neighbor really wet
My neighbor just had ihs catheter out yesterday. He's 72 and had robotic removal of prostate. He seems to be doing fine physicaly but is really wet. I know I have been really lucky with my outcome (7 months) no incontenance and a slowly recocovering sexual function. My question is how can I help him with his recovery. Is…
Hello ALL, I have been reading this group for a few weeks now since I discovered it. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 6 weeks ago. All of your discussions have been very helpful to me and I appreciate the CSN for this opportunity to network with others having similar circumstances. I have returned from the…
Fungal infection
I hate to bother this board with what seems like an insignificant matter, given the much more serious topics discussed, but I wonder if anyone has had this annoying side effect. This started a couple of days following my robotic surgery two weeks ago, so maybe I picked up something in the hospital. I started getting some…
Had Da-Vinci robotic surgery on 18-Sept.
Came through surgery just fine. No real post-op issues. For those of you who may want to know what happened, here is a rather wordy, day to day 'diary'. 09/18/09 – Friday - Got to hospital at 8:50 am. Got my wrist ID bracelet & then sat in the admissions waiting area. At 9:20 they sent us up to the 3rd floor. Was assigned…
Sonny - 3 Days Post Surgery- Can it keep going this well.
It's Sunday afternoon 3 days post surgery and things are going so well I feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. Every day is better by discomfort standards. Really don't have any pain per se unles I sneeze or someone I talk to on the phone feels it is there obligation to make me laugh. Had to hang up on one…
I'm being charged by my insurance provider for va services. I am a 1.5 year veteran of the Vietnam
I was under the impression that pc was a Vietnam related dissability. Am I wrong?
Problem with stricture
Had a RP Oct 21. Catheter was in 8 days. 12 hours after catheter was removed I got a slight fever, which Cipro took care off. Then, a few days later a stricture formed and now I have to catheterize myself twice a day. Not in the least bit fun. Has anybody ever had a similar problem?
Davinci-Day 8 catherterless---Remembering 9-11
Hi all and please a moment of silence for all 9-11 victims.I realize I have it good compared to all 9-11 victims so im very thankful for life and living. My cath out yesterday and so far no problems. My doctor suggested I bring a pad with me for after removal and I did. After over an hour drive home all was dry. Last night…
diagnosed today
Hi everyone, Just diagnosed today with PC. Stats are: 10 cores taken Number of samples affected 2 5% and 50% Gleason 3 + 3 T stage T1 PSA 5.5 I'm seeing the surgeon and oncologist in 2 weeks but I'm edging towards the robotics. Obviously a bit shocked at the moment but most people on here seem very positive so any advice…
Very scared
I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer on September 26. My PSA was 8.8 and had Gleason scores ranging from 6-8 in the cores. two were labeled very agreesive. I am nervous about my standard of life after treatment. I am 40 years old. i hope to live a long life. but more important I want to live a good life. Tell me your…
Catheter removed; not uncomfortable procedure, although for some it has been painful. I wonder what the stats are on this and why the difference. Pathology report confirms CA confined to Prostate. One incision is not healing properly so trying new antibiotic. Continence is very good. Slept thru night without incident. I…
Recurrent cancer treatments
I am 56 years old and was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January 2001. I don't remember all the specific numbers but the biopsy showed 5 out of ten hits were positive. I did get a second opinion that included running the pathology again, and both concurred that I was a candidate for a radical prostatectomy. It went…
Post Op Condition
Had a Robotic Radical Prostatectomy done in late Sept of 2007 which was Nerve Sparing. But, still have some problems associated with operation. Have numbing pain and some sharp pain in retum and that of penis. Spasm in Pelvic area before and after urinating which causes burning pain in penis and sharp pain to touch. My…
External Beam Treatment
For those considering beam treatment for the pelvic cavity and then the prostate; I wish I had taken care of some plumbing problems before the treatment started. After the 3rd week of pelvic cavity, I wanted to quit. Going to the toilet (both 1 & 2) were killing me. I spent more time on the toilet than anything else. If…
Catheter Out, Pathology Report In
I had my first robotic prostatectomy post-surgery appointment yesterday (8/4). The tether (catheter) was removed. As an experience, one time is enough, thank you. The pathology report was good: "Tumor confined to prostate gland", "margins of resection free of involvement", "no evidence extraprostatic…
Post op Incontinence
I'm 51 and I was diagnosed on 1/23/09. I had the robotic procedure on 3/03/09. I had the staples and catheter removed on 3/10/09. Only issue since has been with incontinence. Can anybody offer insight? Thanks!
