Post DaVinci
Good afternoon everyone, I underwent the removal of my prostate thru the use of the DaVinci Robot last Thursday, Oct. 1st. I was the 1st on the table at 7am and back in a room by about 1pm. Surgery went well according to my doctor. I was up walking by about 4 pm. Got to come home Friday, Oct. 2 about 4:30 pm. Haven't…
Are Men Overdiagnosed for Prostate Cancer, Treated Unnecessarily??
For their study, H. Gilbert Welch, M.D., MPH, of the White River Junction VA and the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice., and Peter C. Albertsen, M.D., of the University of Connecticut, studied data from the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program.…
Valentines Day 2010 - Orlando Gathering of PCa Folks and their Loved Ones
As many of you who have read my posts know, I actively participate in and refer folks to the healingwell.com prostate cancer forum. This is a very large, active, extremely knowledgeable and supportive group. Recently they held a impromptu gathering of forum members in upstate New York. The event was titled and described as…
New patient
My husband had biopsy last Monday and received the word on Wednesday, that 4 of the 12 samples taken were cancer. According to the biopsy report: PSA 6.20, Free PSA 20.0% Gleeson grade 6 (3+3) 3 samples read Adenocarcinoma of the prostate, 1 reasds small focus of porstatic adenocarcinoma. One sample involves 50% of one…
Experience with UCLA Medical Center?
I am seeking a Davinci surgeon. I have been interviewing different doctors, private practice and recently UCLA Medical Center. Does anyone have any experience to share, particularly about Dr Schulam? I am torn between a medical teaching facility such as that and someone in private practice. It is my understanding that many…
Surgery scheduled Oct 19, 2009
Hi all - just joined this network. I have surgery scheduled for Oct 19, 2009 with daVinci in Grand Rapids MI, St Mary's hospital. My Dr has done over 200 of them. My cancer is early (gleason 6, only a small portion found in the biopsy). I'm most concerned about incontinence (and post surgery constipation) and have been…
Radiation after Davinci
Can anyone comment on their treatment after their prostatectomy proved unsuccessful? If radiation...the side effects, hormone shots...side effects...prognosis. I'm exploring the options. Thanks,George
advanced prostate cancer
my friend is 65 years old with a PSA 1345 and gleason score(4+5)=9 with lymph nodes and right bones spread he is now on combination of hormone therapy from 2 weeks but if there is someone had a similar history what is the expectancy life ????? how much years he ll live and what the quality of life??
TO SACH100 and possible surgery
Sach100, I saw your reply to another post about strictures. I see where you are in the search and discovery phases about PCa and surgery. You mention the Supra Pubic Catheter. My surgery was two weeks ago. I traveled from Orlando to Detroit for surgery because of teh reputation of the surgeon, their published results and…
advanced prostate cancer
my friend is 65 years old with a PSA 1345 and gleason score(4+5)=9 with lymph nodes and right bones spread he is now on combination of hormone therapy from 2 weeks but if there is someone had a similar history what is the expectancy life ????? how much years he ll live and what the quality of life??
Insurance Co. says "We'll Save Your Life -But Don't Enjoy It"
Let me see if I have this right. My health insurance company has "Centers of Excellence" for just about all of life's large medical issues. Places they prefer you go to, to be treated. My surgeon and his facility fit into that category. The premise is that my Dr. is at the top of his game, is a vanguard on developing…
To all of my best friends here that I will never meet. This is Tom D in Orlando -cancer gone!-
This is Tom D and Dale in Orlando. My da Vinci surgery was Thursday, Sept 24 at ORMC in Orlando. My surgeon/urologist came in Saturday to release me. He told me he already had the biopsy report back and that my cancer was contained with clear margins. Lymph notes clear, none removed nor needed to be. The cancer is gone!…
Toothache & zoladex
My uncle had a terrible toothache yesterday, and as he went to the dentist, he found our that his tooth should be pulled off. So his dentist contacted uncles oncoligist who said that he the tooth shouldnt be touched, opened and he shouldn't receive any anesthetic.... just to go on pain releive meds and atibiotics , also he…
advanced prostate cancer
my friend is 65 years old with a PSA 1345 and gleason score(4+5)=9 with lymph nodes and right bones spread he is now on combination of hormone therapy from 2 weeks but if there is someone had a similar history what is the expectancy life ????? how much years he ll live and what the quality of life??
