Treatment options with diagnosis at relatively young age.
I was diagosed last week after biopsy with 3+4 result. I am 51 and weighing options. Have always valued quality of life over quantity. My first instinct is to let nature take its course. It was not long ago we did not have routine PSA testing that started me down this road. Doctor recommends robotic surgery. He says at my…
A quick recap. My first PSA one month after the RP was 0.0. Two months later it had jumped up to 0.39, so I was pretty concerned. They checked it last week (6 weeks later) and it has thankfully gone down to 0.17. I'm thrilled to be below the magic 0.2, but how long should I let them wait from now on between checks? I'm…
Rising PSA after RP
I lost a kidney 2 years ago to renal cell cancer. I had a radical prostatectomy on Jan 9, 2012' one month later PSA was 0.0. In two months it's gone up to .39. How concerned should I be. My doctor wants to do another PSA in 6 weeks. I'm having a pretty hard time mentally/emotionally as my fiancé decided to run on me 2…
Just diagnosed at 55
I just got diagnosed last week. My PSA was 4.2 before being referred to my local urologist. He indicated that based on a DRE my prostate felt perfectly smooth and normal, although it was pretty large for a person my age. During the biopsy, in doing the sonagram he still thought everything looked good. However, the result…
Once again I've been fortunate to have an undetectable psa reading at 2 years 4 months following surgery and adjuvant radiation. Currently doing psa checks every 6 months. It has certainly been a fortunate outcome for me based on the stats. I was diagnosed as a T1C with a gleason 7 (3+4) after the biopsy. However, after…
I started HT two months ago. The first,two shots, were hurtful but I got through it. On the third of May I got my second shot. Did not go well. A wek later had an ultrasound that showed a cavity with fluid in it. I have not felt this bad since I started with rp in 2010-06. I am throwing up, worn out, and have pain from…
2 weeks before my prostotecomy
I was just diagnosed about 3 weeks ago after having a biopsy. My PSA was 9.8. 4 years ago I had a biopsy and I waqs told there were suspicous cells. I never followed up because after doing some research on prostate cancer, I read that it grows very slowly. I had another biopsy and i was told that I had prostate cancer. My…
PSA Testing Revisited
The United States Preventive Services Task Force announced in its final recommendation Monday that healthy men (at any age) should no longer get screened for prostate cancer with a PSA test because a resulting diagnosis may do more harm than good. While this forum has discussed this issue in some detail in the recent past…
How long to continue hormone therapy-Lupron shots.
In late 2011 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, high PSA number and Gleason score. I decided on radiation treatment, started with hormone therapy, followed by 5 weeks of external beam radiation and just had seed implants. At first my Oncologist said the hormone trerapy could last 2 to 3 years, then perhaps 2 years and…
Health Insurance
My wife has been insured with American International Insurance for more than ten years. She has only made one small claim on them for a minor injury. But when she turned 65 AIA told her that they don't insure people over 65. We don't live in the US or Europe where I am sure this discrimination is illegal. No-one would…
I am 81 and have just completed Novalis shaped beam IMRT. 6 weeks 2.3gy x 30. No side effects whatsoever. I had high grade localized cancer, gleason 3+4. diagnosed after TURP. Prior to which my PSA was 42 with severe BPH. I did not have my PSA tested after TURP. I immediately had RT and after 28 treatments my PSA fell to…
Unusual findings while urinating post-op
Approximately 5 weeks after RP, my husband developed what appeared to be an infection. His stream had declined(shortly after removing catheter)and it burned while urinating. He visited the local urologist who had initial treated him, and was given antibiotics and something for the burning sensation. Within a day or so, he…
Relay for life
This weekend I participated in my first relay for life sponsered by the American Cancer Society. Havent really determined if you calculate 'survivor' from date of diagnosis, or date of treatment. If from date of diagnosis then I'm a three year survivor. At any rate I really enjoyed the relay and our town raised $161,000…
Northern California Kaiser Permenente da Vinci Program
If any one has any experiences to share on their da Vinci at N.Cal Kaiser Permanente please do so on this thread. I'm presently on AS,but soon would be making some tough choices. Currently there are 4 da Vinci Urologists- 2 at Walnut Creek, One at Oakland and one at Santa Clara Kaiser. These are fellowship trained robotic…
Hi My husband had radical removal of his prostate 51/2 years ago, coming up 65 years old. Gleeson score 4+3+7 PSA very good each year. He has got a spot on his lung in february this year and had a new xray last week, can this be related to his prostate cancer 5 years agoe, can the prostate cancer have come back with a zero…
Vasco,update on Zytiga
Just got back from MD Anderson on Wednesday and the doctor's said the liver function look great! He believe's that I will be able to continue this medicine until next year. Have been on HT (lupron) for 2 years and also did a Bone Density test and very little change. Into the 4 months of Zytiga and PSA at 0.2, not bad. The…
Pain Pump Installed
Just a quick update: Fentynal via external pain pump with cath directly into the intrathecal spinal cavity sucessfully installed yesterday. Pre-op Daddy's pain level at 12+ (0-10 scale). He could not move without extreme pain in his back and ribs. 1 hr post-op; in recovery room: P/L at 7 3.5 hrs post-op; in overnight room:…
erectile dysfunction
I have a question to post. I'm taking cialis for erectile dysfunction 10 mils . My surgury was Dec 9 started taking every other day on Feb 1 . I see a little firmness but no erection. How long before trying something else or going to a higher amount? What was the average time before an erection?
