Mission accomplished
Yesterday was 27 days post davinci surgery. On the penile rehab program I took my first 20mg doze of Levitra last night with stimulation from my wife. I was able to hit a home run and was very pleased! I had really good expansion and was able to have normal intercourse. The penis was not as hard as I thought it might be…
Thanks guys
I just want to thank all of you guys here for being so supportive and helpful to one another. It's not often that guys put down that macho competitive nature and just reach out to another in need. It's part of belonging to this lousy club, but it's more than that. There are thousands of men diagnosed and treated for this…
9 Days after Davinci and is this unusual
Hi again I know this must get boring but its day 9, day 2 after catheter. I was told by my doctor to resume as normal lifestyle as possible so on my way home from cath removal had a milkshake and sundae at Perkins. Went home and drank water and 1 beer and dry like I always was. So I decided to push things a little, Friday…
What should I expect after Davinci surgery
56 yrs old. Never been sick a day in my life. Diagnosed with prostate cancer July 09. Cancer found in 4 of 12 biopsy samples, all from the same area, left side of prostate. PSA 4.9. Gleason score ‘weak’ 6. MRI & Bone Scan came back clean. Urologist says I’m ‘lucky’ because it’s a slow growing, non-aggressive type of…
Difficulty urinating
I had a RP on March 24, 2009 with nerve sparing on one side. 2 tumors with Gleason scores of 3+3 and 4+4. Surgery went well with very minimal pain. Recovery was a little challanging due to a blocked catheter, about a week after surgery, because of bladder stones, that sent me to er 2 days in a row. Excruciating pain when…
Supra-Pubic Catheter
Since of many of you do not participate in other forums, I thought I would start a new discussion here that I started today on another site. This is the first post I made to begin the discussion. I will post a second that answers questions arising from the original discussion. As always I am looking forward to an open,…
catheter out today hooray
Hi all and bless each every one of you. I am going to doctors at 100pm eastern time and am supposed to have catheter removed. My recovery so far has been good with gas pain the worst thing and its only once in a while. My stitches look good and am wondering about my pathology report.See once started we never stop worrying…
Penile Rehab Plan
Several asked about the penile rehab plan I mentioned in another post. Easist is to direct you to the link from Vanderbilt Hospital http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/surgery/urol/video/Mar08-RecoveryErectileDys+SampleCalendar.pdf The main plan is on the last page of that link but the plan given to me is slightly different from…
Day 6 after Davinci-catheter out tomorrow
Hi all its almost time for removal of the catheter. I have only minor complaints about it. Actually the main 1 is I feel my night bag is like a ball and chain. I actually look forward to putting on the small day bag.My small bag doesnt hook with velcro but with a rubber strap and its actually pretty comfortable.AS far as…
Oh is that all
Hi again everyone on day 4 now and am doing ok, a little soreness around the catheter but 1 other thing has me kinda ticked off to put it mildly, I told some friends and family members I had prostate cancer and the reply was Oh is that all. My dad died from this and I kinda take my Davinci and recovery as a serious thing.…
Internal healing
I'm going on 5 weeks from my da vinci and the incisions are almost healed on the outside. However, I still have a swollen area under my largest incision which is on the right lower abdomen, I suppose where internal stitches were taken. When I push there I feel the swelling and it's sore, like I have a golf ball stuck…
My father has just been diagnosed.....
Hi, I am new here. On July 6th, 2009, my father (step-father, but still my dad), was diagnosed with stage 4, terminal Prostate Cancer. His gleason score was 9, 12 of 12 biopsies were cancerous, PSA 420 and recent bone scans are clear, MRI showed little enlargement in 2 lymph nodes in this pelvic area. The kicker? He's only…
Day 4 after Davinci
Hi all and I hope everyone had a nice labor day. I am still strapped to my cath so I didnt roam far. I have been lucky in a way as I have needed no pain medication. Surgical lube has kept my cath comfortable but I think its the worse part of this so far. Anxious about its removal thursday. My pathology report on the…
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
I just wanted to remind everyone that September is Prostate Cancer Awareness month. There are fund raising events all across the country as well as the opportunity for free screenings in most areas. I always try to educate others on the dangers of PC as well as support the organizations and people that are working to…
Man dad's 12 year post treatment PSA
My dad was treated in 1997 for prostate cancer at Loma Linda California using the Proton Beam. He got his 12 year PSA Check today and it came back as .003 ! He is a survivor. I'm hoping to have the same level of success that he has experienced fighting this cancer. My first post robotic PSA Check will be in Early October.…
Hi guys, my husband is now nine mos. out from his radiation and seed implants and psa is now .4, so how good is this, is this great? I am very hopeful!
