Any experience with Taxotere?
Does anybody have any experience with taxotere? My dad just receieved this for the 1st time on Tues. after tarceva was unsuccessful AND carbo/avastin/alimpta was not successful. He seems to be holding up pretty well but he has only had 1 treatment. Just a little nausea. His primary cancer is his lung only it is not a tumor…
Chemo treatment with Avastin, Taxol and Carboplatin
I'm being treated with Avatin, Taxol and Carboplatin for non-small cell lung cancer. Has anyone else undergone this treatment and, if so, how are you faring?
just wondering did she receive any treatment has she survived with just smoking, i will never understand this disease I quit 23 years ago and I am 2 1/2 weeks out of surgery yet my husband keeps smoking you would think that after seeing what I have gone threw he would quit
post op stageing
I am confused about the staging after surgery I was stage 2 before surgery now I am a stage 1 why is that.
Losing friends since mother's diagnosis
Has anyone else dealt with losing friends? I am disabled so I stay home a lot. Most of my communication is through email or IMing. Since I have told them nobody returns my emails. I sent an email saying that I understand the difficulties, that they might not be comfortable talking about cancer. I told them that i would…
tumor in pulmonary vein
My dad has stage 4 non small squamous cell lung cancer. He went for surgery but they had to pull out because of a tumor in his pulmonary vein too close to his heart to cut. He went through chemo and radiation and they said they shrunk the tumors in this lung but they are not sure about the one is his pulmonary vein. So we…
Lung Cancer in Non-smoking Women ...
Nov 2005 my mom was diagnosed with Bronchioalveolar (BAC), and had her left upper lobe removed. What was crazy about this is my Mom is a non-smoker. After asking questions and reading about this cancer we learned that this strain of cancer is in non-smoking women, and makes up a small percent of lung cancers. Shortly after…
I have many questions about the "second line" of treatment. Can anyone share their experiences with Alimpta? Has this medication had significant effect on tumors? How were the side affects for you?
*Urgent* Chemo husband has severe cold virus-HELP
My husband just had his first big round of chemo 3 days ago and now seems to be experiencing symptoms of a severe chest cold. I was told to cut back on vit c from his oncologist when we first began treatment so he is only taking 500 mg daily. So, when these symptoms of a cold started I gave him hot tea with honey and lemon…
Looking for people who are on or have taken tarcevea pills. What are your side effects and what do you think about his drug? My Dad just started tarcevea pills, his oncol told him the side effects are not that bad, maybe diarrhea and pimples. Also, wondering how effective it is. Dad has lung cancer and it hit a lymph node.…
Lung and throat cancer
I just received a call from my PCP regarding my PET scan. I was diagnosed last week with NSCLC and now I'm being told that I have a large mass in my throat which is impacting my larynx. They said the throat cancer is the primary cancer and the lung cancer is secondary. I was in such a state of shock that I didn't think to…
Scared and just need to vent
Hi, my name is Glenna and I was diagnosed on 5-19-09 with NSCLC adenocarcinoma. The surgeon told me it was inoperable and incurable and that he couldn't tell me how long I have which sure sounded like a death sentence to me. He also told me that it was in my lymph nodes but he couldn't tell me where it has spread to,…
I haven't told my husband
My husband has stage 3 anencarcinoma on his right lung. He knows about the cancer and chemo, however he has not asked the doctors what the prognosis is yet. The doctors have told me privately that he has 6-12 months and that I should make "arrangements" as they call it. I am at a loss as to whether or not I should tell him…
Lung cancer w/mets to bone and now abdominal wall
My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer (fluid in lungs) w/mets to bone. We found out yesterday his cancer has spread to his abdominal wall. Anybody ever hear of this? He was on carboplatin/avastin/alimta for chemo which was keeping his lesions on his bones from growing + his lymph nodes shrunk. Just worried and confused.…
Has anyone come across thymus, granuloma and thyroid symptoms
My 18 yr old daughter has has ongoing health problems since August of 2008. She had has 3 cts and the last one revealed that her thymus is growing into her lungs, that she has a calcified granuloma in her lung and nodules on her thyroid. We have been to the Oncocologist, ENT, Pulmonologist, Family Dr. etc. I scheduled an…
Carcenoid lung tumor
Hello everyone. I am 33 years old and have had the most challenging 17mths of my life thus far. My daughter was born on christmas of 2007. SHh wasnt supposed to come until april of 2008. She spent 4 1/2 mths in the nicu. Apon her arrival home we were so happy. It was short lived. I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease…
Combo Chemo/Radiation ?
