I just had a CT scan. It read a 4mm nodule on my right lung. Follow up in 6 mo. to a year. Is that normal to have to wait that long? I don't have any insurance, are they pushing me off because of that. My mother, my aunt, and my uncle all died of lung cancer in 2000. I thought lung cancer was very aggresseive and can be…
abnormal growth
Hello my name is Pam This is so wierd I have a younger sister that just got over throat cancer a few months ago, then just last month the doctors found that my mother had kidney cancer by accident.Now I get a call from the doctor ON 4-13-09 that they need me to go in to do a cat scan because I have an abnormal growth on my…
Recovery after Surgery
I had my upper left lobe removed on 7/7/09. Looks like they got all cancer, YEAH!! Just wondering, how long after, if you had this surgery, did you start feeling like yourself...I didn't have the VATS, but no ribs had to be broken. I'm starting to get a bit more pep, but then I do more and exhaust myself out...My breathing…
Update to Nodule in Left Lung
I just received results of Needle Biopsy of Nodule in Left Lung it was inconclusive but Doctor is recommending immediate PET Scan. Does anyone know what a PET Scan will tell them that a Biopsy did not? Will a PET Scan be definitive? Doctor suggested next step after that might be Open Chest Biopsy? Anyone have any…
Stage IIIb Adenocarcinoma - 3rd time on chemo in 2 years
Hello....I'm a 44 year old female with Adenocarinoma of the lung....never smoked. I'm in the middle of chemo for the 3rd time in 2 years. I was diagnosed in May 04 with Malignant Pleural effusion...stage IIIb. It was in operable, and localized to the 3rd lobe of my right lung. They did the talc pleurodesis but it didn't…
Stage IV NSCLC w/mets to brain
My dad woke one morning in the middle of Jan. 2008, thinking he had suffered a stroke. The newspaper wasn't making any sense, and he had such a disconnect with his memory. After a trip to his GP and a chest x-ray later, he was diagnosed with lung cancer w/mats to his brain. One tumor in his lung, and 4 marble to pingpong…
Which Hospital is the Best for Lung Cancer Treatment
My mom has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer. She has one large in her left lung and two small in her right. They do not feel it has reached the lymph nodes yet and it has not spread to anywhere else in her body. She is currently at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa and I was wondering how do you go about searching for the…
Chemo day 2 and 3 at home
Well,I can say all started out really well on the first day of chemo. Sean was hungry and ate some,however day two and the start of day three aren't not going as well. We have been dripping 5FU since about 12:30 Tuesday and by the end of day one going into day two thing have went down hill. He can no longer eat and…
Does anyone have BAC
Does anyone out there have the bronchoavelor carcinoma. Which is a type of lung cancer. What kind of treatment have you been through??? I had this type of cancer in Feb 2007 to the right upper and lower lobe. I had surgery and they removed only the tumor which was about 25% of both lungs. I guess you can say that Im pretty…
My husband 32 years old was diagnosed with small lung cancer on october 2007. I am 28 years old. And this notice was very scary at the beginning. Now we are figthing together and God is with us. He got quimo (carboplastin and etoposide) 6 cycles. He just finished radiation to reduce the tumor on his lung. We are waiting…
Small Cell Lung Cancer Survivor
I had a resection of the upper lobe of my left lung on 08/14/00 in which they found that I had small cell lung cancer. The doctor then removed the rest of the upper lobe of my left lung. I then had six months of chemo and through my last ct in Nov. am doing fine. My next CT is scheduled for June 2002. I know that there are…
Shortness of breath
I have a question for anyone who had a lobectomy. I had my surgery June 13th, 2008. I think my recovery is going well. The doctors told me for 3 months take it easy. Lift nothing over 5 pounds, no yard work or gardening. I am feeling so well that this makes this difficult. I also have 4 kids so I am not one to sit down. I…
Lifelong non-smoker with possible lung cancer
Hello all. I have never smoked, never lived with a smoker, and never worked in a place where smoking is allowed. So imagine my surprise when I discovered today that I have a 6cm mass in my lung!! They haven't done the biopsy yet but the radiologist says she's 90% confident it is indeed cancer. The only other possibility is…
in remission