Davinci recipent
Hi all I had the Davinci surgery this week (last fri cancelled robot broke)I am home for the first day and other than gas pains no other problems. I am on no pain medication at all.I can now get up a lot easier than yesterday.Surgery was thursday . Catheter is a pain but not too bad. I was up and walking less than 1 hour…
Day2 after Davinci
Day 2-Alot less effort to stand up. No dietary restrictions from day 1. Eat or drink what ever I choose.they gave me surgical lube for cathedar. I have discomfort sometimes when standing or moving. Still on no pain pills what so ever not even tylenol. Went to mail box about 300 feet and had to pause a minute before…
Davinci Surgery 08/18/2009
I had my Davinci surgery on August 18th at Florida Hospital, Celebration Health. The surgeon, Dr Patel the director of the Global Robotics Institute, his staff and the hospital were great. I highly recommend them if you are considering the davinci surgery rout. The experience thus far has been almost exactly as it was…
PSA Velocity
I just had my 3rd PSA test in the space of 16 months, scores as follows:- 04/2008 - 2.7 01/2009 - 3.8 08/2009 - 5.4 I have an appointment tomorrow to see my Urologist and after reading much on the subject it seems that my PSA Velocity is of high concern. I want to be sure I make the right choices and I am worried I may be…
online pharmacies
Found out yesterday that my drug insurance plan will not pay for any of the erection pills. This was even after an appeal by the Doctor. Is anyone using any of the online pharmacies? I know there are some out of India but was looking for maybe something in the USA, Canada or what you might be using. I have enough free…
1 1/2 weeks after 1st Hormone Zoladex Injection
It has been 1/2 weeks since my first hormone injection and I haven't had any side effects. Actually the last 2 mornings I woke up with an erection like I was in my 20's, and I'm 54. I am also on the hormone pills (bicalutamide). Has anyone else had similiar experiences and does it last? Gil
Pomegranate juice
I have stage T3b PC, gleason 3+4=7, Diagnosis was made at time of RP.PSA after surgery 0.2, stayed that way for 4 months, was 0.3 last month, I will check it again in one month, if still rising will probably have radiation possibly with hormone therapy. Anyone have a similar experience? Anyone with info on pomegranate…
Making Love Again
As I have said many times since I was diagnosed with PC on June 25th this forum has been an extremely helpful, knowledgeable and supportive group. My decision for surgery and the Dr. I chose have been as a result of the information learned here. The discussions of each man's journey have opened me to research and…
Hope for erections after prostate surgery-3yrs 2mos later!!
Here's some good news! After 3yrs 2 months right out of nowhere in the middle of the night I was awakened by the first ever nighttime Erection since my surgery. Now , I have been getting okay erections for the last 2 years, but I haven't had a spontaneous erection in my sleep since my surgery. It actually amazed me and I…
Post Biopsy recovery
I had a 12 needle Biopsy last Wednesday (8/26) and although it was not a "fun time" it was not as bad as I expected. Eveything was going well until Thursday night. This was the first time I noticed any blood in my urine and there was quite a bit. Bright red to be exact, I also started to feel more soreness to the point I…
Low PSA Metatastic Prostate Cancer
I am a 55 year-old African American male diagnosed with PCa in Feburary of 2002. My PCP refered me to a urologist in December of 2001 based on the doubling of my 2000 PSA level(from 2 to 4). I underwent a radical RPP at Johns Hopkins in May of 2002 (PSA of 6.5). Post-op pathology indicated microscopic pelvic lymph node…
Reading this first could reduce your initial anxiety
Gentlemen and ladies: These discussion boards are, by far, the most comforting, credible and comprehensive prostate cancer sources available, in my experience. However, the September/October 2009 issue of AARP THE MAGAZINE contains a superb introductory article, again in my opinion, targeting those men just beginning the…
Starting second week after da vinci
I'm on day 9, and looking forward to catherer removal in two more days. I'm also a little bit nervous because, as annoying as it is to be tethered to this bag, I wonder if leaking and pads will be worse. I'll also be getting my pathology report, so am a little worried what that will say. I went in with a gleason 3+4 and a…
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer on the left side on August 25, 2009. I asked around and found that certain cannabinoids stop cancer cells from dividing, prevent cancer cells from multiplying. They have applications to breast cancer and brain cancer, according to the article. Unfortunately, I found out that the Drug…