Experience with UCLA Medical Center?

pearhouse Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
I am seeking a Davinci surgeon. I have been interviewing different doctors, private practice and recently UCLA Medical Center. Does anyone have any experience to share, particularly about Dr Schulam? I am torn between a medical teaching facility such as that and someone in private practice. It is my understanding that many of the LA Doctors in private practice were trained by these faculty.
I need to decide soon and appreciate any thoughts and experiences.


  • NM
    NM Member Posts: 214
    3 weeks ago
    Hi and even though I cant help you with the UCLA medical center. I am 3 weeks post surgery and can only give you my experience. First make sure you get an experienced doctor. Second trust his decisions once you picked your doctor. I dont know who actually does the surgery at a teaching facility. But an experienced surgeon I believe is the key here. I have had virtually no problems since surgery,suffer no incontinence and am glad I took my time and researched. I read almost all the posts here and that cleared my head and helped me tremendously...Good luck and god bless.....Nick
  • WHW
    WHW Member Posts: 189
    1 Week Post Surgery
    I strongly agree with my PCa brother Nick. Check out the surgeon, know his experience level, feel comfortable and confident in his abilities and know that at that point it is all our your hands.

    If insurance, logistics or finances are not a problem don't limit your selection by location and proximity. These were not issues with me and the doc I selected was located in Detroit Michigan. I live in Orlando and would have traveled even further to be treated by a dr. of this caliber. My Dr. had personally done over 3000 da Vinci surgeries and had statistics for the last 4500 his group had done over the last 5 years.

    My surgery was Thursday of last week and I have enjoyed a very remarkable recovery. Incontinence has no been and issue since the morning they took out the catheter.

    Patients have a responsibility in their health care plan. By doing your research and due diligence and preparing for surgery you are doing yours. The rest is in the hands of the Dr. and the Lord.

    Have a strong sense of faith and positive attitude. Think constantly of the glass almost full as opposed to almost empty.

    I received and inspirational quote from a friend during this process that truly says it all; "No one can go back and start over again, but, everyone can begin today to have a life of new endings". In our case nothing could be more poignant or important.

    If you have any questions at all about anything, do not hesitate to ask. Those of us that participate on forums like this will answer with complete honesty and candor. It was what we were looking for when we started our search.

    God bless you and your family,

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,343 Member
    UCLA Medical Center
    Although not with Dr. Schulam, I am a patient at UCLA Medical Center. Please feel free to call, 562-431-4630 (please not after 9pm) to compare information..............Ira