Natural Progesterone, anyone used this,been reading online that it is very good in helping with PC,
I have read, in researching things for my husband, that natural progesterone was good for prostate cancer and the reduction of. Anybody read and used for and found results? I know first hand that is very good for women as I know how bad estrogen is for cancer, causes it to spread, first because I had to have when I was…
PC Newbie
Hello to all: I am 55, just Dx with PC. Gleason 6, Stage 1. No family history, no symptoms, but blessed to have a urologist who urged biopsy for 4.3 PSA after no change from antibiotics for a month. My wife and I go back to see him Oct 7 to discuss options. Also, am a medical professional. Emotionally, I move from DaVinci…
Thanks for all of your information about Prostrate Cancer.
Hi All: Thanks so very much for sharing information on this billboard about your experience with prostrate cancer. It was very valuable information to me. On September 10, 2009, I had da Vinci Surgery. The entire procedure lasted approximately 4 hours. I stayed in the hospital for two nights and released. I am currently…
A Great Read for All - whether newly diagnosed or following up after taking action
I found this great handout from the University of California at San Francisco while I was doing my research. I thought I would post the link so that others may glean something from it. One of the things it answers very clearly is what do the different PSA tests and levels mean after taking action with one of the…
Good News and Thanks
Hi and first the good news. My pathology report came back NO positive margins. Talked to Dr. today he said if PSA is low no further treatment will be necessary(fingers and toes crossed). Now for the thank you part, I would like to thank all men who have had the thoughfulness to post their experiences here. Starting off I…
Can't wait to get rid of this anchor!
Two tips for the catheter. These came from other people. When inside, put the bag in a two gallon bucket. You can carry it around by the handle. If it should leak (like when I forgot to close the drain clamp) it will stay in the bucket instead of the carpet. Second, get a large canvas bag to put it in when outside. I don't…
Okay the path report is back. Could've been better, could've been worse. But before I post it you guys have to promise no hang dog looks and condolences. EVERY DAY IS A BONUS. The Dr. said that based on my report I have a 7%-9% chance of having to deal with cancer in 10 years. I told him that I have 91%-93% chance that I…
My surgery is rapidly approaching (7 Oct) and I am trying to get things set up in advance. There have been lots of comments about "pads" for the incontinence. I looked at WalMart and they have a variety of pads (brands and sizes) which don't indicate whether they are for male or female. Several people have made mention of…
cannot pee
my husband had robotic prostatectomy 4 days ago. has not produced urine since. kidneys failing maybe have to have dialysis. in hospital in icu. please help diagnose problem. wondering if there is an obstruction.
Trying to decide between Davinci and seed implants
After beeing dignosed with prostate cancer and having a Gleason of 3+3 and a PSA of 5.3, my urologist told me that I was a good candidate for davinci surgery or Brahytherapy. Trying to decide which has been very difficult. At first, the thought of just getting it out seemed like the best idea and the advances in surgery…
Sonny Surgery Plus 2
Good morning all, It's a lovely Saturday morning, I am in my apartment at Henry Ford and this is the beginning of the second day from surgery. The surgery went well. The dr. said that from appearances he believes that the cancer was confined to the walnut. We'll know for sure in another 4 days. He said that he was able to…
Vitamin B-12
Do any of you have information about taking B-12 supplements? I am getting mixed opinions. http://www.psa-rising.com/eatingwell/vb12_folate04.html
I would be interested if anyone is taking L-Arginine as part of their penile rehab. If you are, can you share specifics (amounts, frequency, etc.)?
Advance Sling
Has anyone out there had the Advance Sling for incontinence lately?? Lion1
Today's Follow-up
Saw the doctor today that performed the daVinci on May 04, 2009, it was my second follow-up. My PSA remains "undetectable"...good news !! We discussed the persisent ED, and now he has me scheduled to see his Phys. Assistant on Oct. 05, 2009 for injection therapy. Here's the irony, it is our 24th wedding anniversary that…
Good luck and God bless
Hi Sonny this post was meant for you as your surgery nears I have been thinking and praying for you. We have 1 thing in common and thats both our surgery was and is on a Thursday. I hope in some small way my posts have helped ease your mind. As your wife cant come with you thursday I will take the time and think and pray…