Ryan O'Neal On "The View"
I'm watching Ryan O'Neal on "The View" who's there to promote his new book about his life w/Farrah Fawcett. He just said that he has prostate cancer ("Stage 2" which is apparently still contained w/in the prostate) and is going to treat it with cryotherapy, which is seldom used to treat PCa. He said that his doctors claim…
Vasco, If Zytiga fails
Vasco, I believe that when go to MD Anderson that they will take me off Zytiga. My blood Platelet have drop down to 95,000. As you said, watch the liver! What will be the next option to take or?????
80 years old and still chuggin
Fourteen years ago I had diagnosis of prostate cancer. I got a series of radiation beam treatments and then on Lupron whenever the PSA spiked. I have beat it for 14 years. Now my Gleason is 8 active cancer. I will be dead but I will go fighting it. I plan on being 92 for my 75th wedding aniv. My sex life well, har de har…
can someone explain dt
had surgery in 2010 , radiation 2011, after radiation psa was 0.003 . now as of 5/1 psa is 0.8 had gleason scores of 9 . what is considered dt.
VGAMA & KONGO LATEST BLOOD TEST RESULTS>>>0.30 THE total PSA went down again from 0.38 Is it possible to keep going lower---wonder when NADIR is reached?
I had written about a month or so ago to see if anyone has gotten treatment with Provenge. I completed treatment at the end of March and was wondering if anyone else has been treated with this medication and what their doctors were saying and how they felt. Thanks for any information you can provide
psa rise
plse advice! i had robotic prostatectomy in january 2011. my first post psa(3&6 mons)were both <.04. The last 9 mons psa is .07.I use the same lab.pathology:pT3b,margins negative,gleason 3+4=7 (85%,15%).Is this worrisome! thanks to everyone.
starting treatments.. what can I expect?
Have prostate T1C and one lypmh node positive N1. No distant id'd M0. I have been put on casodex for two weeks and next week get a shot of eligard? 60 days later will start on radiation ebrt 5days/wk for 8 wks. so far no sypmtoms and no side affects. I know that will change. Any info, advise would be appreciated. All new…
Cabozantinib (XL184) .......Can't come quick enough!!
If this is an indication of results of clinical trials on this drug, then it needs to be on the fast track for FDA approval. http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/health/your_health&id=8625186 Copy and paste this link into your browser.
turned 50 many more to come
Celebrated the big 50 yesterday. While I was never much for birthday celebrations after my PC diagnosis last year that changed. I am 6 months post RP and numbers doing well. I am running , eating well and lost weight. Overall the experience has done a lot of good things for my overall health. Still have the posability of a…
PSA .04 reading post RP
I'm 56 years old and it has been nine months since my RP. Currently my psa is 0.04. Does that mean I still have cancer cells that can grow? I expressed my concern to my Dr. and he assures me I'm fine and will have a complete recovery. In fact, he stated I have at least 20 to 25 good years ahead of me. He scheduled my next…
To Vasco about Zytiga
Hey, just want to get a update on my trip with Zytiga. It's ok, having some pain and being tried.I'm walking up to a 1 1/2 a day. I think it's having effect on my liver! The drug is better than the last one I took!!!Go to VA Hospital this week for more blood test and first of May to MD Anderson. My PSA is at .3 and holding!
Just had biopsy- I am in emotional AGONY!
