My new favorite beverage?
Prune Juice! Hooray for Prune Juice! Yeah, I took that nasty cistplatin/taxol Monday. I rarely have trouble with constipation. (with IBS, it's diarrhea for me usually, ugh) Anyway, my sister got me some prune juice this afternoon. I feel SO much better. Oh, the simple pleasures of life. LOL! Sometimes you just gotta laugh…
Cytoxen put me in the hospital
I don't know how many of you read my post about the extra chemo treatment they were giving me called cytoxen. The point of it was to wipe out my bone marrow to make room for stem cells since my first stem cell collection didn't go so well. The Dr said that its not very strong at all and they use it on about half of their…
update from Mwee
Hi Loves... My brother is failing quickly from his pancreatic cancer and I've been trying to support my poor sister-in-law. She is doing such a wonderful job being with him 24/7 and trying to keep him comfortable. My ONC has given me extra time off from my chemo regiment so I've been feeling pretty strong. I have my next…
Advice needed
Hi ladies. Haven't posted for awhile. I am currently taking avastin every two weeks. My platelets always seem to be an issue, so onc is trying oral meds plus the avastin. I tried cytoxin first , but ca125 just kept rising. It was back up to 2500 the first of September. Started taking etoposide then . You take for 14 days…
Weird CA-125 stuff
Hi Ladies, My CA-125 in May was 9. A lymph node lit up on the pet scan. A needle biopsy confirmed cancer. When it was surgically removed in July it was confirmed to be ovarian. After one round of cistplatin/taxol it was 50.3 at the end of August. End of September it was 31.9. Obviously it fell, but I'm really scared since…
Natural/Homeopathic remedies for menopause
The back story. I am 34 years old. Diagnosed with ovarian cancer 1C November 2011. 2 rounds of carbo/taxol and 4 round of carbo/taxotere. I have been out of sorts since my diagnosis, hormonally speaking. I just assumed it was the chemo but I'm 6 months out now and I still don't feel right. Hot flashes, irritability, and…
Clinical Trials
Is anyone currently in a clinical trial or thinking about volunteering for a trial? If so what phase, where, and please describe your experience as much as you are allowed and comfortable with. I am considering a phase 1.
New Cancer Patient HELLO!
Hi Everyone. I am trying to figure this site out. I had my hysterectomy on October 2 and subsequently diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Someone recommended this site for support. I was kind of scared to get on the site because then I would have to admit I am sick. My caregiver, my Husband has been freaking out. I find I have…
Latest CA 125
My count went down again...it's 29, down from 67 last month. OMG I'm actually in range, even though my nadir is single digit. I am so happy. I can breath for another month. I am so thankful to everyone who prays for me. Prayer and the medication are a pretty strong opponent for the wicked monster. Karen
BRCA GeneticTest
Had my blood drawn yesterday. She said it could be back in 4 days or it could take 6 weeks which is the norm.... My appt for the result is Nov 13 and she will call if it comes back earlier.
I must really love the hsopital
I am back in for the third time in three weekds this time I hope they can et the fever to go down and the swellling undercontol. I could not walk on my left leg and it was hurting pretty bad guess that is all. Anne
Out of the Hospital
Got out of the hospital today so yay but ill be back in 5 days
Hi there - I haven't seen any posts from you in a couple weeks and I just wanted to le you know I was thinking about you and wondering how you are feeling..... Drop us a line when you get the chance and let us know how you are. I hope all is well with you. eileen
Hi, I am a new member
Hi I am a new member that has been following some of your stories for a short time trying to get the nerve to register. I have been dealing with OC for some time now and been on a roller coaster of emotions ever since. I think I finally decided to join in because it is hard to talk with friends and family that really can’t…
Sorry about not keeping you up on Tina
It's been a crazy 2 weeks to say the least. It's been a very hard road for Tina so far with so many ups and downs twists and turns to list. She just got out of ICU after a three day stent and I think maybe she has turned that corner. That said there is still no release date in site according to the Dr but we're hoping next…
Whole Body Hyperthermia
Someone I love with ovarian cancer is considering Whole Body Hyperthermia (WBH) treatments in addition to her current treatment. If you have undergone WBH as a treatment, I would like to know if you feel it was successful and worthwhile, and where you went to have it done. Even if you did not have ovarian cancer, but have…
Hi, I am a new member
Hi I am a new member that has been following some of your stories for a short time trying to get the nerve to register. I have been dealing with OC for some time now and been on a roller coaster of emotions ever since. I think I finally decided to join in because it is hard to talk with friends and family that really can’t…
My sister was just diagnosed with ovarian cancer
Hi my name is Angie, My sister whom is 30yrs old just had a large mass removed from her right ovary that ended up being cancer. They also removed her ogmentum(spelling) ? and her lymphnodes even though the doctor said they looked good. They did leave in her left ovary an uterus which if they were affected by the cancer he…
Hello, my loves
I'm stopping in this AM to check in with everyone and let you know why I haven't been posting and greeting newcomers recently. My brother's pancreatic cancer returned with a vengenance. He had been clear for 2 1/2 years after suffering through the Whipple procedure. We are a small family group and I can't begin to express…
Anne, how are you?
Hi Anne, Was just thinking about you, wondering how you were doing? Are you out of the hospital? Virtual hugs are being sent to you. You're also on my prayer list. Carla
Connection w colon CA?
I have read some stuff indicating that women w ovarian CA are more likely to also be positive for colorectal. Now I have myself all paranoid since I have lower pelvic pain, rectal pain, intermittent problems w hemorrhoids, rectal bleeding, etc. I will talk w my oncologist about these symptoms, but does anyone have any info…
hmm.. am I in this ballgame?
Hi all, I am a breast cancer survivor. Yay! (about the survivor part). I finished my treatment in early May, which consisted of surgery, chemo and radiation. So, for the past two months, maybe a little longer, I have been experiencing some symptoms that are scary close to symptoms of Ovarian Cancer. Had an ultrasound last…
calling all prayer warriors please
KimmyAnne question for you
Kimmyannne- I saw in another post you were diagnosed in January/ So was I. I was told at my hysterectomy follow up appointment on January 2oth. It was quite a shock to all of us inclding my doctor who thought I dodged a bullet. Because of that I had to go back in for another surgery to have the ip port put in.
seromucinous carcinoma
Does anyone know anything about seromucinous (carcinoma?) ovarian cancer? I just found out that is they type of ovca I have...
Good morning everyone. I'm new here so I'm not sure where to start. I guess when it all started. When I was 23, in 2010, I was pregnant with my 3rd child. I had a pap. My paps had been abnormal for a while, but this time it was different. A colposcopy and biopsy confirmed carcinoma in situ. I was told not to worry and my…
Dave, How is Tina?
Has she been able to have surgery yet? You both are in my prayers!! Carla
This really sucks
Well it looks like Ill be taking a long break from chemo. Maybe 3 months the dr hasnt really decided what to do yet. The nupegen shots made me very sick and I ended up in the hospital again. 3 shots a day in my stomach for 12 days in a row all for nothing. They did a stem cell collection on me and it didnt go well. On…
new member!
Hello! I'm a new member and extremely happy that I found this site and was able to create an account! I'm glad to be able to be in contact with people who are going through or along the same process as I am. My family and friends are a great support system, but sometimes it is hard to express how I feel to them because…
How to keep this disase from defining us?
I am really struggling with discouragement and feeling hopeless. After my 9 month remission, I'm back in chemo for a recurrence in a lymph node near my left collar bone. (As I posted earlier having a tough time with taxol/cistplatin). I now have my teaching license (at age 50), but could not find a job because of my…