Vibration / tingling in legs.
My husband finished treatment on May 31st ( 3 rounds of R-CHOP and 20 radiation treatments to his neck). He recently had a normal CT scan and his doctor said he was in "complete remission". Now, he says he has a strange feeling in both legs. He describes it as a vibration or buzzing from his thighs down. He said its not…
Pet scan in the morning
I am scheduled for a pet scan in the a.m. With high hopes it will come back clean. Dr says that even though he expects a clean scan he wants to continue with my last three cycles. I am wondering if I will have this anxiety for the rest of my life wondering if the cancer is still there or if it has come back??? I am…
allo transplant
has anyone ever had a transplant with an unrelated doner if so how was your transplant vh were you sick or did you how did you feel did you get gvhd bleddings denise
Eustachian tube problems
Anyone else have problems with their estuation tubes due to lymphoma or radiation therapy. There was a tumor or node that grew next to mine on the left side that closed the “E” tube and cause fluid build up in the ear. I had radiation to destroy the tumor and the radiation worked and fluid disappeared, but since than, my…
Question for Vinny
Hey Vinny, You posted in my previous post that you still have an uptake of 2.5 in your hip. I was just curious if you had radiation? If you had radiation, was the uptake still 2.5 after the rads or was there a recurrence? If it was still 2.5 after the radiation what did the doctor recommend that you do next? Just wondering…
Sue, thinking of you
Hi Sue, Just want to say that I will be thinking of you tomorrow and wishing you a very easy day. It seems like just a short time ago that you were starting the rituxin every other month. Now you are getting so close to the finish line. If my math is correct, after tomorrow you will only have three more infusions and then…
I go see onc tomorrow to see if r is working. I am scared this time. I don't think it's working. I hate being this nervous.
Anyone ever had follicular lymphoma?
I had a lump removed from the left side of my neck a few weeks ago and they diagnosed it as follicuar lymphoma. I am trying to sort out which doctor to go with in the Indianapolis,IN area. Wondering if I should have a bone marrow sample taken, I am very overwhelmed at this point. If anyone has some advice I would…
Living in Fear
I finished my chemo in early May and then had a pet scan which showed a small residual mass with an SUV of 3. I was sent back to the specialist to see if he thought I needed a SCT and he told me that the metabolic activity could be caused by the chemo or scar tissue. So, he recommended that I have radiation. This was…
dear jump
Did you have the allo or auto transplant? Blessings, Denise .
testing starts
testing starts next week monday and tuesday, then i see the onc again on september6 and the next day i have the cathater placed and admitted to the hospital to start the transplant i will have chemo for 4 days rest a couple of days and then get the new stem cells i havent found out yet what will be done about the platelets…
Thinking of you
Hello Dearhearts I am sure you all are sleeping peacefully in your warm comfy beds, just not me. I have so much trouble sleeping right now, I am beyond tired. Even nightowls need some sleep... I have been thinking of you and how special each one of you truly are. I wanted to just let you know that. I hope that everyone has…
John Private message
Dear John, did you get my response via private message. I never responded before to a private message. Let Me know. Love Maggie
onc appointment update
Hello Dearhearts I am home from my onc appointment with both positive news and not so positive news. First, the onc does not believe that I have an abscess. Hooray! I did not think so either, but given all the pain, who knew. She explained that the pocket of fluid is not totally abnormal. She said that it was such a big…
Really getting P1$$ed
ATTEMPT#5:Trying to get on the site is really starting to P1$$ me off. I do not know how many others are having these problems,but it is nerve racking.
New to Lymphoma Discussion.......am here from the Ovarian site
Dear everyone, My name is Lisa and I lost my mother to OVCA 14 months ago.....but that's another story. I have a dear friend who was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma 7 years ago. She had treatment and went in to remission until 3 months ago. She has been back on chemo, but this time around it seems to be really kicking…
Happy CT Results !!!
Whoohoo! I'm still in remission! I'm so thankful and to you guys too! I had a lot of anxiety this time (didn't sleep well last night). Now, I'm kind of "high" on the results so I probably just broke the "silliness" meter. I think we all can relate to this: "Prednisone Effect" or "The Cancer Rollercoaster" (some adult…
Sore throat and lymph nodes
Both on same side, should I worry. I get chemo today. Been hot here n Cali and wife has been sleeping with fan on
Here we go again
Well friends, in back at urgent care. Got me a fever and I think I have some kind of urinary infection. Hopefully I'm in time to get it arrested quickly with minimal antibiotics. Love y'all, I'll keep you posted....
Back at home
Hello Dearhearts, I am safe at home, my favorite place to be these days. I so hate hospitals! After spending a long 7 hours in the ER, and feeling like I was at my lowest point, I convinced them to let me go home. I have been resting most of the day, but I know that you all are waiting for my update. So here goes.. I…
Shingle vaccine
I forgot to mention I questioned my oncologist Aug 6 about the shingle vaccine. She stated, 98 % for the vaccine. But, after that comment, she made a negative kind of face and said nothing. Nothing, Nothing and Nothing. When I said I will decline the vaccine, she said nothing, and shook her face indicating no to vaccine.…
Back at home
Hello Dearhearts, I am safe at home, my favorite place to be these days. I so hate hospitals! After spending a long 7 hours in the ER, and feeling like I was at my lowest point, I convinced them to let me go home. I have been resting most of the day, but I know that you all are waiting for my update. So here goes.. I…
Heading to ER
Hello Dearhearts I am taking a minute to let you know that I am heading to the ER. The weekend was not so great and the dehydration has become to much for my system to handle. I am in this horrible circle of not eating or drinking and not taking enough pain meds because I am so afraid of the nausea. My doc is not having it…
Looks like my scans are clean. So far so good. Of course my Oncologist give the Zevaling all the credit. I am sure that is true. Have been in remission since December O9. But the last time I went 5 years. Well one week away. After 22 radiation treatments. I just dont know why I itch all over all the time. They really do…
Husband diagnosed with Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
Hi, everyone! My 66 year old husband was just (July 16) diagnosed with ALCL, ALK-. Luckily a friend of mine was being treated at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa and got us an appointment with her oncologist one week later. He has had the endoscopy, CT scans, bone marrow biopsy (no results yet), several blood tests (all look…
Still trying to post
This is my 4th attempt this morning to post. I read all the post a couple of times a day. Lets see if this one posts or not. If not I will try a couple of more times. I go thru this everyday.John
Hey Everyone
I know I haven't posted very much lately, sorry. I do read the posts, but haven't responded much because I type funny on my phone and it's embarrassing LOL. I had my 3rd Rituxan thursday and I'm ok, just really tired. I slept almost 14 hours yesterday and today my back is killing me. I guess it serves me right. Hopefully…
some results
Hi All First, thank you for your expressions of support in my last very long post. I talked with my reg doc this afternoon. This is what I now know and what will happen next. The scan showed a large pocket of fluid in the area of the most pain. It may or may not be infection brewing. My white count is not to low, just…
decision made
i have decided to have the stem cell transplant the doner is fully matched, so that cuts down the risk of host verses graft, the onc said hes not worried about the grafting not taking because i have had so much chemo, if there are no complcations i will only be away from home 4-5 weeks, my pre testing starts later this…
Venting, screaming, crying and everything. Super long post
Hello Dearhearts, I was planning on posting an update to the ct scan. Well, I have an update of sorts. I had the scan on tuesday, after numerous tries to get it set up sooner. the onc "had" ordered it the previous Wednesday! As I mentioned earlier, the scan was a breeze. No problems and the nicest folks. Well today,…