New Oncologist

Hi Guys,

 Sorry for the delay in posting, but with the big move, unpacking and getting in to see a new doctor, my plate "done runeth over"Smile, with little to no energy left at the end of the day for computer time!!  But...with that being said, we are now completely settled in the new house and it feels very homey and comfortable. Sure glad all of that is behind us... we are too dang old to be packing up and moving around! Tongue Out I met with my new oncologist here yesterday, and I really like her! I could tell she had studied my medical records extensively before our visit, which was very comforting. Next week she is sending me to a radiology oncologist and once he see's me and I get the MRI done and results back, we will have a better idea how to treat the cancer in my eye. I will keep you posted on things as they progress. She mentioned that she might have me do chemo instead of radiation, if the risk of losing my eye sight is high. Need to hear what the radiologist onc has to say before determining anything for sure. Well...that's the scoop on me. I hope all of my mother friends here have a wonderful Mother's Day! This is the first time in 36 years that I've been away from my kids for Mother's hard! Much love...Sue

(Follicular NHL-stg3-grd2-typA-Dx-6/10-age 63)

Relapsed April 2014 Cry


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Home, sweet home


    Congratulations on getting moved in to your new digs.  I have lived all over, and moving is definitely among the hardest life-transitions people can make.  We bought an old house 2.5 years ago, and my wife and I are resolved to stay here till the end, no matter what.

    Bless your treatment, and may it go easily, quickly, and successfully.


  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member

    Home, sweet home


    Congratulations on getting moved in to your new digs.  I have lived all over, and moving is definitely among the hardest life-transitions people can make.  We bought an old house 2.5 years ago, and my wife and I are resolved to stay here till the end, no matter what.

    Bless your treatment, and may it go easily, quickly, and successfully.


    So good to hear from you.  We

    So good to hear from you.  We knew you had your plate full tho.  Glad you can breathe again.  Sounds like you have a great new onc and she really takes everything into consideration.  Boy, we hope all goes well for you.  I cannot believe how hard that move must have been and with everything else you have to deal with.  Know you are happy about it but there are always negatives.  Too bad you are not closer to your kids, but think that will level out too.  At least this is the beginning of summer and the grandkids will have more time for their Grandma & Grandpa and a river and fishing to boot.

    Hang in there, B&B

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Welcome to your new home.

    Welcome to your new home, Sue.  I know you're glad to get settled.  Hugs

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  • MsD831
    MsD831 Member Posts: 18
    I bet you feel relieved to be

    I bet you feel relieved to be all done w that. I'm glad you are liking your new oncologist. I dislike the feeling of going to the Dr. and it seems they haven't done their homework. Best wishes and prayers that you'll be able to use the more conservative treatment to rid you of this cancer.


    Take care,


  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Happy to hear that you're

    Happy to hear that you're done with all that...ugh I hate moving too much hard work hahaha!!! Now it's just time to concentrate on you getting better! I also like it when I get a Dr. that seems to have studied your case and that you're a person not just a file with numbers! 

    p.s Happy Belated Mother's Day! 



  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member

    Got it all done! That was a huge, huge endeavor you just undertook. And now you can kick back in your new homey and comfortable house. Congratulations. And good luck finding everything Smile  

    I'm so glad you like your new Doctor. And how wonderful that she took the time to study your history before she even met you. I think that shows that she is a truly dedicated doctor. Not to mention that priority to save your sight is high.

    Now rest, my friend. You will need it for the treatment ahead.

    Love and hugs,
