Rituxan with follicular lymphoma
Hi, my name is Lisa, I am 27 and was diagnosed with stage 4 FNHL February 2011. I received 8 treatments of r-cvp and completed treatment September. I am currently in remission and am still receiving ritux every two months. Since I finished treatment in September I have been experiencing other health issues in the ovaries…
Sloan Kettering Second Opinion
Yesterday I went to my second opinion, Dr. Carol Portlock, a lymphoma specialist, at Sloan Kettering. My husband and I didn't expect that she would do anything too different from my local oncologist at Yale, but in anticipation of the appointment, I postponed the starting of rituxin and prednisone which my Yale oncologist…
Labs after RCHOP
My father just had his first treatment with RCHOP for large b cell lymphoma. He had the neulasta shot and his white count dropped to one. he ended spending 3 days in the hospital as he was dehydrated despite large amounts of water and gatorade. Is this something that I can expect with his next treatment? Day 6-8 following…
can a cancer center refuse you treatment?
Hey everyone. My name is Jeffrey and I have been recently diagnosed with diffuse large b cell lymphoma. In New Hampshire where I received my first 2 infusions of R-CHOP. The place where I was residing in went to foreclosure and I had to move to Florida. My question is, is that the center in NH I was going to was working…
Thanksgiving at Mayo
Hi all! Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. I was up at Mayo with my husband. He decided to have his second round of OFAR so we went ahead with that. This round was a little rougher on him but he is doing OK. We need his spleen to go down so we are sending strong vibes to all the drugs to make this work. I guess at the…
Belated Thanksgiving Wishes
Hello Dearhearts, I truly hope each and every one had a warm and loving Thanksgiving. I did my best to try and enjoy myself. It was very hard. My youngest daughter and her boyfriend came over, so I cooked for the four of us. It was a difficult day without my mom. My other daughters were elsewhere as were my grands. So all…
ANYONE had stem cell transplant who ended up with disease in different location during/post stem cel
Diagnosed with diffuse large b cell non hodgkins lymphoma... Nothing in lungs or chest area, only in abdominal prior to sct... Post stem cell ~8th day went back with low fever what they thought to be pneumonia was finally diagnosed with same lymphoma in chest and lungs few days later... Passed away less than a month post…
Depression and Anger
I am a 24-year-old Hodgkin's lymphoma stage 4b survivor. I just finished my treatments/stem cell transplant on October 10, 2012. It's been a month since I left the hospital after my transplant and all of a sudden I am feeling very depressed, anxious and just angry. I was pretty fine throughout my whole treatment (which…
My father is day 15 out from his first rchop treatment. He is exhausted but in no pain and has had no nausea. Yesterday he started with uncontrollable diarrhea a d very foul burps. Is this normal for this type of chemo? Any ideas how to control either
First Post - Advice
I'm sorry this is so long. My mom recently had a biopsy on a rapidly growing lump she discovered on her back (2-3 months ago it was the size of a pimple and now it’s about 5 cm). Earlier this week, she returned to hear the results but was not given much in the way of answers. Instead, the doctor made an appointment for her…
Lymphoma Transformation
Hi everyone. Have any of you had FNHL that transformed into aggressive B cell? If so what were the symptoms? Did it happen while you were undergoing treatment or post treatment? Do you know if that means that the FNHL is gone or do you have both? The aggressive B cell is considered curable while the FNHL is not. One of my…
This Thanksgiving
I wanted to stop by to wish everyone a blessed Thanksgiving. God Bless all of you. You are never far from my thoughts and heart. Hugs and love from me to all. Love Maggie
more good news
i seen my transplant onc today and he said everything looks good, im really happy with my blood counts before the transplant they would not come up, even with a viral infection that is making me feel compleatly draned i still am glad i went thru with it. i hope everyone is good blessings denise
Happy Day!
