Mantle Cell Lymphoma Support for Loved Ones and/or Spouses/Partners.
Hi, if you would like to join a Facebook Support Group for Loved Ones of... and/or Spouses/Partners of those afflicted with MCL, please contact me (by message) on Facebook at ‘Mcl Lymphoma Spouses.’ To join our groups (one is Caregivers and Loved Ones, the other is specifically for Spouses/Partners of those with MCL) you…
Hi guys, I posted a new picture on my Expression page of our sweet Lizzy in her Halloween costume. This kid is a trip and keeps me laughing constantly! Have a great day everyone....don't let the witches and goblins get you tonight! :) Love ya...Sue
Lisha...Where are you????
Hi Lisha, I called your house and left a message, but still no word from you. I am hoping your silence is due to you feeling better and that you are out and about doing more activities. We miss not hearing from you! I will call again this weekend and hopefully catch you at home. Take care my dear and know you are in all of…
Hurricane Sandy
For those of you in the path of Sandy, please keep safe. We expect rain here but we are south of the main impact so don't expect a lot of trouble although we are getting snow in the mountains/higher elevations (western NC). Hopefully, Sandy will be kind. Sandy Updates (ABC) Hugs, Jim
Methotrexate Injections?
I finished my 6 rounds of R-Chop for my large B-Cell Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The Pet scan showed all clear though the doctor said sometimes it can't show if every single lymphoma cell is gone. Oncologist is setting me up for a set of 4 shots (1 a week) of Intrathecal Methotrexate (type of chemo) which will be shot into my…
what to do?
Hello cancer family, I'm waiting patiently for my second opinion next Friday, and my oncologist seems to think it's okay to wait for the second opinion before starting up chemo again. (though he sounds nervous) Pesky "B symptoms" have been starting to crop up.. mild fever for about a week, night sweats.. not so sure if I'm…
Husband's Auto Transplant
Hi guys...my husband is scheduled to start BEAM on Thursday for his auto transplant. I am nervous but excited to have reached this point. He is still feeling weak from the stem cell collection last week. I hope it is normal that his blood counts have not recovered yet. I know his body has been through a lot. He had a PET…
hi everyone
im so so i am so slow at getting back to everyone, my hands shake so bad now i can ha it makes sensfadly type, its like they flap. if it makes sense it feels like i can get up and do more but i feel weaker. has anyone ever had a bone marrow transplant, my memory is even worse. blessings denise
Lisha, are you our there???? I see you haven't been online. Is everything OK??? First it was Denise, now you. Please just post a few words. Let us know you're OK PLEASE. Very worried and concerned. Sue, I know you;re in touch with Lisha, is she OK?????? Maggie
Praise God- Cancer's in remission after bone marrow test
It's been 7 months now with no chemo and I'm doing well thank God. Blood count is up and am walking without walker and getting stronger each day. I have nothing but praise for my oncologist and his RN wife who took me step by step with 6 rounds of chemo and two months of aftercare chemo. I'm going to be 71 next month and…
Update on SGN 35
It is now an approved treatment for recurrent Hodkins Lymphoma. Now me since I'm on clinical I'm thinking they need to follow protocol. Got a call from ONC at Kaiser, who I'm changing , that I'm gettin treatment at City of Hope then follow up at Kaiser, since it's now approved I'm praying this is a work around.
im so
so gghad to wait for home nursing care to help me next week i have to help fiHT IT I WILL I I HAVE TO TAKEDENISE TTXHE E
Light the Night
Hey everybody Tomorrow I will be partaking in the Leukemia/Lymphoma society's Light the Night Charity. This charity is to provide a number of sources of aide for those going through these diseases. I am so blessed to say that I am now a survivor of lymphoma but I swore that if I could beat this disease I would pay forward…
Bone Marrow Biopsy
On Wednesday I had my BMB with sedation. I was given Propofol and I was completley out. I am so glad to have that over with. I was just a little sore for one day, not to bad at all. I will learn the results and also treatment plan at my next appt. Nov 1. From what the doc has said to me so far I think the plan will be…
NHL Large B-cell--I want feedback on bone marrow transplants!
