Hey Pam - PTARP
How are you feeling? Thinking of you. A big huge CONGRATS on finishing chemo........ So happy for you.
Just got Petscan results...
When I got home from my onc appointment I asked my mom if she wanted the good news, bad news or sh*t news. The good news is the original tumor is almost the same size as the last Petscan showed in June. The SUV (standardized uptake value) is lower. That indicates the rate at which the tumor is growing. The bad news is…
2nd clinical trial done, no help. :(
well looks like the cat scan results showed disease progression, and I am off of the Dalantercept. I only had 2 shots, and thought they would give it more time, but my Onc wants to see me tomorrow to discuss my next step. he said the amount of growth surpassed their limits for me to stay on the drug. I knew they were…
Scan results from yesterday.
Hi Ladies. My doctor called me this morning with my CT results. He said my disease is stable. I have all lymph node involvement. He said there are no new lymph nodes since scans four months ago. He said a few nodes increased by a milimeter while others decreased slightly. He plans to keep me on doxil as long as it's…
ca 125
Hi Ladies Well today was the day that I got my courage on. I was to have my blood work done Monday, but between exhaustion from the wedding and my own personal fear, it took me till today. It's really odd to be so emotional about a blood test. I'm sure it's because of what the results may or may not say. I'm very hopeful…
Had.third chemo
Last Thursand still feeling bad. Poor appetite .sore mouth and tongue and very little energy. I have marks in my legs that look like burns...omg...always something. Having loose bms also...it is Spain when you you take a pain pill and go to sleep...then you have to go. Hopefully tomorrow. Will be better. I am on…
Am I just crazy, dumb, or what?
Hi Ladies, I have scans this upcoming Wed. (march 6). I am SO scared. I've had 4 rounds of doxil after first recurrence. (approx. 7 months remission). I changed drs. after 3 rounds of cistplatin/taxol. Scans after those showed mild growth in the nodes. My new medical onc. did not think the costplatin/taxol was the right…
High CA125, mass found on left ovary and scared!
I am 41 years old. I had blood tests approximately three months ago, which revealed a CA125 of 33. I made an appointment with my gyno, who repeated the CA125 and now is at 127. I had a vaginal ultrasound the following week, which revealed a cyst inside my left ovary. A doppler was performed and no blood flow to the cyst…
Gerson Therapy
Has anyone heard or had experience treatment at the Gerson clinic in Tijuana Mexico? I'm looking for any treatment after finish my chemotherapy, I got my CT scan last week and there is no evidence of cancer. My CA125 was 11 last Tusday. I think I'm just desperate that cancer won't return.
Hi was trying to avoid this conversation. I do read every post here most every day. I went yesterday for my CA125 Im 9months out of chemo so my number went from 8 to 42 I have had a cold for three weeks in January and dental work over the weekend. Does anyone have thoughts or experience with these things raising your…
Need some reassurance - HELP
I have two more treatments left and a CT scan in mid March. I am already worried about my 3 month check-up and would like to hear from Stage 3C long term remissions over 10 years. Are they really possible? How often does it happen? My doctor said for a person that was diagnosed at 3C I have good chances. He said I was MORE…
Low grade fever following chemo? (Doxil)
Hi Ladies, I just took Round 4 of Doxil this Monday. I am running a low grade temp. 99.4. I also did this after the third round for a few days. Does anyone else run fever after a treatment? My doctor told me to call if it reached 100.4 or higher, or if I felt just real crappy. :) Other than some fatigue I don't really feel…
Are there any "hopeful" signs (or non-symptoms) when we recurr? and other random things to discuss
Hi Ladies, AS I posted the other day, I am just about crazy with fear and dread of next week's scans. Yes I did recurr after about seven months. But even though I'm stage 3c clear cell, I still achieved remission. Can I again? I have absolutely no symptoms as I had when I was diagnosed in May '11. I have had no more…
I purchased my Graviola from www.rain-tree.com I had seen it a few months back while doing some research on natural cancer cures. This herb always shows up. Very interesting reading. And I figure what do I have to lose besides my hair. I just started taking it. It is very potent so I take it with Organic yogurt and I just…
I have 1 more chemo to go and then the oncologist suggests I try Avastin. Has anyone tried this?
