Social Security
I have seen that some of you collect social security while you are going through chemo. Does everyone get to do that? I never knew that. I guess now that my treatments are over it would be good to know if god forbid I have a recurrence.
Are these side effects?
I have been taking Tamoxifen for about a month now. I have been getting hot flashes. They are mild and don't last long. I have also been experiencing fatigue. On Tuesday I laid down most of the day. Today I went for my haircut and went shopping for a while. I came home and laid down and now when I stand up I feel…
Nanoparticle fight in chemo resistant ovca.
Just read about an ongoing test being done with these nanoparticles. They attach to the cancer cells only delivering chemo to them. The study was being done at Yale. According to article, it could be used on humans in 2-3 years. Encouraging to hear this. Thought I would share it.
One down and 5 to go!
I took my first round of taxol/casplatin today. Back the next three days for fluids and anti-nausea meds. (first recurrence) Last year I had taxol/carbo/avastin. It's only 6:30. Is it too early to go to bed? :) It gets dark around 8:15 now. I think I will probably be in bed very early tonight, at least based on how I feel…
Hemoglobin 6 after chemo....anyone experienced this.
Hi - have any of u experienced a hgb as low as 6 a week after chemo (during that week a unit of blood was given prior to chemo b/c it was low)? A week later hgb = 6. On lovenox b/c of clots discovered at diagnosis of recurrent ovarian cancer - cancer now in omentum, inoperable and no bowel sounds since last intestinal…
Where Does Everyone Live
I am in Upstate New York. We live just outside the city of Rochester. Just wondering if by chance anyone is near me... Sorry to be asking so many questions. Just trying to get to know everyone :~)
BRCA1 Test.... Should I or Shouldn't I
I am really having a hard time with deciding if I want to do this test or not. After I had my hysterectomy and was diagnosed my doctor and I talked about it (along with my husband). It was never brought up again. Since my chemo has ended I have been reading up on it and now I am scared to death to have it done. Everything…
Anne Behyner is in the hospital
Anne called and wanted me to let everyone know she is in the hospital and would like you to pray for her. hugs Lynda
Debulking recovery extreme pain
Hello Dear Ladies I have just started to post a little since my surgery on July 24. It is now 2 weeks and the pain is still so bad. At times it becomes unbearable. I was wondering how long your recovery was and how long the extreme pain lasted. How did you manage the pain and all that goes along with it? I am eating like a…
Anyone heard from Ellen? Just wondering how she is doing. k❤
Remove ovaries but leave uterus?
Was reading through a couple of earlier posts and was just wondering if there is a reason to leave the uterus in and only take the ovaries out in a menopausal woman? I undertand the reasoning behind taking the uterus out (if warranted) and leaving the ovaries in but don't get the opposite. Especially in menopause, doesn't…
21 year old & scared!
Hi I am 21 in a week & have been having problems for the last 11 month since I gave birth to my son & my doctors kept fobbing me off then 5 weeks ago I got a CA125 test and my level was 30 which I am know to belive is normal and 3 weeks later got tested again and my level was 41 which the doctor seemed really concerned…
Is this a common symptom of ovarian cancer?
I am 58, so well past menopause, and have been feeling what I used to feel when I had mid-cycle pain before I stopped having periods 6 years ago. On my left side. Not pain really, but tenderness. It started in January or early February and now is at the point I feel it daily, 2 to 4 times, a minute or two each. I had an…
Troubles after session six
I finished up session six, ten days ago . Thought I would better but am still very shaky and weak .Pain in legs seems to be going away but cannot get rid of this shakiness and weakmness and horrible taste in mouth. Need to hear how it was for you after the sixth treatment. Thought it would be easier..... Thanks for all…
I had my first infusion of this (evil) chemo 2 weeks ago and I can honestly say it is the worse chemo I have had so far. On the plus side I only have to have 2 more :) I appear to have had ALL the side effects which have lasted 2 weeks and counting. I have actually been vomitting along with feeling nauseous. However that…
Why am I running fever? My throat has been a little scratchy today.
I have been running a temp. of around 99.2-99.9. Supposed to start back in treatment in the morning. Guess if I'm still feverish then, they'll put me on antibiotics and postpone. Always something with this stupid disease, isn't it? Carla
Sister diagnosed with Stage II Ovarian CA
Hi everyone, My 32 y/o sister was recently diagnosed with stage 2 OVCA. She has undergone TAHBSO last Friday and is seeing her doctor on Monday to discuss her chemo treatment. Because of this, I have been browsing the net just to learn more about this disease. The things I've read are really worrisome but I have to be…
Organic Milk?
Hi Ladies, I do not use much milk, but I have been buying Wal-Mart brand of organic since my diagnosis last year. Is this truly organic? My sister said from what she understands it means only that chemicals were not used around the cows. Does it still contain hormones? Thanks for the info. Carla
my scan came back great no cancer
i got the results of my scan today and praise God it showed no cancer, no lymphoma, no cancer at all. thanks for praying for me
Has any one heard from Felicia? I thing see was due for a Pet scan and was in the hospital.
Why so many steroids with cisplatin?
Hi Ladies, I will begin cisplatin/taxol next week for recurrence. Last year I took six rounds of carbo/taxol. I have been prescribed Dexamethason (4mg) 5 tablets the night before a treatment, and 5 tablets the morning of the treatment. I assume they will be giving me more steroids along with Benadryl for the pre-meds. I…
I start my chemo back on Tuesday (8-7)
Feeling better
Today, I finally got chemo again!!! I missed two weeks due to WBC and then platelets. I was just on the edge today, but he approved chemo anyway. It feels good to have another chemo session done. 7 more to go. The other good news is I also had my CA125 done and even with only one chemo session in the last three weeks, my…
Dr. Appt.
Hi Ladies..Well I had my doc appt. today..I will be on avastin every other week and cytoxin 50 mg. daily. My ca125 is now up to 1000, and my platelets dropped back down to 62. I have not been able to take any chemo because my platelets have been too low. We needed to try something that wouldn't effect my platelets so…
My cancer loves me
And won't leave numbers came down one stinking point so I will be on Carbo/Taxol gor another six months. Hoping it will go by better for me. Time to get out big girl panties and all of my arsenal and fight like hell. Hope you are well....Val
What are you thankful for today?
Always makes me feel better to think on the things I am blessed with. Here is my list: 1. My Savior, Jesus 2. My family 3. Friends 4. Gods word and promises I do hate this disease we have but focusing on anything good will strengthen us for the journey.
Saw my dr. today. First recurrence after nine month complete remission.
cisplatin/taxol every 3 weeks for 6 rounds. He said he hopes he can put me back in remission. I am stage 3c clear cell. Any one had these drugs? What can I expect? Very upset and nervous, plus just MAD about it!!! Since my kids lost their dad two yrs. ago, I want to live to see my daughter finish college (Dec. '13), both…
I Got My Scan Results
Doctor's office called this morning and the nurse told me my reslts. She said everything looked good. There was no cancer. We have an appointment for Friday morning and the doctor will go over them with us. She wanted to let me know to stop worrrying and that all was good Eileen
where are hizzy fitz and nancy
have not seen thses 2 ladies for awhile on here, anynone know how they are
I don't have ovarian cancer, my dx was appendix cancer but had a scare in April thinking the cancer had spread to ovary so my right ovary was removed. Anyway, this surgery in April combined with the surgery last year on appendix/colon put me into menopause. Not on any hrt right now but started Remifemin about 6 weeks ago.…