Hi you all: Yesterday was one month since my surgery. AS I posted, I had to be readmitted because I had too much fluid in my lung, but I was let out again on 7-14. Yesterday I went to my Oncologyst, and the news is great on both sides. First my Thoracic Dr. tells me that he was able to remove everything including my lymph…
"Tumor Fever"
Has anyone else experienced "tumor fevers?" I've been running a fever anywhere from 99.2 or so up to 101 for the last several weeks. Along with it, I get the usual aches and pains and all that. Plus one minute I'm chilled, and the next I'm sweating through my t-shirt! I'm on a 75mg patch of fentanyl, which manages the pain…
how long so radiation side effects last
I had 4 weeks of radiation and dr. stopped then to do surgery now I cant eat, cough, heavy chest dr said this will stop after treatment how long does it take will have surgery in 3 weeks I am afraid this will postpone the surgery
5 Year Survival Rates by Age?
I find many stats regarding survival rates but have not come across even one that breaks down those stats by age group. I am a 43 year old non-smoker diagnosed this year with stage 3B lung cancer. I'm trying to convince my wife that the stats skew in my favor but can't locate any backup. Are there any relevant tables out…
Anyone taking Zeolite
I read that taking Zeolite may help fight cancer. It's an anti-oxident. Has anyone else heard of it or is it just a gemic?
Radio frequency ablation
I am new to this site. My father in law was recently diagnosed with nsclc and prostate ca. Upon doing the ct to check for mets after the prostate dx, they found the lung mass. After several trips to a thoracic surgeon and 3 biopsy's we finally have a dx. (Prostate ca was found 12/27/07, lung dx finally on 3/14/08.) He is…
Decisions to Be Made
I just had my upper left lobe of lung removed on July 7th. Came home on Friday and have a follow up appt with my thorasic surgeon on Thursday to go over things. I've been told that all pathology tests show that the cancer did not spread at all and that they got all out. I've been reading alot of different boards and sites…
On June 17th i went to the emergency room with chest pains. They took an X ray and found something in my lungs. Then they did a CT scan and after having them read they said it was not cancer. Can a CT scan truly detect cancer? I have 2 spots one is super tiny and the other is 8mm. I just want to know if a CT scan can truly…
Trying to Keep Positive
Hi Friends. I am 47 yo wife, a mom of 2 boys (both soccer players-one at the college level), was diagnosed with breast cancer 11/08, had mastectomy 12/08. Stage 1, no lymph node involvement. Low oncotype score so no chemo or radiation. I take tamoxifen daily. I am a smoker and I quit on 6/22/09, to get ready for my…
Mixed Small Cell with glander tissue adeno carsonama feature
Hi, In March my husband was has a sharp pain in his ribs, so finally the first of April he went to the doctor, who sent him for an xray. the next morning we get a call something showedup on xray and then he was sent to lung doctor,who then did test and said he had cancer on right lung, he sent us to cancer doctor and after…
BIL surgery ?
Hello - My dh is fighting colon cancer but at the same time my bil is fighting lung cancer. After 6 months of chemo they went in today to take out the one cancerous lung. And immediately closed him back up because of what they saw. We don't have all the details yet as they are in Seattle and we are on the east coast. What…
Blood tests
My husband just had his blood tested 6 days ago followed by a single round of Gemzar. The platelets were at 103. Yesterday I had to take him to ER because his nose wouldn't stop bleeding and he was extremely weak and shaky so they ran more blood tests. This time the reading came back at 14!!!!! The normal range for…
secondary lung cancer from previous radiation to chest
My name is Rory. I have developed pain in my upper chest and back with aching and swelling of the left arm and hand. I have a history of Hodgkins lymphoma with mantle radiation. Doctor states I am very high risk for lung cancer, sarcoma, breast cancer, and non-hodgkins. She is most worried about lung cancer. Since I have a…
Oncologist vs radiation oncologist
I had my left upper lobe removed on July 7 and all path tests came back clean. My surgeon wants me to see an oncologist just to review all my reports but he feels that they will say I need nothing further. I called my internist to get a name of an oncologist and he gave me one who is a radiation oncologist.... I'm not…
How are you mate? I hope you are doing fine, it´s just that I have not seen a post of you for several days and wish you are well mate and just hanging around with no time to post. Best wishes to you Mario
Chemo killed my teeth
I have had lung and breast cancer and now John's Hopkins has diagnosed me with Polycethemia Vera and severe depression. All of my teeth are bad now and are either rotting at the gum or breaking off. I have 2 that have broken off at the gum. My two front teeth have broken in two and slowly chipping away. can someone out…
Coughing fit
Hello everyone! I know when many of you were diagnosed, coughing was one of your major symptoms. This wasn't the case for me, but in the last week or two, I have started having fairly frequent coughing fits. They cause me to have to stop what I'm doing, find a surface to hold on to and just let it go. These coughs feel…
plural effusion painful !!!!!!!!!
