Treating Recurrence
I am a new member of this forum and having recently read a lot of the threads really appreciate the participation and knowledge of all the contributors. August 20, 2010 PSA Total 4.9 ug/L. November 12, 2010 - Radical Prostatectomy (Da Vinci) followed by 5-units blood and 48-hours later open surgery to stop bleeding.…
PSA how accorate a progbosis
I am confused about PSA statistics. Many people seem to think that a high PSA of say 8 or 9 means cancer. 12 years ago my PSA was 4 .Then I had three biopsies. 10,5 and 3 years ago. My PSA was 10, 20 and 27 respectively. The biopsies were all negative. I had severe BPH and took a lot of medication for it including…
Hormone treatment
I was injected with Lupron a week ago. To this date, I have not felt any ill side effects except for some tenderness in the scrotum area. How long is it before I can expect to feel any major side effects? I have completed 4 days (out of 42) of radiation and have not had any side effects of that either. Am I fortunate or is…
What not to eat???!!!
Hello again. I am so very confused about what to eat and what not to eat for the best health with prostate cancer in very early stage. I have read conflicting information between a "heart healthy" diet and eating lean meat to a vegan diet and eating no meat. Vegetables and fruits of course. I guess the question is rather…
IMRT finished, getting more tired day by day, is this normal?
Husband finished radiation May 14, he's getting more depressed daily and complains he is getting weaker and more tired. Has always been extremely strong and active. Will this get worse before it gets better? Any experience you can share would be helpful He's also on HT Lupron. Thanks djs
What are your opinions on "davinci method" and radiation treatment method for treatment?
OK so long story short my father/stepfather has prostate cancer and he isn't good on the internet. He called and asked me if I could find out cancer survivors opinions on the two treatments because he feels like doctors he talks to are just trying to sell him on the method they specialize in but he wants to know which is…
Norhtern Calif Kaiser docs
Hi, A couple of years ago we (my then SO and I) got very good information about Kaiser docs and the pros and cons of Davinci RP. My friend had it in August 2010 with Dr. Rosenbaum of Walnut Creek and is, by report, doing very well. Thank you for your help. Now another friend (not computer savvy) has been diagnosed: 7.5…
psa rising
I never thought I would back here worried but Iam . I had RP surgery (3 yrs ago)the PSA went up so the URO sent me over for IMRT.The PSA went up to .08 after the IMRT (radiation) the sessions were quite a experience. So now the PSA went up to 1.6 (doubles) The URO is hinting horman shots.You all know hormon shots have side…
Where can I find statistics on radiation therapy outcomes after surgery?
My boyfriend, 71, had prostate surgery (removal) in Nov. The docs now want to give him radiation daily for 7 weeks. They wouldn’t give him statistics, I'm not sure it was discussed. This isn’t new, thousands of men surely have gone through this. Can anyone please point me to statistics on outcomes of radiation vs. any…
I cant find a nomogram for post IMRT treatment. They seem to be for RT and brachtherapy only. Can anyone advise me.
psa 33
I have not been seeing a doctor regularly, I am 59 with a PSA of 33. I am scared. The urologist gave me bactrim for 2 weeks. there was no change in PSA. No real symptoms except frequent urination. Biopsy is next...what are my chances? kevin
1st Biopsy negative - Doc says no to 2nd?
Here is a quick summary. January 2011 Husbands' PSA was 1.1; March 2012 up to 5.3. 2nd bloodwork done in April - 4.7 psa with a free psa of 2%. Had a DRE which indicate possible enlargement. Doc said need biopsy to determine what was going on. Husband has been having lower back pain, groin pain, leg pain. Doctor took 10…
Proof is in the Pudding....
Happy Father's Day to all... I am sure we have beaten this to "death" but "on May 21st, the United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) issued its final recommendation against PSA-based screening for prostate cancer with a “D” grade for “do not recommend.” The conclusion that “few, if any” men, benefit as a…
Good news
A few weeks ago I said my PSA was 0.000. Went for my CT scans and bone scan last week. Dr. Told me this morning that my nodules have disappeared. He said it was the HT even though I only had two treatments. Went on to say that radiation would have left scars. He also said I have to get back on the HT despite the side…
New info - decision time
Hi again - Am quite new to the board and have only posted once before. I was diagnosed about a week and a half ago and was stunned at the appointment - I didn't process a lot of the info provided and consequently provided some incorrect info here. Here is my situation. 55 years old - relatively healthy - 10 cores sampled -…
Please, I need help.
