Need someone to tell me to stop
Ok, I am having a really bad morning. I think I have done a pretty good job at staying possitive considering I have Stage 3c OVC, but this morning I wandered away from our wonderful support group to the internet and was looking at survival rates. I got myself in a funk now and can't stop crying. I do think possitive but I…
Has anyone used just carboplatin for chemo
Has anyone ever used just carboplatnum for chemo?
new drug Dalantercept?
Just wondering if anyone has heard of this drug, or possibly tried it? Really hoping to hear someone is still on it and its working great! :) But any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Lisa Duffy are you on this board? A friend of your friend in northern California
trying to contact her.
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
I can't be the only one whose stomach looks like...a Puffy Front Butt with the long vertical hysterectomy scar and after chemo-related weight gain. This week I had consultations with two plastic surgeons. They are claiming to be able to remove all fat and extra skin, to tighten abdominal muscles, and to replace vertical…
CSN update
I apologize to everyone for not having communicated sooner. You have been more than patient under the circumstances. At this point, all of the content that was missing following the upgrade has been restored with the exception of private messages. There has been an ongoing investigation for several weeks that has yielded…
Just wondering...
There are days when I feel so fatigued. When I got up on Friday and Saturday, my body felt like it weighed 500 pounds. On Thursday I went to the hike with my cancer support group, then had my hair cut and colored and went to do some shopping. I had looked forward to the day. I went into Macy's for less than an hour and…
anyone taking ativan long time ??? I would like to guit taking it
Just looking for some advice. I have been taking a very low dose of ativan for a year since my surgery etc. I have read about side effects of stopping the medication and plan on doing it slowly, however i just wondered if anyone else took it for a period of time and had any kind of major withdrawal from it? I dont like to…
OVCA Vaccine Trial (FANG™) in Dallas
http://mccrc.clinisite.com/index.php?q=node/693 My wife is looking into this trial after her Taxol maintenance regimen concludes this Summer. I don't know if MD Anderson kept a large enough sample of her tumors. Do any of you know if it is common practice to "ice" the tumor specimens after surgery?
Having a bad day
Ok...I am have 10 treatments under my belt and 8 more to go. Today I am feeling sick to my stomach, no appitite, and extremely tired. Please tell me this is just a bad day and I will have some more good days until the end of treatment? This is terrible.
Could I use your other shoulder?
My onc just called with my latest CA 125 and it went up again from 40 to 72. She is offering me another drug, I can't remember the name right now. I thought she said samara but when I googled I found Synarel. That might be it. She said if the numbers get too uncomfortable for me or if I start to feel anything, I can choose…
caris testing
Has anyone done t he molecular testing by the company Caris, which can assist with the best chemo to use?
Bye-bye portie
My IP port was taken out today. Good riddance to the silly little thing that never worked and only caused pain and frustration. The surgery took about 5 minutes including cutting, pulling the port out, sutures and chit-chat with the ONC. Then I drove myself home. Husband is too busy to come with me; working extra hard…
GOG Meeting
The Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) held its 84th Semi-Annual Meeting on Januray 26-29, 2012 in San Diego, CA. http://www.gog.org/meetinginformation.html Presented last summer, in the first head-to-head clinical trial comparing gene expression patterns (molecular profiling) with personalized cancer cytometric testing…
Newbie here..mom diagnosed with stage IV Ovarian Cancer
Hello, I will apologize upfront for the long post, but since I'm new I'll share all that's happened up to now. My mom is 62 years old and was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian cancer 14 days ago. She went in the hospital 12/29 and wasn't diagnosed until 1/4. She's had issues with her breathing since this began, in fact that…
Hair loss question
Hi, Everyone! I have a question about hair loss and regrowth. I have Stage 3 c, high grade and a second, unrelated cancer in uterus, stage 1, discovered in pathology from surgery. Beginning in March 2012, I had 3 rounds of taxol/cisplatin to reduce tumors away from bowel before surgery in June. My hair fell out right on…
Forme (Lisha) - how are you doing?
