can a cancer center refuse you treatment?

Hey everyone. My name is Jeffrey and I have been recently diagnosed with diffuse large b cell lymphoma. In New Hampshire where I received my first 2 infusions of R-CHOP. The place where I was residing in went to foreclosure and I had to move to Florida. My question is, is that the center in NH I was going to was working with me due to my lack of insurance and not being able to get Medicare. I'm worried Florida may deny my treatment due to lack of insurance. I haven't had an office visit yet and I am due to have my next infusion in a little over a week. My doctors have told this center I did not have insurance and have heard nothing about it. Can they deny me?


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107

    Hi "Chaos" and welcome to this site.

    I found this on the web which has some other organizations you might
    contact/research as well.

    This might help

    You may want to contact social workers at the facility. They should be
    able to help you also.

    Diffuse Large B Cell lymphoma is very treatable and curable so know there is hope.
    Good luck and please keep us updated and share what you learn.

    Hugs and positive thoughts,

    DX: DLBL 4/2011, Chemo completed 10/2011, currently in remission. :)
  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Diagnosis worries
    Receiving a bad diagnosis seems to trigger all sorts of worry reflexes in our brains. Now, this is completely natural and understandable, but I think that you might be trying to cross the bridge before you come to it. Ever notice how most of your worst fears never come to pass? In the course of an average day, virtually all things go well. Even in the case of those things that do not go well, it seems that some good comes from it. Now, a treatment center may deny patients for various reasons, but do you reside within one of those reasons?

    Rather than worry, I would act. Call the center and speak up the ladder until you get a response. Begin calling local social service agencies. Since cancer is considered to be a disabling illness by the federal government, contact your local Social Security office and consider applying for Social Security Disability. I did so when I was forced to retire early. As well, I now receive Medicare even though I am not of retirement age. If you light up the phone lines at local, county, state and federal agencies, you will almost certainly find the answers and the assistance that you need.

    In all cancer journeys, we need to be our own advocate. Fighting this disease requires an active, rather than passive role. All the best to you on your journey.
  • Are you a legal resident of Florida? I know Medicaid is run a state by state basis. You might want to consider getting a Florida DL and tags if you have not already done so. Just a thought. All the best to you.