Talked to Lisha ....
Hi guys, Lisha called me last night and said to tell all of you "Hi". She's had a lot of pain since surgery, but is taking pain meds that are helping. She's sleeping quite a bit, but to be expected. She said she's moving around slowly...even goes up and down the stairs from her bedroom. Wednesday she goes to the…
Just left the Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic and I had to share my great news with everyone. My immune system is 95% resotored!!!! I will no longer have to live life with the transplant precaustions in two weeks. The masks are gone!!! I have been officially released from the translplant unit and am now back with my regular…
Second Opinion
Tomorrow I am going to get a second opinion from another Oncologist. I am 4 months into ABVD chemo bi monthly for stage 4 Hodgkin Lymphoma . I have a lot of questions for this doctor. I have no idea what to expect. Has anyone else done this? Any specific questions I should ask? -Emilie
still cant get over my mum being gone..
its been just over 9 months since my mum died infront of me in the ICU and i still find it difficult to grasp and get the last week of her life out of my head. my mum went through a bone narrow transplant 6months before she left. she pretty mich got everything you can get from having a transplant and she soldiered through…
Welcome AngeH
AngeH is new and posted in a few places already. To simplify, I posted this topic to welcome her. I sent her a private message as well... Her Bio/Profile: AngeH Below is paste of one of her posts: ========================================= Hi!! I'm new here too! I just found this site while doing a search for more…
Hodgkins first day of stem cell harvest.
Yeap today was the first day of my stem cell harvesting. It went pretty well. They hooked me up to a machine for about 4 hours to try and extract my good stem cells from my blood. They will call me later to give me my counts. Then they will let me know if I need to return to have it done again. I hear most likely I will…
Just talked to Lisha's husband...
Hi guys, I called Lisha's home at 1:00 today(Pacific time) and talked to her husband Keith. Lisha is home...released from the hospital yesterday. Keith said she has been sleeping and he hasn't been able to get her to stay awake for any length of time. His words..quote.."not good". I told him the group was concerned and…
I am getting very concerned. Has anyone heard from her or keith? I keep checking and don't see anything new. I didn't want to say this but after being so scared, I would be having a mental breakdown even with the great news. I a very worried about her guys.
How many we're diagnose with Lymphoma shortly after
Flu Shot?
City of Hope conducts first-in-world clinical trial of T cell therapy for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
For those of you who have T Cell http://www.cityofhope.org/about/publications/news/Pages/city-of-hope-conducts-first-in-world-clinical-trial-of-t-cell-therapy-for-non-hodgkins-lymphoma.aspx
Sharing an article
I received an email today from a friend who referred me to this article. Though it may be geared for the "newbie" to cancer, I think it has insights/thoughts worth sharing for all of us here. I think most of us will identify with his words. He was diagnosed with Leukemia at age 27 and wrote this piece from "the other side…
changed mind
i have decided not to have the bone marrow transplant, i feel there are to many risk i can gethost versus graft disese the graft may not take i could get an infection and i have been told it will be an infection that i will die from and you can get host versus graft disease up to two years up to two years after its done i…
The chair
Well I go for my first rituxan treatment this morning. I am hoping that I don't have any nasty side effects since it's the first time in 15 months. I will check in later. Have a good day although it's starting good..it's rainimg...yahoo!!!
Feeling a bit scared
My husband has CLL with transformation to Large B Cell Lymphoma. He finished his 6th round of R-CHOP June 25th and goes in tomorrow for PET scan and bone marrow. We are afraid it has not worked. He can feel a couple of swollen lymph nodes in his neck which I assume is the CLL. Does anyone know if the lymphoma makes your…
Excellent news concerning Lisha!
Hi Guys, Lisha's husband, Keith, just called me and said everything went great for Lisha. The mass/tumor in her stomach is benign! NOT cancer! They did a partial hysterectomy and removed the tumor and from what Keith was told by Lisha's doctor she will not require any chemo after this. She will be in recovery for the next…
Update via email from Carol
I emailed Carol on 7/15 and got a response today. I think overall, she has good news :) . Per her request, I'm sharing with everyone I have not responded yet - have to run some errands and visiting a nearby friend for a day or two. ======================================================= From: cbpgill26 To: jimwins Subject:…
Sutter Hospital
Has anyone be treated at Sutter Hospital, Sacramento or by a Dr. Kiwan. My oncologist wants to refer me there.