My husband has stage 3 Lung Cancer Adencarcinoma and his oncologist says that radiation is "not an option". He has scheduled chemo Gemcitabine and Carboplatin. I've read about many getting both chemo/radiation for this and am wondering why my husband is not. He did have a lot of chest fluid which was removed with a chest…
NSLC Adenocarcinoma Advanced stage
My mother was recently diagnosed with NSCLC adenocarcinoma. She has a malignant mass in her mediastinum and it spread to her lungs, lymph nodes. First the doctor said that she was stage 2 but recently we found out that she might have metastesis in her brain and her bones (skull and right upper arm).... so i suppose that…
Weight Gain Smoothie - Really Good
If anyone has experienced weight loss I found this recipe that will not only help you put some weight back on, it's good for you and absolutely delicious as well :) PS The doctor who gave me this recipe highly recommends it for cancer patients. Peanut Butter Smoothie 1 cup soy milk 1 cup ice 1/4 cup protein powder 1…
Coming to terms with diagnosis
I'm so glad I found this site. I have been looking for stories of survivors of Stage IV non small cell adenocarcinoma and haven't found many. I have had 2 rounds of carboplatin/alimta/avistin. It is going really well but I would like to hear some success stories. How do you all cope with this diagnosis of lung cancer? I…
My Mom won't eat or get out of bed
My Mom has Lung Cancer that is also in her brain and pancreis. She went into remission for a couple months around the beginning of the year but it came back two months ago. Since then she has had radiation and started Chemo again. Recently she has been in and out of the hospital with stomach pain (from the pancreis) and an…
ct scan
does anyone know what hypoventilatory change in the dependent portion of the lung bases means?
how many people think surgery worked for them or chemo worked
I have read some of you got chemo and are in remission and some got surgery and chemo and are in remission I was wondering what the reason for those decissions were made and do you agree or would do something different
caz22 question for you
what kind of surgery did you have and when I am going to have surgery and wondering if you received chemo before the surgery or after or just the surgery
limited sclc
scared to death!!!!!!!!!!!
have questions
My mother in law has been told that she only has a couple of months to live. She has large-cell lung cancer and it has spread to her heart. They are going to start chemo soon. Is the prognosis always pretty accurate or could the chemo possibly work really well?? If it did work well, could she live months longer or possibly…
Decision making.
My mom has squamous cell cancer type 3. I don't actually know anything about what's going on, except that the doctors always seem to give us the run around and don't answer our questions. Right now, she is undergoing radiation as part of a 25 treatment course. She started one treatment of chemotherapy and is on a three…
advice on esophogus pain from radiation
does anyone have help in what to eat that does not irritate throat radiation is starting to hurt my throat and I was told this would happen I would like to avoid the meds they gave me and just eat healthy. any advice?????
Any experience w/carbo/avastin/alimta
My dad started chemo on Tues. consisting of carboplatin/avastin + alimta (he is 56 years old). He is so, so sick. He won't eat anything b/c it just comes back up. He is experiencing severe headaches as well. He is staying hydrated w/ginger ale. He has been so positive throughout this whole ordeal but I am now seeing his…
Should mother move in with me?
She just had 2 weeks of daily Whole Brain Radiation or WBR. Surprisingly she is doing well. She has some cognitive delay, but not too bad. She had 2 spots in her brain so they decided on WBR. Her only real symptom is excessive exhaustion. Right now she is living in Hawaii with my sister, but I wonder if she will get better…