Second Class Cancer

kikiz Member Posts: 94
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I went to the Drs. My counts were good but had a problem with my medical card. Here in the state of Kansas, I am on a program called Medically Needy. I am on it for 3 years from the date of disabiliy before I get Medicare. I worked so I do get Social Security. I have a high spendown (about 30% of my check a month) plus a $3.00 co-pay for each visit and prescription after I meet my spendown. My problem. I went on the website for HealthWave (the medical provider) and found out that those with Cervicle or Breast Cancer do not pay the co-pay
I think I am going to see if I can get my dianosis changed to one of those. I want to be popular for once in my life. I want the one that doesn't make me have to decide if I want my child to have lunch money or I want a prescription. The $30.00 a month I have to pay on top of my spendown may not be a lot to some but it puts my medical at about 33% a month of my disability pay.
Please understand that I am thankful I live in a country that does help with medical, disability ect. I just wish that I had gotten the more IMPORTANT Cancers.

Just had to Vent


  • Lisa13Q
    Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
    Thats Absurd
    call the American Cancer Society..I am so sick of this stuff..maybe they can explain it...terrible
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    Lori....that is outrageous.
    Lori....that is outrageous. Just plain outrageous. Ovarian is the most deadly of all female cancers. And so much harder to detect early. There is no "Pap smear" for OC, no film study or self-exam. Even a skilled Gynecologist can rarely detect Ovarian Cancer during a well woman exam.

    I hope that the new health care law will ease some of your financial burden. I am fortunate in that I have primary and secondary coverage, so my co-pays are quite low. I believe that health care should be available and affordable for every US citizen. The life of an uninsured woman is just as valuable as that of a Senator or the wife of a highly paid businessman. No one should have to choose between food and medicine.

  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    Yes, Lori, that is just awful!
  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    American Cancer Society
    Have you talked to anyone at the ACS ? When my friend had breast cancer they helped her with her co-pays and prescription costs and I read somewhere that they even have gas cards to help people get to there appointments. Call them it can't hurt that is why people donate to them to help when you need it.
    Good Luck
  • kikiz
    kikiz Member Posts: 94

    American Cancer Society
    Have you talked to anyone at the ACS ? When my friend had breast cancer they helped her with her co-pays and prescription costs and I read somewhere that they even have gas cards to help people get to there appointments. Call them it can't hurt that is why people donate to them to help when you need it.
    Good Luck

    Thank you
    I am very thankful for all your suggestions. I am very blessed that my church and others will help and also my children do recieve benefits from my work record and also survivors benefits since there father passed away. I will be speaking to the Cancer Society as you suggested and I have also sent a letter to Healthwave asking on what they base one cancer being more "expensive" then another. What upsets me the most is I know there are other people with 2nd class cancers who do not have the support I have. We need to fight for those who may not be blessed with friends, family or even knowledge of available resourses.

    On a bright note, my Oncologist here in Topeka just told me about a new Ovarian Cancer survivor support group. Now, the women and Family members with Ovarian Cancer will have a time and place of our own. Maybe next September, we can do Topeka Teal.

    Thanks again,