Info on a new clinical trial for lymphoma
Was reading an article on a clinical trial was very intersting and very hopeful sounding you may have to copy and paste in your browser http://fhcrc.org/en/news/releases/2013/02/high-dose-vorinostat-effective-treating-relapsed-lymphomas.html Chris
Watching and Waiting
Hi I am new to this board. I am a 46 year old female who was diagnosed with low grade lymphomia in January 2002. I was scheduled for 6 months of Chemo but only completed 5 as my small intenstine ruptured from the site of a tumor and I had emergency surgery to correct this. My main problem is that during the last CT scan my…
Mom just diagnosed b cell lymphoma non germinal
Hi everyone my mother was just diagnosed with lymphoma b cell thats non germinal she is 69 has a lot of health problems diabeet,s 3 heart attacks , high blood pressure ,are the main ones So i am wondering what this means i have heard people say that lymphoma is very treatable but the dr said that a non germinal diagnosis…
Happy Hugs Day!
Happy Valentines Day! I won the "Hugs Lottery" and though I won't be able to take everyone to France for chocolate crepes I do have more hugs than I need so I'm sending them out to you guys! Warmest and positive thoughts to everyone! Hug someone you love today! They're free and contagious - in a good way . Hug yourself…
Me too, it's been a long time
I am so very sorry for not keeping in touch. I don't mean to whine. I really haven't been myself lately. Forgive me, especially to those who have every reason to whine. My problem isn't my dx of NHL in Sept Oct 2009. I saw my oncologist Feb 4, and there is no reason for concern. I will know more when the results of my…
Hi, still here
Hi all, Just wanted to take a few minutes to stop in and say hello. I know it's been way too long. I still try to catch up and read through the posts every few days or so. We are now in wedding crunch time. lots of last minute details to work on, plus dealing with my sometimes / a lot of times bridezilla daughter, well I…
funeral assistance?
My dad died this morning. He had leukemia and was diagnosed 10 years ago, he overcame a lot of obsticles but found out only few months ago he had lymphoma which they say can manifest as leukemia and it overtook him, he was only 45. We are trying to find some place that can help with funeral costs but no luck. I tried the…
Life after Hodgkins
Hi! I just found this site today and I'm glued to it reading everyones stories, most of which are a copy of my own. I had HD in 1982 and had a stageing operation, spleen removed as well as a 12 week fetus, I was then treated with 3 months of chemo followed by 3 mo. radiation to my neck/chest/abdomen followed by 5 more…
Hi to all.
To all of my friends who know me hi and I have missed you. To those of you I do not know I am glad to meet you and hope you are finding what you need here. To everyone I hope this finds you well and staying strong. I am hanging in there but now am doing the pre followup anxiety. I will go to Rochester tomorrow for…
Dumb question
I read that mumps is one of the diseases which relapse because of Rituxan. Does anyone know of an actual case where that happened? Just hoping for mumps I guess.
Blood tests
If you don't mind me asking, was anyone's diagnosis lead to originally from an abnormal blood test? What was that abnormality and what type of Limphoma caused it?
