turned 50 many more to come

hunter49 Member Posts: 251 Member
Celebrated the big 50 yesterday. While I was never much for birthday celebrations after my PC diagnosis last year that changed. I am 6 months post RP and numbers doing well. I am running , eating well and lost weight. Overall the experience has done a lot of good things for my overall health. Still have the posability of a reoccurence on my mind from time to time but guss that is natural. Do miss my steak and ice cream but a small price to pay for staying PC free (do have a steak here and there). Still enjoy my red wine and scotch. Hope everyone fighting the beast is doing well and take it one day at a time.


  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member
    You made it to the mid-century mark! Way to go, junior. Hoping you have many more fun celebrations.
  • Old-timer
    Old-timer Member Posts: 196
    I too am happy for you, Kid!
    Turning 50 was a long time ago for me, Hunter. But I remember it clearly. Back in those years (36 years ago) I also enjoyed scotch, steak, and ice cream. For some unknowen reason I no longer crave scotch but steak and ice cream are still very much appreciated. I also remember my early days of coping with pc. That was nearly 21 years ago. Strangely perhaps, dealig with and surviving with pc has enriched my life. I am finding that the eighties are worth living for! Even without scotch!

    Good luck for your continued success.

  • shipjim
    shipjim Member Posts: 137 Member
    Boy after 6 years, I never
    Boy after 6 years, I never gave up any foods especially steak. Maybe that's why I have ED! Hummmm that's a tough trade off if that's my problem.
  • jbw901
    jbw901 Member Posts: 23
    Also changed my diet significantly after diagnosis
    I also have changed my diet significantly since my diagnosis last July and RP at the end of January.
    - With the exception of the occasional bison burger I have given up red meat
    - Limit eating chicken to 1-2 times a week
    - Have given up all snacks and junk food (hummus and vegetables have replaced chips)
    - Significantly increased fresh fruits

    About a month ago my wife went to a "Farms 2 Forks" seminar and we have since transitioned even more to a plant based diet.

    I don't know if it will help me remain PC free, but I also believe I will find these changes beneficial to my overall health.
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    jbw901 said:

    Also changed my diet significantly after diagnosis
    I also have changed my diet significantly since my diagnosis last July and RP at the end of January.
    - With the exception of the occasional bison burger I have given up red meat
    - Limit eating chicken to 1-2 times a week
    - Have given up all snacks and junk food (hummus and vegetables have replaced chips)
    - Significantly increased fresh fruits

    About a month ago my wife went to a "Farms 2 Forks" seminar and we have since transitioned even more to a plant based diet.

    I don't know if it will help me remain PC free, but I also believe I will find these changes beneficial to my overall health.

    Hunter; Happy Birthday

    Enjoy as much as you can and be positive.

    I just returned from celebrating my mother-in-law’s 90th birthday (April 25). It is amusing of seeing some in such good shape in spite of the “bad” habits they follow. She eats anything others would classify as junk food and does not abstain from ice-cream deserts or chocolates.
    At the end of last year she had a second hip replacement done because the first was impeding her from travelling with confort.
    Fitness and positiveness may be her secret to her good looks and longevity.

    I hope we all get touched by fairy magical powers and become cancer free. I was 50 at diagnosis.

    Happy Birthday and best wishes for a continuing successful outcomes and good results.
