, My Dad, who just turned 60 yesterday, was diagnosed with advanced stage prostate cancer last October. His PSA was 33 and the cancer had metastisized to both hips, the lower spine, and some of his ribs. He started hormone therapy (daily pill and shot every 16 weeks), and his PSA dropped to 5.70 within 8 weeks. His…
Newly diagnosed with high scores
Hello everyone, My Father was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer 2 weeks ago. His PSA was 75.5 and he scored 7 on the Gleeson Scale. His doctor told him the only thing he recommended for treatment was the hormone therapy shots. He said his cancer was too advanced for any other of the treatments. I feel scared and…
Incontinence and general
Hello. My handle is jimirish2 and this is my first entry into this web site, although I am a 15 year survivor of prostate cancer. I am incontinent, but I use a Cunningham clamp and wear pads at all times. These items have allowed me to live a very normal life. I am also impotent, but it has not been a major problem because…
Graviola for drug resistant tumors
would use with chemo before they become resistant. relatively nontoxic Amazon herb, sold in health food stores and online.
Post-Prostate Cancer Surgery
It has been 11 days since my prostate removal surgery and I still have drains in the surgergical area. One of the drains is removing about 300 ml of urine a day. The doctor says the drains must remain in until they are down to less than 30ml a day. Has anyone else experienced this situation? My response from the doctor was…
Another Surgery Story/Pt. 2
Today is Wednesday, April 17, 2002, I have been back to work for almost a month. I am still incontinent. When I first had the catheter removed I leaked like a siv. Just as the doctor told me. (After I had the surgery) I was instrcted to do the kegel excersises. 100 X's a day. I did this with a 10 second count. (squeeze for…
Pre- RP surgery jitters
Hi, My wonderful partner is about to undergo an RP on 10/29/01. We have done lots and lots of research, and feel we have made the right decision. I am, all of a sudden, plagued with anxiety, bad dreams and crying. The last thing I want to do is transfer this fear to my partner who is already worried enough. I really want…
Exherin looks very good
act up so you can get it now. It destroys tumor blood vessels only. They should not make you wait five years to get it.
proton beam and neutron capture
the prostate is fairly accesible to proton beam therapy- I know it's hard to find. neutron capture involves intravenous injection of a boron compound that is taken up by the tumor-and detonating it from the outside with a thermal neutron beam. Less nerve damage than conventional radiotherapy.
Treatment Modalities
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in March2002. My annual PSA jumped from 2.5 last year to 4.2. Gleason is 6.0 rating is T2A. I am trying to determine which treatment I want to select. At the moment I am leaning toward seed implantation. Would like to hear from others and why they selected the treatment they did. Thanks
What is normal for a PSA reading after 5 years???
I have passed the 5 year mark. My PSA started out reading 0.2 (after an initial readidng of 16.0 before surgery. It is now 0.7. Is this normal or hight (or alarming?) My son who is 40 years old has a reading of about 2.75 (is this normal). No one seems to know what normal is. A friend told me of a man who had a PSA reading…
To: Roger
My primary physician stated to me that one's PSA can rise somewhat after surgery. Some urologist get concerned if one's PSA is over 4. I know of one man that was operated on with no symptoms other than his PSA was 4. I personally believe that some urologist are surgery "happy". They don't get paid if they don't operate…
cutting edge and alternative
clinoril 200 twice daily with lipitor 80 once daily can cause the tumor cells to commit suicide. take with misoprostol 100 tid or prilosec once daily to prevent GI bleeding. adding avandia or actos may potentiate the combo. C-statin from bindweed is 100x more antiangiogenic than shark cartilage. nutritionally, flax, borage…