Pain when urinating and in the rectal/perineal area. Your experience please.
Hello all. I don't know is this has been made into a subject, so here goes. This was one thing I did not read about pre-surgery. I am 1 day shy of 5 weeks post surgery. Went in last Thursday for my first PSA blood draw. I talked to the Doctor about it and he said it was just part of healing. I have read on the healingwell…
Newly Diagnosed (Just Yesterday)
After all the tests result were in I had a meeting with my Dr. yesterday to discuss the fact that I have prostate cancer. The synopsis is age 60, very good athletic health (I umpire HS and College baseball and softball),PSA 6.4, 3 out of 12 needles biopsy tested positive for cancer, Gleason Scale 7 (3+4), Torso CT Scan and…
Searching for local information
Just diagnosed with PC. Gleason 4. PSA 6. Bone Scan clear today. Wet CT scan of abdomen in november good. CBC's good. I am otherwise very healthy 53 year old. Alkaline Phostabase good need to check Prostatic Acid in a week. It seems pretty clear that this little puppy needs to come out. Also this site seems to like Robotic…
Stage 4 metastases pls help
Hi to all.... i'm so glad to join this iste, all of you are really heroes....u gave me a lot of hope... My dad was just diagnosed with prostate cancer, stage 4 ,and its spread to the bones of the the axial and appendicular skeleton, he is 50 yrs old and having severe back pain. with psa 20.4 amd gleasons grade 8…
Can prostate biopsies release cancer cells into the body?
I was curious if this has been asked by anyone else, and if there is an answer. It occurred to me that when one gets a biopsy of their prostate can't some of the (yet to be discovered) cancer cells be set free to roam free in the body? With the subsequent blood in one's urine and ejaculate, can't cancer cells then travel…
Where's Nodawgs??
I've been following Nodawgs webpage with great interest since being introduced to this disease in 2004....he is a fantastic writer and I have gotten a tremendous boost from both his spirit and his knowledge.... I don't see his page any longer ... can anyone tell me what happened to Nodawgs? ... thanks,,,, Jerry
Davinci surgery was easier on me than prostate biopsy
Hi all its been almost 2 weeks since Davinci and I feel good no incontinence at all. I know what I am posting seems backwards but I had a 24 needle biopsy and it got infected. I couldnt pee w/o extreme pain. I was back in the emergency room and put on antibiotics. It took almost 2 weeks for me to get back to anywhere near…
Incontinence Pads
I am about 45 days past my Radical Prostectomy and am feeling pretty good every day, except for the daily incontinence condition. I think it is getting a little better but it's hard to judge my progress. I have been doing the Kegel exercises on a consistent basis; I think it's helping, if I have identified the correct…
PSA rise after DaVinci
After a 0.3, 1 month post-op, I just got a 0.4 at 2 months post-op. Just got the news and have not talked with my Dr yet...but think it might be necessary for a MRI or CT scan & possible radiation. Anyone else have experience with PSA rising after surgery???What action did you take? George
new problem with incontenance after 5+ months with none
The last week has hit me with a recurance of incontenance like i've never had. I have been one of the lucky ones with very little trouble in this area. Don't anyone loose any faith in there ability for a full recovery by this posting. I had four beers this afternoon. When I got home I sat down and watched the news of the…
Research Update Dr.s Menon and Tewari from JUST DIAGNOSED WHW
Thanks to all you guys and your valuable info I have been conducting additional research as to what to do and where to do it. For Quality of Life issues it seems the best route for me is surgery. Everything I have read points to Dr. Menon with the Vattikuti Instiute of the Henry Ford Medical Center as one of the best. He…
Urine Leakage
Anyboby have any experience similar to mine? Had radical prostate removal last June. Am only using 1 pad a day and do not need any at night except if I am trying to have sex. Before, during and after sex I have no control over my blader. It just leaks continually. I am using ( not too successfully )the inection method to…
Sonny Day 4 Post Surgery Bladder Cycling
It's the end of day 4 and I have just completed my first day of the Bladder Cycling Process. First let me say that every day gets amazingly more and more comfortable. There was no pain today, not even sneezing and the level of discomfort was almost nil. Most of the day was spent turning the Catheter on and off and holding…
Pads .... preference .... sanitary napkins ....