Hi my friends, Today I am thankful for all of you for your caring support and understanding during my continuing journey with this dreaded disease. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving. We all don't need one day a year do we? Being grateful each and every day for the sunrise and all the things each day my bring! I pray that you…
Thinking of you Shar
Hey Sharlene, only 3 more after today (woohoo) and I'm only a week behind. I hope the neupogen is getting the job done and keeping you on schedule, I got stepped up to 4 shots now for the duration. I'm off to get a pet scan today so I'll keep everyone posted on the results. I sure hope Santa gives us our lives back for…
Return to Work Problems: Disability & FMLA
I am presently trying to work with my oncologist and my work company on a time BOTH can agree when I can go back to work. As of now, I am taking spinal shots (which is my last treatment circuit - PET was clear) until December that land me in the pain clinic at times. Company policy is 26 weeks disability. HOWEVER, the…
"YEAH" for John!!
Hi guys, Got an e-mail from John saying his scan came back totally CLEAR! This is his first scan since finishing his Rituxan maint. His son and grandaughter are visiting for the holiday so I'm sure he's busy enjoying their company, so I'm posting the good news without his permission. I'm thrilled everything is clear and…
Biting the bullet
Hello everyone, I saw my orthopedic doctor on Monday Nov 12. My right hip has gotten worse. Not unexpected. Anyway, I am having hip surgery in Feb 2013. My good friend will be staying at my home when I have surgery and go for rehab. She loves animals and I know she will take very good care of my 2 cats, Portia and Lucien.…
is it a good sign?
Hi, I am new to all of this. I found a lump in my groin area about 2 months ago and finally went to the dr who refered me to a surgeon. They are going to take out my affected lymph nodes and test them for lymphoma, but he said they had little vascular flow. Does anyone know if that is a good sign or does it matter?
Missing you / update
Hi All, First let me say that I have really missed you and your wonderful supportive ways. I have tried to read the posts from time to time, but mostly I am just too tired. I'll try to bring you up to speed on all the different things going on right now. First, I went to the cardiologist about the chest pain. I had another…
Intervascular White Cell Lymphoma
My mom was recently diagnosed with Inervascular White Cell Lymphoma. I know that it is rare, but is treated with R-CHOP. She is feeling much better since her first treatment. Is anyone currently being treated for this type of Lymphoma?
More good news
I had my scans today - was there forever and had little sleep since I watched election returns until 1:00am and then woke up at 4:30am with "scanxiety". My appointment was at 8:00am so I showed up baggy eyed and sleepy ;) . I'm officially one year in remission now! My blood pressure was another story but we're gonna work…
Other options
I have not seen Donald 51 here for a long while and wondering how he is doing. I am still in remission but have my ups and downs. My blood work still has not gone back to normal since the Zevalin in December of 09. I am also wondering how do Oncologist know that it is not still in your bone marrow. I am so wondering about…
I am a 41 year old woman with stage 3a hodgkins lymphoma. I just finished my 4th chemo treatment out of 12. Until the last month I was doing pretty well but the last few weeks I have become so depressed that I'm practically not functioning. Crying a lot , no interest in anything, not leaving the house, unable to sleep…
My husband and I are going up to Mayo tomorrow and meet with the doctor on Thursday to see how the Medrol/Rituxan is working. He is having night sweats which obviously is not a good thing and is not feeling good. I am truly afraid of what's next. I am trying to stay positive knowing I have Sloan Kettering's 2nd opinion…
all good!
OK I took everyones advice, (and my wife's lol), and made my appointment for today. Great news my oncologist said that it is lipoma, just fatty tissue that settled in my shoulder. She is not concerned, as these never turn out to be cancer. Thanks for all the support as always!!!! Vinny
good news
i had a PET scan on thursday, and my oncologist called me later in the day to give me the results. i am almost completely clear of lymphoma, just a couple of patches in my abdomen. i have two more chemo sessions to go and then the final PET scan t n=make sure that the residue is gone, and then i'm good to go! i'll have to…
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
I am a 6 yr. survivor of Non-Hodgkin's Large B Cell Lymphoma, I would love to hear from anyone who has or has had this type of cancer.
So confused after my visit with my SCT doctor at The James Cancer Center
Was diganoised with aggressive B cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma w/bone marrow involvement. After my chemo treatments I had 2 pet scans and both came back clean. Oncologist (whom I do trust)wanted me to get a consultation with the SCT dr. She told me that she had reviewed all my paperwork including lab results. She said that I…