Just completed week 2 of this. Woke up at 7, had to sleep at 10, got up at 11:30, had to sleep again at 1. Woke up at 3:30. WTched some bball, ate dinner and back in bed at 6:00. Woke up at 9:00 and went to bed at 10. Today woke up at 6:00, got up at 7, and then went down at 11:00. Forced myself to stay awake. Nowngetting…
Elimination of Lupron side effects
I had radiation treatment and have been on Lupron for 6 months. I have developed a serious lung problem (hypersensitivity pneumonia) which I think is caused by the Lupron. My oncologist recommended that I stop Lupron until the lung issue is solved. It has taken 2-1/2 months and many tests to diagnose. The pneumonia…
Recently Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
I have been reading some of the post that everybody has posted here trying to figure out my options. I have been battling with PSA levels for the last couple years, starting around 3 to 5.5 to 7.5 to 5 and now to 8.6, this over the last two years and had been treating it with antibiotics. I had a biopsy done last week and…
rising psa again and again cant catch a break
hello again. here is my question. had surgery then radation. since then it seems my psa has gone up 1 point evey 6 weeks. now it is at 0.5. first time around psa was 1.9 , 20 biopsies most were 9s. was on the outside of prostate.how long should i wait to start harmone therapy.i see i should have mentioned that i had…
1 year since RP
It's hard to believe but I had my RP one year ago March 1st. I completed a 6 month clinical trial at the same time. Just had my annual follow-up and had another 0! Here's to many more years of zeros for all of us! John
First PSA following prostatectomy.
Hello everyone, I am returning following robotic assisted radical prostatectomy. My gleason was 3+3=6. Cancer was found in part of one biopsy of twelve. I dont know what stage it was but the doc said he could not feel any lumps on digital examination prior to the biopsy. The surgery went well and my recovery has been very…
Checking in
hello everyone. another post radiation psa check. 9 mos post now. got a new psa level today. it was 0.9. dropping still dropping. man, it sure feels good to see it going the other way. another psa check in 4 mos.
As the annual Defense appropriations cycle starts once again....
A Service of Prostate Cancer International As the annual Defense appropriations cycle starts once again, The "New" Prostate Cancer InfoLink encourages all US-based prostate cancer patients and other US-based voters to e-mail your Congressman or Congresswoman and ask them to support prostate cancer research funding through…
48 years old HELP!
age 48, PSA of 10, Gleason of 6, T1N0M0 (cancer in 1 of 12 biopsies Sept 2011 ).Follow up bone scans and MRI negative: November 2011. Initially met with a respected radiologist November 2011, who suggested that an active watchful waiting is an option. Respected surgeon does not feel watchful waiting is an option and is…
Brakytherapy Plus EBR (IMRT)
Most of the discussion on this board relates to radiation versus surgery. I am having some difficulty finding anyone that has had good success with the seeds coupled with the beam. I am considering this procedure because I have been informed that this method helps to direct the beam to a more specfic area of the prostrate…
A new cancer fighting aspirin
Sounds too good to be true. "The humble aspirin may soon have a new role. Scientists from The City College of New York have developed a new aspirin compound that has great promise to be not only an extremely potent cancer-fighter, but even safer than the classic medicine cabinet staple. The new designer aspirin curbed the…
Could Prostate Cancer become obsolete?
Could Prostate Cancer become obsolete? This is my big YES. (or am I dreaming?) Here is the news on PROSTACAID, which was found to inhibit tumor growth in mice. The nicest thing is that refractory cancer is included so that we all belong in the same success. Here is the link;…
Candidate for active surveillance
My first entry after being a reader for recent weeks. I have muchly benefitted from those who have shared thier knowledge/experiences. Biopsy on 1/23/12 showed 1 of 12 cores was cancerous with only 2% involvement and a Gleason score of 6. Initial grading by OURLab and confirmed by pathologist at Mayo Scottsdale. PSA…
New Member
Hi all. I was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer, at 42 years old. The news has been somewhat of a shock, though I'm guessing everyone reading this note has gone through that. I think my first reaction was similar to many others: I want to be able to see my kids grow up. I had a PSA of 6.2 last September. Two follow…
PSA greater than 15 but can't find cancer
Has anyone heard of PSA being consistently very high yet biopsies and digital not showing cancer? and no symptoms. this is over a period of years
IMRT or surgery
I was recently diagnosed with CaP. Normal DRE, 6 of 14 biopsies were positive, Gleason 3+3 in all samples. The options presented to me were DaVinci Robotic surgery, RP, or IMRT. I am leaning towards IMRT, but I have not found much information on IMRT as a primary treatment for CaP. Any input?
