What items make you feel better?
Hi, I'm a cancer survivor who is working to help other patients/survivors. Thinking about your treatments and side effects, physically, mentally, etc. What type of items could someone give you to help make you more comfortable. Example: I had dry mouth and nausea - fruit flavored hard candy helped. Reading helped me pass…
Worried about my dad
Hi! New to the board tonight but have been reading posts, and you all seem to be so helpful - bless you and thank you for that! Sorry in advance that this may be long. :) My dad was diagnosed in late January, PSA 11.8. 3/12 cores positive, all less than 10% involvement, 2 Gleeson 3+3, the third 4+3. He had a full body bone…
Testosterone - confused
If testosterone feeds prostate cancer why don't really young guys have higher instances than older guys with lower testosterone? It seems counter intuitive to me to reduce testosterone to treat prostate cancer. If the issue is testosterone conversion to estrogen why not block estrogen production?
Just joined your club and trying to decide on treatment
I found out today I have pc. 50 yrs old psa 9.3 Gleason 6 (3 and 3) 15 cores 1 positive with less than 3 percent of tissue volume. 14 negative. T1c B0 Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Fingernail Deformities - Indicator of Cancer?
Here's another post-hoc observation from my experience w/PCa. About a year before my PCa was diagnosed, I developed deformities in my fingernails -- ridges, clubbing and spooning on various fingers. This concerned me enough to read up on it and the literature was suggesting an iron deficiency. So, I called my PCP at Kaiser…
Active Surveillance VS aggressive treatment for localized P Ca
FYI Please read the confessions of a Physician who rushed to treatment for a localized Prostate Ca. http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/172/4/311?etoc
psa rise 5yrs post radical surgery
just found out after 5 yrs post radical surgery that my psa is 0.1, all post surgery psa tests were <0.1, pre surgery psa 14 age 51,post surgery gleason 7, both lobes positive, margins,nodes, bladder neck all negative, however there was perineural invasion. Uro dr says retest 3 mos to check doubling time, if changes to 0.2…
Brachytherapy (radiation seeds)
has anyone had the treatment and if so what were the results and side effects
4+ year HNC survivor with neighbor/friend w/PC
Have a neighbor/friend who is 4 years into PC. Has had surgery, rads, etc. PSA has spiked again recently and Urologist recommends seeing a Chemo Oncologist. Probably an elementary question, but what is the most common and hopefully most effective chemo cocktail used in a similar situation? Really appreciate your help. JK
Six month PSA and CK side effects
Diagnosed CaP 3/11 w PSA=13, Gleason 6, 2/12 cores @ 10%, T1c, age 62 CK in Colorado during 7/2011 (self pay as Kaiser only offered Davinci, IMRT radiation and negative feedback about Cyberknife) PSA October 2011= 2.7 PSA January 2012= 1.7 Burning and urination frequency subsided after 2 -3 weeks During 9/2011, loose fecal…
Had Robot Assisted Prostatectomy December 5
I was diagnosed in early October with prostate cancer. My PSA was 5.5 and a DRE revealed a nodule. Subsequently, I had a biopsy - of the 12 samples, 3 were positive with one containing 40% "low volume cancer" and two others with a trace of cancer. I am 62 and my urologist outlined the options ranging from doing nothing…
Radiation strictures
I am 74 in good health. Diagnosed Dec.2011. PSA 4.4 up from 2.6 in 2008. Prostate measured a volume of 47.6 mL Biopsy labeled as "right apex" core. Adenocarcinoma. Gleason 3+3=6 involving 1 0f 2 cores approximately 5%. I chose "watchful waiting" with exam and PSA test every 3 month as a tentative first option. I was on…
i am a son of a father that has prostrate cancer with a gleason score of 9 trying to help dad
My dad has been dianosed with prostrate cancer had it removed with the machine said everything looked good a week later they said gleason score was 9 funny that they said nothing at time of recovery and did not mention anything about outside of prostrate till at one week follow up. he had a boon scan before and said not in…
feeling good and loving life
I know this sounds crazy but I am somewhat thankful for my PC. I never took time to really vacation with my family or enjoy my kids. This week we went to Mexico and I really enjoyed the trip I even shut down my phone and laptop. I went with my 10 yr old daughter scuba diving and really loved it. We ended up buying a place…
Hi, Iam new here and really glad that I found this sight! Let me first say WOW!!!! Let me tell you all about my boyfrind and his cancer expirence so far. Apr.2011- Family doctor does PSA screening.. PSA 43.1 schedules biopsy May 2011- PSA 45.1 Biopsy test results- A. Gleason score 5+4=9 involving 6 out of 6 cores…
Hair loss after HT and RT and regain. . .