In 2004 I was diagnoised with lung cancer. I had an operation, chemo, and radiation. My husband thought that I would die. Well I did not and he became very unsuportative through the chemo, and radiation. etc. He says that I am not the same person as I was before. Well I have part of my lung gone and can no longer run up…
side affects of chemo
For about a year I have been going threw different side affects from Taxol an carboplatin . I took it as a preventive thing to kill all cancer cells an what ever other cells that got in the way. Guess i should mention I had a complete lung remove left side . Thats why the preventive thing... I got the usual neropathy in…
lung cancer
any one out there who has lung cancer in the 4th stage my brother who is only 58 just found out its in his brain also his lymph glands, blood and bones dones anyone know what his chances are he is going to Fox Chase also has anyone heard of Cancer treatments of America
Waiting for the unknown is very frustrating
My Mother-in-law discovered blood in her urine in May and her family dr sent her to a kidney specialist. The kidney dr said she had some hormonal inbalance, but nothing out of the ordinary for 69 years; however, the dr noticed a spot on her liver and she was referred to a liver spec. That dr did a liver biopsy and on Aug…
chemo and anxiety
my dad had chemo last Friday and has anxiety really bad. The valium does not seem to do the trick. They said it is from the steroids they have given him but he had pretty severe anxiety the last time he was sick. Has anyone else experienced this? What have you guys done to help with it. It is having a major effect on his…
Prayers are needed for my father! He just got diagnosed again with Lung cancer and mets to bone
My father was originally diagnosed with bone infection until one of the doctors did a biopsy of his lung and spine. He was misdiagnosed with osteomylitis. My dad was in the hospital for a good month and a half. He is out now. A pet scan revealed he had spots on his spine and lung....the oncologist said they are very small.…
have stage 111 and am still smoking HELP
I was diagionsed with lung cancer in may 09 had ct scan, bome scan, pet scan and nothing had spread. I saw an oncoligest who is great and a surgon who will not even talk to me about any options of quiting EXECPT COLD TURKEY i have smoked for 48 years and smoked 2 to 3 packs a day no matter how hard I try I can not put them…
Help we are so lost
Hi my name is Sandy, My father was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer stage 2 back in april. He is a Veteran and goes thru the VA for all health issues. This is the only insurance he has. Anyways for a few months he was very sick and weak. He was in the hospital for about 90 days and then he couldnt walk because he…
Stage IV non small cell lung cancer and lynph nodes
Stage IV non small cell lung cancer and lynph nodes
Request for any help or information about NON SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER
hi,my friend is back in india whose husband is suffering from NON SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER, please inform me would like to know what treatment was used or any diagnoised treatment which has helped.
Stage IV non small cell lung cancer and lynph nodes
Any one heard of chemo sensitivy test
i heard that it is possible to do a chemo sensitivy test, to find out which drugs would be efficient in killing one's cancer cells. has anyone tried this? does it really work? any info will be much appreciated. good luck to you all. Fran
How long did you take painkillers after your lobectomy?
My upper right lobe was removed on 9/4 and I spent a week in the hospital. I had a follow-up visit with the surgeon on 9/24 and he said I should try to get off the Vicodin. He did say I could take it if the pain is too bad so I decided to cut back drastically and try to quit. I had been taking 4/day so on 9/25 I squeaked…
Finally a diagnosis along with numorous questions --HELP
My mom was diagnosed with stage 1 non-small cell lung cancer...here is the kicker...she has it in BOTH lungs. Not a spread but two actual sites, one in the left lower lung (stage 1) and one in the upper right (stage 1). Because she is 82 and has emphysema the Oncology is reccommending Radiation, she would like to see her…
adeno carsenoma
do you know of anyone one living stage 4 adeno carsenoma un operable wanting to know life expectancy its in lung kidney lymph nodes
Chemo tomorrow I am worried !! Help !
Dad is having chemo tomorrow gemza/carbo. As I have posted before he is 91 and has advance lung non-small cell metastisized to liver and lymph nodes. He has become so weak in the last 2 weeks it is unbelievable. The dr. says it is cancer fatigue but it is knocking him down fast. He can barely walk at all and sleeps almost…