I've been positive about almost anything related to my PC and that is my approach of dealing with it. (See my post on good news). The surgery took place April 10, the catheter came out the 24th and May has come and gone. Everything worked out great. We're in June now and the last week I've been sleeping like a baby, and…
Urologist droppin me after chosing another surgeon
I am 41 and have been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Luckily, it apparently has been caught early, as the grade, PSA and size seems to be small. Doc's indicate that I have a great chance of oncological, continency and potency outcomes with the help of a davinci robotic prostatectomy. Originally scheduled with my local doc…
Agent Orange, Vietnam Veterans
If you served in South Vietnam and have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you are eligible for VA disability benefits. There is a presumption the cancer was caused by Agent Orange. Just need to provide documentation of cancer diagnosis and service in country.
Tired, energyless, no get up and go
Is there anyone who can tell me if these feelings are normal for someone who last treatment in December. Five weeks of radiation and then seed implants right after all before Dec. 25. My husband is feeling this way but feels that he should not be. It sounds like something that could be normal, esp. since he almost died in…
My boy friend had his second biobsy. It was negative again, but his PSA is 12.3 The Dr did not say anything exept they did not find any cancer. What would the next step be? he goes to the VA clinic, he has no privat insurance, so he is at the mercy of the VA. His prostate is not enlarged either.
Robotic/Open surgeries and clear margins
My current uroligist, who does only open, states that new findings show better margins with open than Robotic. Information from Henry Ford shows the opposite. I am scheduled with Robotic with another Doctor and this made me very concerned to say the least. Any comments from friends??
Info on Calcium Deposits
Just had an ultrasound with biopsy based on increasing PSA, asymetrical DRE, urinary symptoms. The doctor commented that I have alot of calcium deposits in my prostate. I can't seem to find much info on the dangers, causes of calcium deposits in the prostate. Is this a cancer risk? Where can I find more information?
prostate cancer and penile implants
I,m looking for information and past experience with men dealing with impotence and solutions
New, GG7 (4+3), T2c,RRP..advice?
I am writing for my husband, who was diagnosed with APC in March. His PSA was 5.5 and he had 12 cores taken with his biopsy. He was diagnosed with a Gleason grade 6 cancer(3+3) ..7 out of 12 cores showing cancer. At this time (time of the biospy) the Urologist could not see or feel anything out of the ordinary. He had a…
Rising psa right after davinci
Was told cancer was contained. But ct scan found micro activity & psa since surgery in May has gone up: 0.3,0.4,0.6. Looks like radiation when I meet with oncologists next month. Any of you had similar experiences. Regards, George
No DaVinci For Me
My surgeon scheduled me for open surgery on October 22. He chose open because of my huge stomach and because of the difficulty in doing even DaVinci surgery on an obese patient (there were also a couple of concerns about the high Gleason score (3+5) and an Ecoli infection I just got over). But, because of my desire to have…
Veil of Aphrodite Nerve Sparing
Is anyone familiar with the Henry Ford, Vattikuti Urology Institute and their "Veil of Aphrodite" Nerve Sparing surgery? I am still doing all the research I can in preparation for my decision on what's the best way to attack the PC for me. Also, has anyone actually had their surgery done at the Vattikuti Institute.…
A question about the catheter and its removal
Hello. I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer two days before Thanksgiving, 2008. My Gleason score is 3+3 (6), my PSA is 3.3, and cancer was found in 3 of my 12 biopsy samples (5%, 5% and 10%). I am 55, and in good health (all things considered). I have opted for a robotic prostatectomy. I would like to know about the…
Rethinking treatment options
Many thanks to you who responded to my questions on catheter management. It is very encouraging to know that there are wise and sympathetic friends from whom to seek counsel. Being conservative and looking for a "second opinion" I consulted a oncology radiologist. I came away even more confused about the options and merits…
Prostate cancer and Vietnam
If you are a veteran who served in Vietnam and have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, this is to let you know that the Veterans Administation (VA) ruled that you may be eligible for compensation. According to the "Agent Orange Review", Vol. 16, No. 1, May 2000, published by the VA: "Under the law, veterans who served in…
Just got back from the clinic where I had the cath removed. Last check before they took it out, pee'd from a full bladder, strong stream and there was very little residual left in the bladder. The path reports are due in this afternoon and I'll be flying back to Orlando tomorrow abt 2pm. I have said it many times in my…
My da Vinci Surgery is Sept 24
My surgery was Sept 2, but was moved because one of the surgeons was sick. Now it is tomorrow at 1:00 pm at ORMC in Orlando. When I'm back on here, I will be back at home. Thanks to all of you that have gone before me. Tom D in Orlando