Looking for Stage II Ovarian Cancer Survivors
Hello, I was DX on May 2009 with a Stage 2B ovarian cancer. I am looking for anyone else who was a stage 2. I want to see how they are doing and if they have had any re-occurances. Thank-You for any information you can provide me. Paula
Planned CSN outage
Hello everyone, Between 3:00 and 4:00 Eastern Time this morning, CSN will be taken offline for about 2 hours. Exhaustive efforts were made to find a way to restore all private messaages. I'm not qualified to provide technical details but the bottom line is that all private messages that you sent from September 2009 forward…
I was wondering if before you got diagnosed with ovarion cancer did your symptoms come and go or were they pretty consistent?
I am fighting Stromal Cell Ovarian Cancer
I have signed up for this site a long time ago and just realized I never posted - So... Here I am.. This is me. I began my journey of ovarian cancer on 9/4 when I went into the emergency room with what was believed to kidney stones. They performed a cat scan and came back to say “good news no kidney stones” Bad new… “There…
Itching related to carbo/taxol?
I'm on dense dose carbo/taxol. After my second dose of taxol only, I developed severe itching. No rash though. It feels like it is coming from inside my skin. Nothing relieves it. It is getting worse. I can hardly stand it as I am typing. My hands and arms are itching like crazy. If I scratch, it itches even worse. I…
Increased pain
Hi Ladies, Lately I have much increased pain. it's not yet six months since I had my debulking surgery. I have had pain since then , but it seemed to be getting less noticable, Now it is becoming all the time. I was thinking that maybe it might be adhesions. I know that when I had the surgery the onc spent many hours just…
Could someone please tell me....
Why the heck my eyelashes keep falling out?????? It is really starting to piss me off. LOL.Seriously I think I am on my 3rd if not 4th set of eyelashes since they came back the first time. I am never without eyelashes because they are constantly growing but right now they are just really short. It seems like everytime they…
MIA...but i am back!
I've been away for a little while, things have been kind of hectic around here! Mom has recovered amazingly from her surgery and she's been through three chemo treatments with three more left. She's handling them so well! Barely any side effects, she has lost some of her hair but ended up cutting it really short herself.…
afraid I have ovarian cancer I am so scared
I have felt run down for awhile now, but lately I am exhausted, I have gained weight without changing eating (I was feeling nauseous and vomiting alot but I haven't for some time, but now I have frequent indigestion) I am peeing every 5 minutes (not an exageration! when someone is in bathtub I have to have them pull the…
chemo treatments
So I have had 3 chemo treatments and so far no problems. No nausea or vomiting or mouth sores or neuropathy. I have had hair loss and have been taking baby steps and cutting my hair short. I have plenty of scarfs and hats to wear and have found a great wig to wear. The only problem I have really had is the injection of…
First day of chemo is over!
First day of chemo went very well. Taxol in the chest port. I still feel great. Tomorrow is cisplatin in the IP port, some fluids on Wednesday then I am done until next Monday. So far so good! I drank fluids all day and took a double dose of Miralax. I was even hungry during the infusion. I think it is the steroids that…
A problem complicating things
Thanks for all your comments. I have not been on in a while becasue i am still at that stage where I get freaked out when I hear of someone getting a reoccurance or worse. I have been seeing a therapist and I think it helps. I am hoping I will be that 30% that do not reoccure or only once. There is a woman, Helen on one of…
chemo treatments
So I have had 3 chemo treatments and so far no problems. No nausea or vomiting or mouth sores or neuropathy. I have had hair loss and have been taking baby steps and cutting my hair short. I have plenty of scarfs and hats to wear and have found a great wig to wear. The only problem I have really had is the injection of…
CA125 test
I'd like to set the record straight on the CA125 test from my point of view ... obviously! Some women who are diagnosed with ovarian/primary peritoneal cancer at a late stage have a normal CA125 reading throughout the course of their treatment. This was the case with me and remains the case. However, if the CA125 reading…
Latest CA 125
I had my blood draw on Wednesday and got an email from my doctor (not a good sign) that my count has more than doubled since last month. I have been on Femara for that time and it obviously didn't help. She wants to set up a petscan. I am so afraid I am getting nearer to chemo. I have been in a funk since my numbers began…