The scoop: Diagnosed with Diffuse large B-cell aggressive NHL with bulky tumor in lung in May. Received 6 treatments of CHOP-R. Lymphoma responded very well at first. Now the follow up PET scan on Oct. 22 showed greatly increased cancer activity in part of original tumor. Had that area biopsied on Oct. 25 to verify that…
Newbie with Concerns UPDATE-1?
About a month ago I noticed some sensitive lumps in my armpits. They didn't go away so I went to the doc and was put on antibiotics for a week and now I did blood work and go for a ultra sound next week. I've noticed more sensitive lumps appear lower in my armpits and also a lump raise on the right side of my neck. I also…
How are you doing Aaron?
Hey Aaron, How are things going? Did you go for round 7 yesterday? I had quite the day. My pick line wouldn't return blood so I had to get Altaplased again. That took an hour. I was scheduled for chemo at 10. Got a call at one that my count was too low again, but doctor said I could to Neupogen and so got chemo at about…
Big Picture
Prior to getting lymphoma I had never been in the hospital and in fact tried to avoid Doctors. I am a bit naive about how to handle this jumble of Drs., symptoms and treatments. The big picture is missing. I need what we would call in my profession a good "systems engineer" to find exactly what is going on. I went to MD…
Primary bone lymphoma?
Hi folks, I'm one of those with early symptoms that most likely will turn out to be something benign and simple. I'm also one of those who hasn't felt these symptoms before and am scared. So I wonder if anyone here has any experience with this rare form of lymphoma. It mainly hits men in their 40's from what I've read. I'm…
I must not being doing something right because my posts have not shown up as new. I did call Anthem this am and because of a clerical error the bill is being paid! The rep said she would call the hospital for me. So happy. Thanks to everyone for your help.
hi everyone
hi everyone i am sorry i took so much time to get back to you, i didnt have much help,i came home late monday night and i really fanteel weak, and i am havving the worst time remembering things this times i had my transplant on sept.4th 2012 i dont remember any of it i had pnenmonia please bear with my spelliaveng. i also…
Saw scuttlebug11 (Denise) logged in
I just saw scuttlebug11 logged in. Hopefully we will hear something regarding Denise.
second line treatments
Today's visit with the radiation oncologist went pretty well. But he made some strange faces, then said it's too possible to fail, and he didn't recommend radiation. It's all because it's my liver-- my poor sensitive liver! (Well-- I've taken good care of my liver and wouldn't mind keeping it zap-free for some time.) So,…
Hair regrowth
Starting to grow hair after intense chemo treatments. I had dark brown before the chemo, now it seems to be coming in much lighter (hope it's not gray!) Would appreciate other members feedback on their "new" hair.
2nd opinion questions ?
I'm sending MD Anderson and John Hopkins requests for 2nd opinions on my husbands Large Diffuse BCell which seems reluctatant to go away or be under control after 3 R-ICE treatments. My mind is fried lately so other than asking if there are any additional chemotherapies or radiation options (he did not get radiation) are…
Well I got thru the uterine cancer and I'm ready to deal with the Lymphoma then something else turned up today.I got a call back about a mammogram and I must go tomorrow for more testing. I am just about insane right now. This is getting too much to handle. chris
younger brother(47yo) was diagnosed with lymphoma
Unfortunately he avoided going to the doctor for almost a year, according to him, and now he moved in with my family. Just in the last 3 weeks he has gotten visibly weaker and today finally after so many tests he goes to his oncology doctor. I hope it is not too late as he gets out of breath just climbing stairs and most…
I'm a survivor....now what?
Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie and I am a survivor of Hodgkin's lymphoma (2b). After being miserably sick for almost two years, with no real explanation, I was finally diagnosed by an ENT. Although I knew cancer was a possibility from my relentless googling, I don't think anyone is really prepared for that news.…
Rituxan Monotherapy Frontline
I am very interested in talking to someone who has Rituxan monotherapy as their initial treatment for Non Hodgkins Follicular Lymphoma. Seems to be working for me. However my therapy for Stage 4 NHFL has been very intense. I had 8 weekly infusions to start vs the more talked about 4. My maintenance is one infusion every 8…
Is it normal to take 6 weeks to get test results
got blood drawn almost 3 weeks ago and still no results on the t cell gene rearangement test. anyone else taken this long to get results, was told it might take 6 weeks to come back