Help request-info needed
Hello gentlemen, I am usually at the gyn cancer boards as I am a cervical cancer patient, but am over here on prostate in hope to gain a little insight on prostate cancer treatment. A friend of mine is battling stage IV prostate cancer. He was diagnosed about two years ago after falling down in his yard while mowing the…
Turkey, pork and chicken
Can anyone shed some light on comsuming pork turkey or chicken if you have PC? I know red meat is a no no and try to limit it to once maybe twice a month. However, not sure of these foods.
calcium channel blockers make PCa hormone resistant?
I heard a talk or read a book by Dr. C. "Snuffy" Myers where he discussed various blood pressure meds. "Calcium Channel blockers...makes prostate cancer hormone resistant GOOD BLOOD PRESSURE MEDS Ace inhibitors, 30% reduction in diabetes, can cause PSA to drop ARB's are even better meds than Ace Inhibitors NOT GOOD BLOOD…
Gleason Score
They did 16 needle biopsy sticks. I have a 5 core Gleason 6 with a grade of T2C. The tumor is affecting both lobes. My PSA was 9.8 I have been having difficulties for many years. I also have Sarcoidoisis which is an autoimmuine disease, Asthma, COPD and Emphazema. I am on Immuran which causes lymphoma and skin cancer. I…
Happy Mother's Day
Enjoy yhe day with family and friends..we are here.we are fighters, we don't quit. Be well,be strong..val
PET Scan denied by Insurance - still waiting....
Hello everyone... Well, Dad's insurance denied the PET Scan ordered by his oncologist. So, now we wait.... With his pain meds doubled, and an appointment this Thursday with the oncology radiologist - for palative treatment - it is hard to keep a happy face. Dad has good and bad days; bad days - he only leaves his chair to…
PSA Still Not Below 1
Well, it's been a year & 1/2 since my CK treatment in Sept 2010 and, after some irregular readings, the PSA is trending down but is still NOT below 1. Last reading yesterday was 1.55. Still waiting to break the 1 barrier. Oh well . . . at least it's still heading in the "right" direction. Hopefully, next time.
Just had my second shot last thursday morning. She went to the left side up high because of what happened on the right side. I get 75mgs. Anyhow this time it really hurt. On top of that the next day I got chills, and hot flashes accompanied with a killer headache. Saturday the side I got the shot on was red from my side to…
Prostate Cancer Surgery is “a waste of time”
The Daily Mail goes far in suggesting that Prostate Cancer Surgery is “a waste of time”. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2137135/Thousands-men-suffer-needlessly-prostate-cancer-surgery-waste-time.html They report about comments by scientists from the PIVOT (Prostate Intervention Versus Observation Trial)…
Vitamin D Levels Linked to Survivorship of Prostate Cancer—Genetic Variations May Play Crucial Role
Not the newest news but recent...All the best to all http://www.pcf.org/site/c.leJRIROrEpH/b.8056663/k.B5A7/Vitamin_D_Levels_Linked_to_Survivorship_of_Prostate_Cancer8212Genetic_Variations_May_Play_Crucial_Role_in_Determining_Outcomes.htm
New Dx also and Kaiser No. California Member
New Dx also and Kaiser No. California Member Hi: Found this board doing my research for a my brand new Dx of PC. Very good info and advice, thanks for any help and advice anyone can give. My Dx is 3 + 3 = 6. Two areas out of 12 involved one is 1 to 2mm the other less than 1mm and T1c. I am 57 years old and have already…
Just diagnosed and am going through the various treatment options and have had discussions with my urologist and with a Radiology Oncologist that does the ProstRicision here in Atlanta. I would be curious if anyone has had this procedure done and what there thoughts might be. I am also somewhat curious that this process is…