Neupogen self-shots
Hey guys, I was just released from the hosptal from R-ICE #4 and I'm in the mobilization stage. Luckily, my doc has agreed to let me give myself the Neupogen shots at home each day. I've never really done this before, and I practiced on a little flap of skin all day before they released me. (Also-- the lovely nurse…
Bone Marrow Transplant or Not
My brother has non-hodgkin lymphoma and leukemia. They want him to have a bone marrow transplant and I am being checked to see if I am a match. He doesn't think he wants to go thru with it and his wife really wants him to. I would like to locate some people to either email/talk to him who has walked in his shoes and share…
Blood clot in neck
My son, age 27, recently successfully completed chemo for Hodgkins Lymphomia. However, as a side effect, he has a lot of swelling in his kneck and shoulder area and a large knot or clot on the side of his neck. Dr's believe it is a blood clot, and have him on Warfarin (blood thinner). We are not sure what caused the clot,…
Hi everyone, frist can I say that I haven't be diagnosed with anything or might not be. I am experiencing some symtoms that I would like to share with you all and maybe get your feed back. I went to the doctor back in November with flu like symtoms and a lump on each side of my neck. She told me to come back after six…
Same title as many I'm sure, I'm scared...very
I came to a very real realization last night, and I can barely breath from my anxiety since. I decided to type some symptoms I have been having into a search. Every link, link after link, Lymphoma on every one that came up. I have had cysts on my neck since I was a girl, maybe 12. They never changed much, I never worried.…
Anal Burning
My father has finished 3 rounds of chemotherapy for stage 4 T-cell NHL. Since the initial treatment, he has experienced severe rectal pain and blood with bowel movements. The inside and outside skin has been effected. He has undergone many tests (all negative) and 2 scopes. GI doctor said everything looked better with 2nd…
long-term radiation survivor
My husband is a 19-year survivor of lymphoma. He was treated in 1994 with both chemo and radiation, not whole-brain but focused. In recent months, we have seen significant deteriorization of walking and cognition. The consensus is radiation damage. Has anyone else run into this? Suggestions for "treatment" or…
I have tried and tried and tried to be as supporting as possible to one of my closest friends diagnosed recently w/ Hodgkins Lymphoma. It's EXTREMELY draining and I feel really discouraged. Just the other night I was away from the phone and I guess chemo has resulted in some shortness of breath, she lost her breath…
Zevalin or Bexxar
Has anyone been treated with Zevalin or Bexxar?
Feeling Insecure and Broken
Hi, I'm a 26-year-old female who was recently diagnosed with HD Stage 2A last October. I have currently completed 4 of 12 ABVD chemo treatments but this last week have experienced a significant amount of hair loss. When first diagnosed, I cut off a few inches of my hair in anticipation of treatment, but now I'm really…
Final diagnose NLPLHL 3A, treatment starts almost a month from now, is it wise?
Hi All, I like to take your opinion on my final diagnose status, I got a call from DR today that BM biopsy is clean, and I am at stage 3A. I asked DR to have some time to visit with family (parent) living outside united states. The DR said NO problem we can start as soon you get back starting on 2/18 with Heart and lung…
Enlarged lymph nodes
the otehr day I went to my family doctor for few reasons: * sever night sweats * weakness and being tired at all time * loss of appetite * random itch all over my body she wanted to do a blood test and she checked my neck and groin and she said i'd like to send you for ultrasound. i did the ultrasound and after a week went…
help my computer is messed up
does anyone knoe how i can fix the favarites bar i lost mine blessings denise
are we allowed to give phone numbers to speak to CSN members or send emails for support?
I've been trying to find out if members are allowed to contact each other. Never do I see this in messages, so I am assuming no. It would be nice, however, to actually speak to those who are experiencing the same feelings - support is so needed at the critical time. I tried to enter the CSN "Chat", but the page isn't…
Hi to all.
To all of my friends who know me hi and I have missed you. To those of you I do not know I am glad to meet you and hope you are finding what you need here. To everyone I hope this finds you well and staying strong. I am hanging in there but now am doing the pre followup anxiety. I will go to Rochester tomorrow for…
Just diagnosed yesterday with "Marginal Zone" Lymphoma
Just diagnosed yesterday. A year ago I started having a burning sensation in both of my eyes. I was treated for dry eyes and then 5 months into treatment I started having double vision. They did a CT scan and found a 2.8 cm tumor behind my left eye. A biopsy was performed and it was confirmed as lymphoma. Yesterday I was…
Neupogen and Bone Pain
Hi, I am a longtime NHL survivor. I am on my 2nd occurance, last year, and had treatment. However, my wbc's/rbc's/platelets failed to recover last november and I have been on neupogen and epogen for the past year. My bone pain is severe and I take Vicodin ES for the pain. My question is...do others have this pain also or…
CSN update
I apologize to everyone for not having communicated sooner. You have been more than patient under the circumstances. At this point, all of the content that was missing following the upgrade has been restored with the exception of private messages. There has been an ongoing investigation for several weeks that has yielded…
Hodgkins Horsburgh is back
Hello everyone. I am back. I hope everyone is doing the best they can with their given circumstances. I have went through a auto bone marrow transplant. I was in the Hospital for 30 days. I was released the 26th of November. Boy what a process for me. Very hard to do that procedure but it is do able. My body has been…