Starting rads on Monday 5th
Starting rads on the 5th Final setup session, then get my 1st treatment. Will be 5 days a week,for 7 weeks. Theres a tumor just outside the margin,Drs dont want to take any chnce that it be cancerous. I keep updates for you all.
One Month on Zytiga
Went back to MD Anderson to test my PSA. February 01, 2012 psa 2.8 stage M1a February 29, 2012 psa .3 The doctor said that the requirement to use Zytiga that you had to have Chemo first, but they started testing last year to use Zytiga first which was not FDA aproved. In curtain case's Chemo does not work. In this study…
OFF-Drugs VACATION; Here I go......
My last PSA test provided me with a much wanted “bill” for a relief on the drugs. The testosterone got lower than the previous test (from 0.33 to <0.1 ng/ml) and the PSA maintained its equal result of 0.02 ng/ml. I was initially confused for the level of T because it has decreased but such did not influence the level of…
Prostate Cancer & Circumcision?
What nonsense! Now there's a study claiming that that circumcision is associated with a 15% reduced risk of prostate cancer. Here are some articles on the study: http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2012/03/12/148450933/circumcision-may-reduce-risk-for-prostate-cancer?ps=sh_stcathdl…
robotic prostectomy vs. seed implant
I'm scheduled for permament seed implant in 3 weeks. Having serious doubts about whether it's the right decision. I'm 51, otherwise very healthy, with a psa of 4.8,a gleason 6 with 6 of 12 biopsies positive.Prostate size is 26cm. Docs are confident it is contained. Tumors are on both sides but predominantly on one side. I…
New to CSN - First Post-Op PSA Test
I had DaVinci surgery on March 14, 2011, at City of Hope here in SoCal and finally got my first post-op PSA results a couple of weeks ago. "Undetectable!" My pathology report indicated stage T3A with extracapsular extension and a "single" positive lymph node. No positive margins, no seminal vesicle or lymph-vascular…
da Vince robotic surgery drs. in Atlanta GA?
In your opinion, who is the best dr. and hospital for da Vince robotic surgery in Atlanta? Thanks for any suggestions!
Has anyone tried a diet, fruit or herbs etc....to maintain the level of the psa Thanks Truckie
Reply to Ralph...
Ralph, My biopsy came back 1 out 12 cores positive...The gleason at that time was 4+3. May I ask what your path report came back at? Mine was gleason 4+5, pT3a, NO, MO... Also, you are a true fighter. I hope you are able to prove to the rest of us that this monster can be held at bay for long periods of time, until a cure…
Reply to Vgama re: path report...
Vgama, Could you be a little more specific regarding your inquiry for the NO, MO diagnosis. Since, the only written information I have is the biopsy and path report, I would like to know what else I should have received, either verbal or written? I will be asking the doc all the questions from the links you suggested.…
Confused about post RP PSA
Hey guys, I'm confused regarding post RP psa values. I'm aware, per my nurse, that anything less than 0.015 is considered undetectable, however, when trying to find answers via the web, I'm reading many articles stating that <= 0.1 is considered undetectable. Maybe, they are referring to same value, however, the decimal…
Enlarged prostate/positive for cancer
Hi, everyone, My husband (67) has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. We saw a urologist at Vanderbilt in Nashville, who has suggested that with the size of his prostate and a Gleason score of 3+3=6, his 2 options are "active surveillance, or robotic prostate removal. The prostate is so enlarged it is pushing up into the…
Sorry any of us have to be here.....
Hello all, I have also been recently diagnosed with gleason 9 stage, stage 3a, no, mo pc. I have been getting regular screenings for the past 20 yrs, so I was surprised like most of you are when the diagnosis came back. My initial biopsy showed one core positive and the clinical grade was t1c, 4+3, which was also…
Landmark Immunotherapy Vaccine Trial
News Released last month but of great interest For full story- http://www.roswellpark.org/media/news/roswell-park-launches-landmark-immunotherapy-vaccine-trial The Center for Immunotherapy at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) has launched a phase I clinical research study of a dendritic cell vaccine designed to both…