Hi guys! I am very happy for found this forum. I have been learning a lot from you in the last 8 days. I have been reading you advices, been sad with some histories and happy with others, laughing about some funny comments and very worry about some information that is totally new to me. I have hope too because I see that…
psa test
Had my psa test results come back 7 months post op. 0.025 on a new ultra sensative test. Last time in March was <.01 but at a differnet lab. Guess this is still good. With bad 7 wach test is a nail biter.
PSA error
Never lose hope... Spent the last two weeks fretting an unexpected and large jump in PSA. I had been 2 yrs post RP with undetectable PSA. I thought I was out of the woods. Opted for robotic surgery in 2010 to avoid the fate of my father and grandfather, and the prognosis was very positive. Gleason 6, PSA 6.5, extremely low…
Zytiga, slows advanced prostate cancer: study
rising PSA post Radiation
In Aug, 2010, I was diagnosed with PCa (PSA-29, Gleason 4+3). In Dec, 2010 I began a 6 month program of Androgen Deprivation Therapy and had IMRT beginning in Feb. 2011. Since that time, my PSA has been raising and, to me, seems high. My results are as follows (note- the 5/31/11 test was while I was still on ADT, which…
Recently diagnosed with prostate cancer.
I’m new to this discussion group. Just recently diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer (T1C) and have spent the past few weeks reading many of the posts on this blog. I’m 56 years old, in good health, African-American, married. My annual PSA tests were increasing from 3.0 just a few years ago to 5.7 earlier this year.…
the real truth
Had to title it with something. Why does PSA rise,is it cancer cells? I was reading some of the discussions about people dying from things. My poor wife passed away May 26,2012 because she had so many complications her ot come would have been doubtful. I gave them permission. If she was alive she would be all over me about…
New diagnosis of Gleason 9; dilemna of treatments
Age 71; 2 weeks post biopsy; 7 cores taken; 3 out of 3 positive left and 4 out of 4 positive on right. Lupron hormone immediately and have had prostascint scan and MRI this week which I understand are merged so doctor can assess whether local in prostate or out. Radation oncologist is recommending IMRT + brachytherapy…
Finished Rads
Finally finish my 7 weeks of rads.On April 19th. Family and friends threw me a congrats party on the 21st.Now back to work full time + , doing well. just the fatigue,and some urinary/bowel inconsisties but thats normal. Other wise feel great!!!! Thank all of you for your support. Trying to put together a team to walk/run…
hormon shots/side effects
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 3 yrs ago.I had it taken out . The the PSA went up so I was sent over for IMRT treatment (radiation) . It didn,t make a difference. So the URO said hormon shots were next. Who has taken those what were the side effects. Iam pretty well used to no erections (without help)I have…
The following excerpt was posted on a website regarding a treatment plan involving Chemo I have not seen before. Is the Canadian healthcare system ahead or behind? "The really bad news was that Grant was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer just before Christmas, after a sharp rise in PSA level and other indicators…
Finished radiation therapy, how will I know if it worked
My husband finished IMRT on May 14th is also on HT. We wanted to know what happens next, expecting some sort of a test to determine the results. The oncologist said that the urologist (appt on June14th) would probably take a psa 3 months down the line then we would have an idea of how well it worked. He said a PSA test in…
Answer me this.....
Is "Advanced Prostate Cancer" determined by the Gleason score or is the term used if and when mets occurs? Jeff
Age 50 and recently diagnosed
I was diagnosed with a Gleason score of 6 and a psa of 5.2 with cancer in 1 out of ten biopsies. Also inflammation. This will be a great site for my journey. I know this is a "good" report but my first and main action is to confirm the pathology report and next to see if the cancer has somehow moved to another area without…
Avodart for low risk patients on active surveillance,
Below are studies that I have come across, both pro and con for the use of avodart for low risk patients who are on Active Surveillance......any thoughts on this million dollar question ................................... Avodart discussion pro and con jan 2012 pro Lancet. 2012 Mar 24;379(9821):1103-11. Epub 2012 Jan 24.…