At 52 years old, Feb, 2010 diagnosed with PSA of 143 and Gleason score of 8.5. Feb, 2010, Started HT, noticed hair growth on head but hair loss on arms and legs Finger joints are stiff and difficult to open and close, hot flashes often. Apr, 2010, PSA zero Oct, 2010, started RT ended at Dec, 2010 with 44 session. Continue…
Attended Medical school Lectures
I just returned from a trip to Loma Linda California to visit my Daughter who is first year Medical school student. They had a 'family day' for the first year students and their parents. As many of you know Loma Linda is known for their work with Proton treatments for Prostate cancer. My own father was treated their. I had…
pt3a feeling crushed.
Hi everyone. would welcome any comments on my case. But first, would like to say that this site is probably one of the best around. Nothing close to it in the u.k. and that is why I have joined. Anyway, here I go. 56yrs old. went for routine check-up last summer. complained of waking up once or twice during the night to…
Stealin' Time
Jesus Calling a great book!
Beyond Hormone Therapy
I was given a copy of a book that I thought may interest others on this forum. It is called "Beyond Hormone Therapy, Options for Prostate Patients", by Dr. Mark Moyad. The book is written specifically to answer questions for patients whose prostate cancer is considered "hormone-refractory". The book covers treatment…
Oncologist in the Philadelphia Area
I am looking for an oncologist in the Philadelphia - Southern NJ area. I have recurrent Pca after having a robotic prostatectomy in 2005. My PSA is now back up to 6.9. Any ideas? Pete
HELP!!!!! Did anyone hear of adrug called PROLIA? It's used in the treatment of bone loss in men with nonmestatic prostrate cancer. Today I was at my urologist & asked about a bone test since I'm on FIRMAGON over one year. He told me I didn't need a bone test since my PSA is on a steady decline. Currently PSA is…
Sad news about my dad
Hello all, As I sit here writing this I am completely shocked and devastated. Last week we had to take my dad to the ER because he hadn't left the house or gotten off the couch for 5 days. As you all know from my posts he was very weak and could barely eat or drink and at this point was having trouble breathing. We were…
Success with Cyberknife and ADT for Recurrent PC
Wanted to bring some good news to the forum! I listed husband's PSA results for the last 3 months. Has it really been that long? Yes, although we did manage to get in a great ten day vacation to the island of Lanai. The news is that Tim’s PSA was <0.10 ng/ml three weeks after the Lupron shot. Requested the ultrasensitive…
PCa & aspirin
Our local news channel had a segment on PCa and aspirin so I did a web search and came across a number of articles. They pretty much all said the same so I am sending only this one. I take a baby aspirin (81mg) once a day so now I will add one regular aspirin (325mg) along with it. An article in "The Lancet" publication…
radiation following radical prostectomy for gleason 9 with psa 0
My husband was diagnosed in April 2011 with Gleason 9 (4+5)prostate cancer. Bone scan and CT and MRI scans were clear. He had a radical prostectomy(nerves removed too)in June. Lymph nodes, bladder and seminal vesicles were clear, however there was some evidence that the cancer was breaking out of the capsule. His PSA…
44 and recently diagnosed - help!!!
I recently turned 44 and was diagnosed on September 3rd, 2011. PSA at the time was 3.0 and now 6.6. 1 core sample, 2%. Gleason 6. I have spoken to probably 10 different docs including Urologists and Radiology oncologists. RP seems to be the most common recommendation but I rather do radiation as I feel once my prosate is…
After having my prostate removed 8 years ago with a gleason reading of 7 my psa reading was .01 for that period.Recent readings have been .1-.4.What options should I consider?.
psa returns after 10 years
after complete removal of prostate nine and half years ago, psa has gone from .01 to .13 - .28 - .82 to 2.0 doctor wants to put me on hormone treatment. just need some input about this kind of treatment and what kind of hormone med. out there. also anyone out there with similer problem. I am currently 79 and i am concerned…
insight on Cyberknife centers NY/NJ?
any one have any information/experiences with Cyberknife tx centers in NY/NJ? Current location is Staten Island. I'm somewhat surprised by the lack of it use in Manhattan. Looks Like NJ/Long Island for us for a consult. Riverview Medical center is about 40 minutes from us. Any one with insight/experience on any of these…