I have not yet received the results of my biopsy. My PSA be had increased from 1 to 5 this year. A few years ago it was 2.7 and then went back down to less than 1. I am very scared and not sure what my future brings. I may getting the results tomorrow and I feel like this is the last night of cancer free living I may have.…
suggestions for 2nd opinion LA area
Hi - My Dad has prostate cancer and he's looking for a good second opinion in the Los Angeles area, thinking about City of Hope or Loma Linda. He's got Kaiser and is really starting to vascilate between implant radiation seeds and external radiation. His PSA has been as high as 13, but that was fairly soon after the second…
Recent dx of Prostate Ca
Hello everyone. I'm new to the site so here goes. I am 51 and in good health. The lab report which was included with an "approved" life insurance policy binder indicated a PSA of 22. My family Dr. was suprised the policy was approved and did new blood work which confirmed PSA 22. So I got plugged into the system and here…
Retroperitoneal adenopathy & bone mets
My dad had RP in 1998, following a PSA of 19.0 -- then, in 2007, it reoccured in the pelvic lining. He suffered 40 radiation treatments (broad spectrum to the pelvic gurdle), causing multiple issues. His PSA has been 0.01 since 2007. However, a recent CT scan, revealed bone mets "up & down" his spine, esophagus wall…
Active Surveillance Update - 18 months post diagnosis
Hello all. Felt an update was due. I was diagnosed in August 2010 after a biopsy showed 1 of 12 cores positive, Gleason 6, 5% of tissue involved. June '10 PSA was 2.3. Father had PC. General health good, age 56. Highest PSA was 6 months earlier at 2.9. In October '10, after several months of fairly strenuous investigation…
can someone explain doubleing time
had prostate removed in 2010. radaition in 2011. november 2011 psa was.03 at the end of feb. 2012 psa was.6 . gleason score were 9 in 2010 with a psa reading of only 1.6. going for blood work this week. expecting psa to be either .7 or .8. seems like psa goes up every 6 weeks. thanks for all your help
Interesting stuff
Hi all. Do hope this link works for you. Aspirin and pomegranate as delaying treatment for Pca and other cancers. http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/315517/Proof-Aspirin-is-a-life-saver
Nerve damage major problem
My husband was diagnosed with STAGE IV Bone Metastatic Cancer in May of 2011. It stemmed from his prostate and resulted in a large tumor on his spine and spinal cord. He had partial paralysis in his right leg. After his first round of radiation and hormone therapy his pain and mobility improved. He went through a second…
Testosterone Use after surgery
Hello Everyone, It has been a good while since last posting. Had my prostate surgery in Aug. 2010. Post op--4+3=7 with tertiary pattern 5. My urologist said in our first meeting after surgery--we'll be watching you like a hawk. So, every 3 mos. I have had blood work done. Except for first result which was very low (don't…
18 Radiation treatment done 22 to go!
Just thought I'd give another update, since it almost the halfway mark. Treatment is moving along and side effects have not been terrible, hot flashes from the lupron, some diarrhea, & difficulty urinating (takes long time for stream).....and still gets up every hour on the hour during the night to pee. Doctor has changed…
What do you think?
Hello all… I had RP surgery April 2010 and zero PSA until: August 2011: 0.2 December 2011: 0.1 April 2012: 0.1 My post surgery stats are T3B, 4+3 …What do you think?
Radiosurgery and sharp pain in ribs
I have had ten treatments and have two more to go. Today Is the first time I have felt like I am losing. On top of everything else I am getting these stabbing pains in my ribs. It is like someone is putting a knife in my ribs, lower right side, and pulling it out and doing it again. When talking with my RS doctor she is…
Follow up note
I originally posted a few days after my initial diagnosis with prostate cancer and you all provided extremely helpful advice. Thank you very much for that. I hope I can pay it back/forward in the future. Since that posting, I have had a second opinion with a very well respected surgeon and radiologist at BIDMC in Boston.…
Urethral obstruction
I had my radial prosectomy on January 23, 2012. Got clear margins and all 3 cancer places turned out to be 3+3 when biopsied prostate. My post-op PSA was 0. Now I have another problem. Urethral obstruction or maybe bladder neck. My bladder holds at least 350 mm urine and I can hardly urinate, but have no urgency. I was put…
Side Effects of Hormonal Therapy, Impotency and Intimacy with your better half, Need some good advis
Hi, Well its been a while since I posted anything on the forum but I really need some advise on what to do to see what options I may have in being a man while I have been chemically castrated by Casodex and my Hormonal treatments. I understand that this treatment is the only real solution to stopping my advanced metastatic…
This DVD is based on the works of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, researcher ( and , author of the China Study) which some of us read and as a result have made positive life style changes , and Caldwell Esselstyn MD who did clinical research on the same subject.The DVD presents documentation to support a whole plant based diet san…
3 month PSA post CK- Heading in right direction
Diagnosed 3/11 with Gleason 6, T1c, 2 of 12 cores positive 10%, PSA 14. Age 62. After much research on these forums, reading posts regarding all options and after much prayer, decided to go with CK in Lafayette, Co even though my Kaiser insurance did not cover. My only options with Kaiser were 40 treatments of radiation or…
The future of hormone therapy, plus other topics by Dr. Myers