Treatment Modalities
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in March2002. My annual PSA jumped from 2.5 last year to 4.2. Gleason is 6.0 rating is T2A. I am trying to determine which treatment I want to select. At the moment I am leaning toward seed implantation. Would like to hear from others and why they selected the treatment they did. Thanks
What is normal for a PSA reading after 5 years???
I have passed the 5 year mark. My PSA started out reading 0.2 (after an initial readidng of 16.0 before surgery. It is now 0.7. Is this normal or hight (or alarming?) My son who is 40 years old has a reading of about 2.75 (is this normal). No one seems to know what normal is. A friend told me of a man who had a PSA reading…
To: Roger
My primary physician stated to me that one's PSA can rise somewhat after surgery. Some urologist get concerned if one's PSA is over 4. I know of one man that was operated on with no symptoms other than his PSA was 4. I personally believe that some urologist are surgery "happy". They don't get paid if they don't operate…
cutting edge and alternative
clinoril 200 twice daily with lipitor 80 once daily can cause the tumor cells to commit suicide. take with misoprostol 100 tid or prilosec once daily to prevent GI bleeding. adding avandia or actos may potentiate the combo. C-statin from bindweed is 100x more antiangiogenic than shark cartilage. nutritionally, flax, borage…
Radiation for advanced prostate cancer
My Dad is undergoing radiation at this time. Does anyone have experience with this? Also, is anyone familiar with the work of Patrick Walsh, who seems to be quite an expert. Would like to connect with anyone who could discuss this. Thanks
Another Surgery Story
I had a radical prostectomy on February on February 12, 2002. This was performed after 2 years of biopsy's. It stated when years ago, I would hold my urine at night (too lazy to get out of bed) When I finally did get up to urinate I would have a very slow stream that would take forever to empty my bladder. I consulted my…
Radical surgery vs. radiation seeds
I was diagnosed last January and had the same dilemma in choosing the method of treatment. I elected the surgery and have never had a regrett. The pain associated with the surgery was "minimal" as far as surgery goes, and within 6-months following surgery I was at what I would consider my pre-surgery condition. I have had…
My Prostate Story
I've started to write a detailed story of my life with prostate cancer. I have posted it in the expressions gallery under "My Prostate Story." It isn't finished yet, but I'd be interested in feedback. Thanks.
numbness in extremities from hormone therapy?
Has anyone experienced numbness in the fingers after three shots of Lupron and Casodex therapy. I would like to have some feedback if this is a side effect of hormone therapy. If not it must be another ailment.
radical surgery for newly diagnosed prostate cancer
In your research, is the cure rate the same for radical surgery for prostate cancer, psa 4.5, gleason 6, unilateral, as radiation therapy? Am very confused. Husband is in good health, no heart problems, diabetes or high blood pressure. What is incontinence level afterwards?
My name is Chris Bathum and I am a hypnotherapist and master hypnotist in Los Angeles. I offer hypnotherapy at no charge to cancer patients who are working with an oncologist/radiologist in any kind of treatment plan. I work mainly with treatment motivation and also to block negative suggestion from well meaning care…
PSA level lower
Need insight, I am appx. 6 mo. past external beam radiation treatment and have been on casodex and lupron for 9 mo. My latest PSA results were .4 down from 31 last february. I also had a gleason of 9. My question is what does that mean? I am scheduled to remain on both hormone drugs for a total of two years. What do I have…
father-in-law with hrpc
Hi everyone. I'm hoping you can help. My father-in-law, who is in is late 60's was diagnosed w/metastatic prostate ca approximately 3 yrs ago and was on casodex and lupron until it became ineffective sometime over the last several months. He is very private and closed-mouthed about his disease and it seems to me in deep…
Prostate surgery
Hi, Looking for encouragement....my partner is newly diagnosed with prostate cancer and will be undergoing a radical prostatectomy on Oct 29. We have done extensive research before deciding that surgery is the only option. We have had several opinions, as well. Hoping to hear some positive feedback on post-surgery results…
Anyone Use Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Liver Mets????
Has anyone used Staten Island, Buffalo, Indiana University, Karolinska Institute, or another facility that uses radiosurgery for LIVER METS???? We can't find any real live person who has actually used this new radiation treatment for liver mets, who we can ask real questions of. Does anyone KNOW anyone we can contact?? Or…
Newspaper article questioning treatment
I have been recently dianosed with PC and have choosen after talking with a number of friends I have since learned also share my problem to have surgery which is scheduled Mar. 20 Tues. Funny how it happens that when you discover you have a problem everone in class raises their hand with the same thing. I'm 65 in otherwise…
Anybody From Charlotte?
Hello My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 2 weeks ago. His Gleason score is 6 and he is gonna have the surgery done. But we don't know that many experienced surgeons in Charlotte.... Has anyone in this group had the surgery done in Charlotte? ....Has any of you had it done with Dr. Peretsman? If so, what did…
Post RP prognosis
I had a RP two weeks ago. The doctor said he felt all went well. Gleason 8, no cancer in margins, no cancer in lympth nodes, staged a t1c. He believes I have a good prognosis. However he hedges his bet my saying that regardless of these good pathology reports a microscopic cell may have escaped and will come back at some…
Health coverage for survivors
Anyone know of a good health insurance plan that covers prostate cancer survivors? Had a prostatectomy and been cancer-free for 3+ years....