Start Chemo Tomorrow
I start my first chemo tomorrow (Wednesday June 24, 2009), Im scared but anxious to get this started. As previously posted I have been diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer bronchoalveolar StageIV both lungs and mets to bone, neck, rib & shoulder. The chemo I will be starting with is Carboplatin, Alimta & Avastin.…
having surgery what can I expect afterward
the dr. has warned me this is not easy they are removing 1 lobe in my left lung. I am very nervous about the pain after the operation and how long recovery takes
stage 3bt lung cancer
can any one out ther tell me what the bt means
NSLC - I am 43 diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma.. upper lobe removed
Hi there, I just found out about this site. It is wondeful that we can talk about our experiences. I am 43 and after an xray from a check up oct 2008 they found that I have a 1.5 cm lung cancer. The next day I was in hospital they removed it and then it was followed by 4 months of chemo. 1 lypmph was positive. I am not…
Radiation Treatment breaks
My dad has SCLC. He was receiving both chemo and radiation at the same time before his white blood cell count became too low. He's had 5 (out of a possible 6) rounds of chemo and his onc has said "no more" as she believes his body has reached its max. My dad did 20 radiation treatments than was off for 2 weeks because of…
New lung mets, unknown primary/past breast and thyroid cancer within 8 months
My history: I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Oct, 2008. It was DCIS, and thought to be contained in the breast. In May, 2009, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and had a total thyroidectomy. Lymph nodes were clear for both surgeries. My thyroid protein level was high this week, so I went in for a Chest X.-ray,…
Avastin before Chemo
Does anyone have any experience with Avastin. Evidently, it is given before chemo to increase the effectiveness of chemo and can't be given once chemo has started. It is supposed to be very costly. Daughter of 85 yr old father recently diagnosed with 3B lung cancer. Recommended treatment Chemotherapy with possible…
Lung Cancer friend to looch969
I can't imagine the emotion that you all have had to go through during your diagnosis. However, I do know how it feels from a daughters point of view. Every day I see the struggles of the strongest person that I strive to be. If I had any advice to give it would to keep pushing the doctors. I always feel like I'm one step…
Just Diagnosed and am very overwelmed
I was just diagnosed on 06/11/09 with lung cancer thru a CT Scan lung biopsy. I was told the mass was 4-5mm. I have just finished the quantitative perfusion scan and PET scan and will see DR on 07/08/09. Dr said I was not a good candidate for lung disection because I did not do well on the breathing function test. I do not…
BAC Lung Cancer and Tarceva
My mother was recently diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer known as bronchoaveolar cancer (BAC). The best drug for this is Tarceva. Does anyone have this type of Lung Cancer and have you used this drug. Have you broke out in the terrible rash that is one of the primary side effects?
Anyone w/ stage1 T2 B
I have lung cancer stage 1 T2B. Is there anyone out there w/ same and what kind of treatment given. I had my lower left lobe removed and I'm told that probably I should have chemo as soon as my health is back. After researching this, I found that in the past years it was not standard for anyone with same stage to have…
I just came to know that my mom has stage 4 Lung cancer....I am in the shock
I have no words to to express my fear and sadness. My mom lives in India .She never smoked or even had second hand smokers around. Mom had 5 rounds of chemo and because of low blood count they stopped chemo on her. She is going through terrible pain and I am so helpless to console her. She had patches and all other pain…
Yesterday there was "Standup2cancer" program running on Channel 2,4 and 7 at 8:00PM. With everybody invovled, hopefully will find the cure for all cancer. I donated whatever I can and when I checked "standup2cancer.org" web site, I saw money are distributing to a lot of research centers. But I didn't see any Lung cancer…
Salute everyone!!
