extremely worried

hi guys,

So I've had my lymphnodes on the side of neck for years now, but lately they've gotten bigger and my neck and shoulder hurt really bad. I also found another lump just above my collar bone. I've also been having some difficulty breathing as well. another strange thing that has been happening is that I break out in realy itchy hives all the time, but the doctor can't find out what I'm allergic to. I've also been really run down lately. I'm making a doctors appointment soon, but I just wanted to see what you guys have to say about it.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Welcome to this board, Paiger.

    It will help people assist you if you give a bit more detail about yourself, either in the threads or in the "About Me" section.  At least approximate age, some health history, etc., but nothing that violates your confidentiality.

    From the limited information you gave, I would indeed be investigating the cause.  The symptoms are very much the classical symptoms of lymphoma.  Serious fatigue, itching, swollen nodes, especially nodes that have persisted for some time; it just doesn't get any more "textbook" than that.  There are a variety of other things it could be, but if I were you I would get to a doctor at the first opportunity, and specifically have him or her rule out lymphoma.  If the doctor you see is a primary care or "Family Doctor" have them at least do a touch exam of the swollen areas, and a comprehensive blood panel (CBC and Metabolic Profile).   

    This is the minimum that I would demand, but the doctor very likely will want to go ahead and also get you a CT Scan, which is probably a good idea.

    Good luck, and keep in mind that NOTHING is certain at this point....  Please share follow-up, if you are comfortable doing so,

