stem cell transplant

DARRELLD Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Multiple Myeloma #1
I am going to have a 2nd stem cell transplant soon. these are my cells that were frozen 2003, after my 1st transplant. I would like to hear from someone that went through another transplant. also, I now have neurapthy in both leggs and feet. seems like I am walking on gravel and my balance is out of controol most of the time. any thoughts on this condition?


  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member

    You may want to do a search of the Personal Web pages to see if you can find someone with a similar experience. To do this, click on personal web pages on the left hand side of this page. Then enter the search criteria you are looking for, including key words such as neuropathy.

    If you find someone you would like to connect with, you can do so through the CSN internal email system. For more information on all of the CSN functions, click on the help link at the top fo this page.

    Take care and be well,

    CSN Dana
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