Hi there, I am new to this website and will appreciate your comments. I am a 38 years old mexican who was diagnosed stage IIIB (no metastatis) lung adenocarcinoma (15 cm x 12 cm x 8 cm) in the right upper lobe. I have 3rd chemo programmed for June 16th, they are using Alimta/Cisplatin/Avastin therapy. I am doing fine with…
I was feeling very confident until someone said: YOU HAVE ONLY READ AND HEARD FROM THE ONES WHO SURVIVED. Imagine the rest... I am three days away from surgery.. I am level 2 but I am now very concerned and feeling down. I will have the upper lobe of my right lung taken out and will be cut at the chest as well as the back,…
XRAY results
I don't know if you remember me, but my mom was diagnosed of stage IV NSCLC last Sept 15 2006. After 6 agonizing weeks of tests and further investigations, she started her treatment with Tarceva on 1 Nov. Yesterday, she had her first xray after Tarceva, and her oncologist said that she couldn't find anything! Xray results…
My Mom
My Mom (83 years old)has not been diagnosed yet but three masses were found on her lungs during a unrelated X-ray. (1 in one lung 2 in the other) No symptoms accept she has been losing weight. Specialist said he thinks from the X-rays it looks malignant and sent her for a breath test yesterday and a CT today and then I'm…
Non-small cell stage IV
Just joined today. My husband has been diagnoised with non small cell squamous cancer. The doc has given a prognosis of 9 12 months. His cancer has metatized (sp?) to the brain, liver and 2 lymph nodes in the lungs. I have questions. Is there anyone out there with the same diagnosis?
recurrent cancer
Anyone out there who had a low grade lung cancer and have a recurrence? Just wonder what symptoms to watch for or just count on ct scans?
Hi you all. I recently posted my Diagnose of Lung Mass. I am confused. My 2.9cm tumor/mass was diagnosed after a C Scan on May 15, 2009 however, going back to old records and X rays, we found that 18 months ago this mass was detected as a 2.5cm mass, but no one did anything about it and the records were not sent to my…
I posted my "JUST DIAGNOSED" a few days ago and received lots of good advise and great suppport from all of you. Today I met with my Doctors at Robert Wood Johson and scheduled surgery for next Tuesday June 30, 2009. I AM GOING FOR IT. My family was asking me to postpone it for a week but I insisted on NOW!. Dr. Langenfeld…
blood clots
my mom has been recently informed that she had formed blood clots in her body, and she is now being treated by blood thinners. has anyone had any experience with blood clots, and how did you deal with it? I'm so worried about it and I would appreciate any kind words of advice anyone could offer. I was reading up on it and…
small cell carcinoma
well things are not looking to well since my mom has an infection and she is weak they wont give her chemo and the cancer is spreading so fast i feel bad
pancreas cancer stage 4
My husband was told last week he has stage 4 pancreas cancer that has spread to the liver & spleen. He is stating chemo with Xeloda pill form & radiation this week. Has anyone else taken this ? What was the results? I would appreciate any information I can get/ Thanks
Avastin and Alimta
I received my 3rd treatment with this combo today. I thought I'd be on alimta every three weeks for a long while (or til it stopped working). I thought it was the biologic therapy--but in going over my notes, I see that avastin is the b. therapy and that alimta is the chemo. Am I confused? Is it alimta that is given…
i was just diagnosed with Lung Cancer. I am 77 years old and extremely healthy until three weeks ago. I had an earlier Cat Scan but the Biopsies kept coming back Negative because the Dr. could not get to the mass on my lung, PEtsCAN ordered and today it revealed tha the 3.4 cm mass is in fact malignant. but I do not…
Colon Cancer with mets to lungs and liver
Hello everybody!! I normally stay in the colon chat room but I thought maybe someone in here could shed some light on my situation.... or perhaps help. I had my tumor removed from colon but not before it left me with mets in lungs and liver. 4 in liver and about 16 in lungs..spread all across. However, this has been…
brother wont get help
my brother is 45 years old and about 4 weeks ago he was dignosed with stage 4 lung cancer. he will not take any treatments what so ever . it has already moved to his brain . now he stays in the bed all the time wont talk just grunts . he has lost between 40-50 lbs in these 4 weeks. we were there yesterday and he didn;t…
Lung Mass 4cm
I just discovered that I have a lung mass of 4cm should I be concerned about cancer? I am having a CT scan today.
Radiation Advice
Hello everyone! I know I've shared bits and pieces of my story on different topics here, but just wanted to give a little background before I ask for your advice! I was diagnosed with Stage 4 NSCLC in Dec 08. After that I underwent six round of chemo (Cisplatin/Alimta/Avastin). After three rounds, a CT scan showed some…