Well it has finally arrived, exactly one week from today I go to Detroit for my surgery. Thanks to you guys I am much better prepared that I ever would have been on my own. And on that note, here is a very appropriate THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: HANDLE EVERY STRESSFUL SITUATION LIKE A DOG WOULD IF YOU CAN'T EAT IT OR PLAY WITH IT…
Sooooooooo Tired
Hi..I have just finished 45 radiation treatments and am so very tired I have no strength to even eat! Please tell me this normal or not. HW
Shocked in Idaho
On April 23rd @ 2:30 p.m. I received the info that my biopsy was positive for cancer. My mind is a complete mess. I have an appointment with Dr. Todd Wald*** in (Meridian, ID) just outside Boise, ID. I have been told he is very good with the da Vinci Surgical Method. Has anyone gone to this Urologist? Any feed back? I am…
In Search of Pathological T3A Staging Stats
I was diagnosed in July 2005, had a retro pubic radical prostatectomy in early November. My clincal staging was 1c with a gleason rating of 6 (3+3). The post-op report was not what I was hoping for. My gleason rating went up to 7+ (4+3) with some gleason score 5's, staging went up to T3a (penetration on the right side…
leaking question
My boyfriend was diagnosed with PC on 6/30/09, his PSA is 18. His cancer stage is T2C, gleason score 7. His CT scan and bone scan are negative. His prostatectomy surgery on 7/30/09 and he had to carry a catheter tub for 12 days. After his catheter removed, he now has problem with leaking really bad. Sometime he doesn't…
Searching for treatment (cure) info for prostate cancer
Hi everybody, I am new to both this forum and prostate cancer. I am 74, in excellent health and condition. I was notified earlier this week of the results of my biopsy at the Emory Clinic in Atlanta. It indicated a Gleason Score of 8. I had the biopsy because my PSA score had crept up over one year from 6 to 9. Otherwise,…
Prostate Cancer "Watchful Waiting"?
Hi. This is my first post and I am a new member to CSN. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in Nov. 07 PSA was 7.8, Gleason score (3+3) of 6. Cancer was found on only one biopsy slide and it was only 5% involve. A Ploidy analysis of the cancer cells also revealed that the cells were "diploid" which means that it is…
Pain when urinating and in the rectal/perineal area. Your experience please.
Hello all. I don't know is this has been made into a subject, so here goes. This was one thing I did not read about pre-surgery. I am 1 day shy of 5 weeks post surgery. Went in last Thursday for my first PSA blood draw. I talked to the Doctor about it and he said it was just part of healing. I have read on the healingwell…
Newly Diagnosed (Just Yesterday)
After all the tests result were in I had a meeting with my Dr. yesterday to discuss the fact that I have prostate cancer. The synopsis is age 60, very good athletic health (I umpire HS and College baseball and softball),PSA 6.4, 3 out of 12 needles biopsy tested positive for cancer, Gleason Scale 7 (3+4), Torso CT Scan and…
Searching for local information
Just diagnosed with PC. Gleason 4. PSA 6. Bone Scan clear today. Wet CT scan of abdomen in november good. CBC's good. I am otherwise very healthy 53 year old. Alkaline Phostabase good need to check Prostatic Acid in a week. It seems pretty clear that this little puppy needs to come out. Also this site seems to like Robotic…
Stage 4 metastases pls help
Hi to all.... i'm so glad to join this iste, all of you are really heroes....u gave me a lot of hope... My dad was just diagnosed with prostate cancer, stage 4 ,and its spread to the bones of the the axial and appendicular skeleton, he is 50 yrs old and having severe back pain. with psa 20.4 amd gleasons grade 8…
Can prostate biopsies release cancer cells into the body?
I was curious if this has been asked by anyone else, and if there is an answer. It occurred to me that when one gets a biopsy of their prostate can't some of the (yet to be discovered) cancer cells be set free to roam free in the body? With the subsequent blood in one's urine and ejaculate, can't cancer cells then travel…
Where's Nodawgs??
I've been following Nodawgs webpage with great interest since being introduced to this disease in 2004....he is a fantastic writer and I have gotten a tremendous boost from both his spirit and his knowledge.... I don't see his page any longer ... can anyone tell me what happened to Nodawgs? ... thanks,,,, Jerry