Remission Questions
Hi Everyone! I'm new to this site so here's my story first.. I'm 23 years old I had Diffused B-Cell NHL in my chest in January. Did 6 rounds of R-CHOP and now I am 12 weeks out and considered to be in complete remission. I have felt totally fine but the past two weeks Ive had a lot of pain in my jaw and armpits and also…
Heading to the launch pad
Dearhearts Thank you so very much for the loving prayers and genuine faith in me. I slept a little but figure I'll be sleeping most of today, so I'll get plenty of rest. The fear factor has mellowed a bit, the drugs are helping with that too.. I have no doubt that when I get into the car and we drive over, it will start to…
T minus ten and counting
Dearhearts I am now in a styling gown waiting for the nurse. Then comes the iv. That part will not be fun. But a must for the promised good drugs. I am using hubby's iPad, so forgive any errors. My girls and hubby are still out in the waiting room. After I get hooked up and all the other fun stuff done, they will allow…
New to this site- Hello and my story
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma back in April of this year 2012. I am a single 30year woman who lives in Austin, texas Back pain, 103.5 fever took me to the emergency room. I had a kidney infection. At least that's what the er doctor told me. I knew something was not right. I had never had a kidney…
Houston, we have count down
Dearhearts, It is true. I am all set to go tomorrow morning. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM!!!. Most of you know that I am NOT a morning person, so this just adds insult upon insult... I am the first person to have surgery tomorrow. The start time is 7:30 AM. If all goes as planned I should be in the recovery room…
Here we go
Well today's the day, hopefully it won't be too bad though I think I'd rather be out fishing with sue. I'll keep y'all posted
Today is "Hugs Day" ☺
Hey, I know "Mama Sue" has gone fishin' but we can still "holler" right? I'm declaring today "Hugs Day" so hug someone you love - or hug me. I never get enough of them - LOL. Aaron, good luck today with your first infusion and please touch base with us when you feel up to it. Lisha, how ya doing today? Liz, what's going on…
back home from visit
Hi All Well the visit went way better than I expected. It's always the fear of the unknown. I am so glad that I told her. I also told my cousin who is still battleing rectal cancer. She will be having another surgery on Tuesday. We decided to email each other from the hospital when we are in a less drugged up state. She…
3 years clear!
I have been cancer free for 3 years this month!!! That is one of the reasons I started my fitness and health journey, I never want to go through it again, I hope no one ever has to. If you want to get fit and healthy I would love to help. Exercising, eating right and taking care of yourself is important to prevent cancer…
Sunday checking in
Hi All Well, I have made it to Sunday, still keeping it together. But, boy is it getting hard to do. Seems like the tears just start welling up,and it takes a lot to keep it from becoming a flood. I'm going to visit our close family friend this afternoon. She is the one I have talked about who is like a second mom to me.…
Side effects of treatment or relapse?
My husband had 3 rounds of R-CHOP then a 6 week break, then 20 radiation treatments for Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, left tonsil. His last radiation treatment was about 6 weeks ago. Between the chemo and radiation, he had a PET scan that showed no sign of cancer. He was feeling pretty good until last week. He always…
Happy "Port Day" for Aaron
Hi Aaron, Just wishing you good luck on your port install today. A little awkward at first, it will soon become your friend. It will also make great "show and tell" for the kids and others too ;) . Hugs and positive thoughts, Jim DX: DLBL 4/2011, Chemo completed 10/2011, currently in remission. :)
can't stop crying
Today and the last month I have been crying daily. I am working from home now , because working as as ICU vet tech is not something I can do while I am on ABVD and dealing with HL. My relationships I have with with my sisters are falling apart. I feel like I can't face the world. I was so strong, I am strong. I don't…