I recently had them drain the fluid from my lung I had surgery 2 months ago, it was so painful they had to stop and only got half of the fluid. I have been told by different people including the ones that did the procedure and my dr. that it doesn't hurt then what happened????
how long........
Can anyone one on Folfox 6,during their first round,tell me what is the average amount of time to go without being able to eat? My husband still after DC on Thuresday si not able to eat more than a bite or two of food a day.
Cancer in the bones
Hi Guys, Well my dad has just gone through 5 cycles of chemo and 5 weeks of radiation. He did so well through this period and never showed too many side effects. He was told that the tumor in his lung has shrunk considerably and the coughing had stopped. He also ate well through this period (Thanks to my mum and put on…
As I have posted on Back From surgerey. whenb I had part of my lung removed, the Doctor told my wife 'IT IS A GOOD CANCER" he called it Carcinoma but did not go into it except sayinhg that THE PROGNOSIS IS GOOD. the Mass was there for over one year and althuogh it was noiced it was not treated until I did my PETSCAN back…
Is it worth to continue Chemo for my mom when doctors says prognosis as few months . my heart weeps
Is it worth to continue Chemo for my mom when doctors says prognosis as few months . my heart weeps seeing my mom Submitted by hopehope on July 16, 2009 - 6:36pm Please help me. My mom is dx with stage 4 NSCLC in Oct 2008. The cancer has spread to 2 lungs and one of the ribs. SHe has 5 times chemo last year and the tumor…
nasophargeal cancer that has spread to the lung............My husband has been diagnosed for the third time with this terrible disease...He has radiation alone the first time, then the second time he had radiation again 5x a week with 1 day of chemo...This time around he took chemo 3x times then decided to quit after he…
Stage four cancer,mestatic adrenocarsinoma
My husband went from perfect health to down with what seemed like the flu. That was the 1st of April. Due to not having insurance or extra pennies for doctors,he tried to fight what he thought was a really bad cold. On May 18th he could fight no more,could not breath,and finally gave in to trying the emergancy room. Of…
Chemo day 1
I wanted to post this for anyone else who maybe facing their first day of chemo. For my husband the first time sure did have him and I scared,however,upon arriving our fears were quickly laid to rest. In his case,he only did a 2 1/2 hour push in short stay and was able to bring the 48 hour drip home,therefore,as I write,he…
Newly diagnosed
Recently dignosed with lung cancer in my right lung (2 cm X 3 cm mass) (Stage 3), The main concern is that it has spread to my lymph nodes in my chest cavity. We are so scared. The oncologist says his patients usually live 12-18 months on the average but for us not to give up hope. Where do we turn to to get this hope . I…
Hi All! We have just found out that our precious 62 year old cousin has adencarinoma lung and the pet scan showed it has spread to the bones; pelvis and spine. She will start chemo Monday a 6 hour treatment and then another one in three weeks. She is a lifelong non-smoker. Her husband is a smoker although quit for awhile…
Things have happended quickley
Stage IV lung cancer mets right rib, right back & neck, I have completed my first round of chemo (I get them once every three weeks) next one will be this Tuesday. I have been extremely tired, alittle pain in my right ribs. I had reservations with my family for the 4th of July we rented hotel rooms that had windows so I…
Hello, this is my first time to this web site, and I have learned so much. In July, 2007, on my birthday no less, I was diagnosed with Stage I NSC lung cancer. I had no symptoms, I was just going to the doctor for my annual chest x-ray because I reeact positively to the Mantoux test, which checks for tuberculosis. I needed…