We haven't heard from you for a while and I was wondering how you are doing? Kelly
My Grammy has stage 4 ovarian Cancer.......
Hello Everyone. I found this page by coincidence and was just coming here for a little support if that is o.k.? I did not know where else to go. My Grammy is 72 and about 2 years ago she was diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 ovarian cancer. Unfortunately it had spread to her colon and bladder as well. When she was younger she…
Low Grade OC, Stage 3 C
I have had surgery for an "endometrioma" which was actually Stage 3 c ovarian CA. There are 2 path reports, one says Grade 2 tumor, other says Low Grade. I am going to have a 3rd one. This has probably been there for 4 years. Had a pap with irregular ovarian cells 4 years ago. I am hoping for low grade, but it is reported…
Need to vent
I am sorry but if I don't get this out I feel like I will explode. I have mentioned that my family consists of my son, my mom; I think I have vented before. My mom is 88 and has her share of health issues. She has rheumatoid arthritis which has crippled her hands and feet but she is still able to do everything for herself.…
So I had my first treatment on January 7th it wasnt too bad but the neulasta shot that i had the next day kicked my butt. I was in bed for two days. Am i going to have the same reaction every time i have that shot
Good News
Just finished 5 months of Doxil which did not work and then 6 treatments of Carbo for first recurrance. I am happy to report that my ca 125 is 11 and we are calling it a remission. Not doing a CT scan as they hardly ever show my disease. No bloodwork or doctor appts for 4 months! Dr told me to take a long trip and enjoy…
CA 125 Question
Hi, I wonder if anyone has had this happen to them. I have been NED since January, 2010. Had Stage 2C with a hysyterctomy and six months of chemo in August, 2009. Have been doing real well until recently. I went into the hospital with what I thought was a gallbladder attack, however, the Drs. were not sure if it was a…
Muscinious type Ovarian Cancer with 19-9 tumor maker as well as CA 125
Hi, I was diagnosized with muscinious type carcinoma ovarian cancer when I was 25 in 2009. I have recurrence every yr as well as debulk abdominal surgery. I just had a debulk surgery in Oct 2012 and in Dec, it came back metastasis to the lung(small nodules). Now, I am having oxilaplatin and if it doesn't work, will be on…
Acid Reflux Again...
I know I discussed this about four months ago but still having problems with acid reflux. My chemo ended in August but since then have had every test in the book and have tried about 6 different pills and still having problems. Have put the front of my bed up and tried many other home remedies but nothing has worked. Has…
Afraid for my Mom---she is in ICU and everyday is more bad news
My Mom was dx with Ovarian cancer in June. On July 31, she had her hysterectomy and debulking. She had convinced herself that it would just be the ovary and that would be that---bring on the chemo. It was anything BUT that. They found extensive cancer in her abdominal area. Her spleen was removed, cancer was "caked" on the…
Long road ahead
I am on my second round of Carbo/Taxatore ...md cut it back by ten percent as I was very ill for two weeks. My numbers are way down and my Prt showed signigicant reduction. My balance is much better..don't need walker..use ankle weights. Lost some weight..have thrush every month. Stindoors. Most of time..flu season. My…
Next clinical trial info recieved
I just wanted to share some information on the next clinical trial my Onc is suggesting for me. It is a phase 2 evaluation of a drug called Dalantercept, a novel soluble recominant activin receptor-like kinase1 (alk-1) inhibitor recepter-fusion protein. Thats a mouthfull. It's also known as ACE-041 and was created by…
3 month check up today
I had a 3 month check up today and all went well. Everything is normal... My CA 125 went up a few points but doc is not worried because I was getting over a stomach bug and had a bit of a cold when I had it done so we are going to re do it in a month. She said see you in 3 months... I was a wreck about this appointment. It…
The beginning of my Mum's story.
Hello, I'm new here and like all of you I have found my way here under the most awful of circumstances. My beautiful angel of a mother has been suffering accutely with what she has been told was IBS for some months now. On Monday Nov 26th she was rushed into hospital where she had emergency surgery to deal with a blockage…