I was a 7 1/2 year survivor of breast cancer. This year when I was given my routine lung xray for annual follow-up, there was something suspicious. So far I have had a CT scan which showed "nodules", 9 mm being the largest. Also showed either a new fracture of my back at T10 or a healed one (wasn't made clear to me). Now…
Mother recently diagnosed
On March 9th my mother was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer with mets to brain and adrenal gland. So far she has only gone through radiation to her brain. The appt with the medical oncologist keeps being postponed due to flash floods. Now her next appt is on the 7th of May. This is who is giving us the exact type of…
Pneumonectomy AFTER Chemo/Radiation
Can anyone shed light on this?? My father was diagnosed over 4 years ago with Stage IIIb NSCLC. His quality of life is very good. CT scans have been negative until this month. He has a local recurrence, centrally located, left lung confirmed by PET scan. His case was presented to tumor board at the hospital (Karmanos…
HI 2nd round of chemo and wondering why so wiped out....
My name is patti and i have been diaganosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and stage 1 breast cancer--after 2nd treatment of of chemo Taxtol and some other i am totally wiped out...any other experiences like that for anyone. Do not mean to be so vague just a little difficult to start sharing some of this stuff. Let me know and…
Our doctor mentioned this drug as an option. We are deciding about a clinical Trial too? Somebody responds well to this drug? positive results? progression of the disease? Please don't let me alone. Nubis
Dad has Stage IV lung/liver in hospital now
Dad had to go to the hospital this morning after he fell onto the bathroom floor at home. Dad is 75, mom also 75. My husband had to go pick him up off the floor and put him back in bed. His legs just stopped working. He is totally dehydrated and has diarehha (sp) and isn't eating. He is in hospital now and I am happy he is…
stimuvax trial for nsclc
I am hoping that someone out there is on the Stimuvax Phase III trial for NSCLC. If so, are you having cat or pet scans, or just x-rays? My husband has been in the trial since Jan. 2008. He gets a lung x-ray every 12 weeks, but nothing else. Has not had a pet scan since July 2007 and a ct scan since Jan. 2008.He is having…
im new to this
hell everyone ive read most of your stories on here and they give me great hope my mother has stage 4 small cell carcinoma and its spreading everywhere they are saying she has a couple of weeks but i really dont want to believe that i read about some drug called alimta i told the doctor about it and he said he never heard…
where to go from here.
I'm just wondering how all the survivors do it. (now that I am one) Am I suppose to never go anywhere that there is smoke? Or never eat some of the foods that I like because they are fatty? I don't know if I should be an extremist about health. Not color my hair? I mean I always ate green leafy vegatables. I controled my…
My friend was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer
My friend was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer about 1.5 years ago. She had mets to pelvis and abodmen. She did 8 rounds of chemo and the mets in pelvis and abdomen went away, although primary tumor in the lung remained. After a number of other medical problems. The primary tumor in the lung is blocking her air way a…
Has anyone had experience with Alimta
My husband was receiving Carbo & Gemzar - he had to stop chemo because of pnemionia - They will be starting him on Alimta in two weeks. He will get B12 shots with it and has to take steriods the day before, the day of, and day after treatment. We have no idea what to expect with this drug.
I don't want to loose my faith. My husband was doing well, but he is getting quimo rigth now and his lymph node in the neck is getting bigger and is very painful. But this just happen 2 days ago. Before that we had the cancer under control and we were happy. Why is getting bigger??????????????????? why?????????? Now he…
SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER WITH METASTASIS TO THE LIVER AND LYMPH NODES - DIAGNOSED OCT 2007. Today 03/27/09 The tumor is the same, but lymph nodes are getting bigger. We just finish second line of quemo (Topotecan). Doctor offered us a Clinical Trial. Good news: this drug is for smcl and my husband is a candidate. Also the…
what is the difference between T2 and 2B adenocarcinoma
one dr. tells me T2 one says 2B does anyone know the difference is it treated different or prognosis different
Spreading cancer
Hello everyone, I am in Wyoming, I am writing about a friend that has Lung cancer and it has spread to her liver. She lives in Ohio, I am hoping to get her some help. She is struggling financially, she just started a new job and has to stop working to start chemotherapy again. I would appreciate any help either financially…
Herbs and Supplements
Does anybody use herbs and supplements? if so what and how much?
How Can I Cope WIth the Stress?
I live with my boyfriend of 15 years. He was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer May 29th 2008. By the time they discovered it it had already spread to his liver. He has been battling it ever since, recently having to undergo Radiation for a brain tumor. I was working part-time up until January of this year, when I was…
Hospice Care
Hi all, I am new to this discussion board/group. Although I have been on this site before I never registered until now. My father was diagnosed with NSCLC in 2004 and till now has been on every chemo/radiation and surgerical treatment imaginable. Most recently, he underwent two thoracentesis procedures to address his…
Please forgive me, Im not very good at computers, so I know that iam not posting right, sorry. I have just a few questions if someone could help me, I would be so appreciative, my doctor did and angiogram 2 weeks ago and my heart was fine, they did a x-ray of my chest before I left and then I was called back to find out I…
Mouth Sores
My Dad just started Tarcevea. He was doing great for about 5 days, now has bad mouth sores, diarrhea and hives. If anyone has experienced this, I was wondering if you have any good remedies for the mouth sores and hives. I was also wondering if, since he takes the pills everyday, will these side effects go away or will…
chemo first or surgery ???????
the dr is sending me for a pet scan to see if it has spread, then he said I would get chemo and them surgery. is that the typical order of things I thought maybe he felt if he shrinks the tumor in my lung he would have to remove less of the lung . i thought they usually did surgery firs and then chemo he said that if it…
carcinoid lung cancer
Hi I wanted to know if anybody out there has had this type of Cancer. I was diagnosed in September and had surgery to remove three quarters of my left lung in November 2007. They went in through my back and had to break several ribs to get the lung out, it's about an 8 inch scar. The operation was a piece of cake but the…
Finding a second opinion in the Quad Cities
Anyone who can help?? Please message me on CSN ASAP! A good friend's sister was just given 5 years (at best) with lung cancer and wants a second opinion - - - I need to know who she can go see in the Quad Cities. Is there any doctor anyone here can recommend? Please message me on CSN ASAP! Thanks! Jessica Winters
Please - Opinion CAT Scan - Lung Cancer
Would you please give me your opinion on the CAT Scan described below? I have no one else to turn to because my father adamantly refuses a biopsy. His primary doctor told me 15 months ago, that he believed with certainty he has Stage 4 Lung Cancer. Now, the doctor has changed his opinion, he believes he has a Lung Fungus…
biopsy back adenocarcinoma
got biopsy today going to oncologist tomorrow, does anyone else get sever body aches and so cold they cant get warm this usually occurs in the evening any clues or suggestions
thanks for the help does it seem odd that I had a bone scan befor the biopsy they havent diagnosed the type of cancer but they are checking to see if it has gone to the bone this is making me very neverous it seem that by the time they get the biopsy back and get me to an oncologist it will be 2 months from the time they…
malignant pleura
I am also at MD Anderson. I was diagnosed with IIIB lung cancer after being hospitalized for a complete white out of the left lung. I don't have a tumor but do have a nodule or nodules in the space between the chest wall and the lung. I don't ask questions about "cure" but the doctors seem optomistic that I will "respond…
My husband will have radiation on the neck next week. He has a lymph node that got inflamated for the cancer and quimo is not helping to shrink it. We finally got the appointment. I don't know why is so difficult to get an appointment. My husband is with a lot o pain, he cannot eat solid food. He is worried about sides…
Radiation - Can you have it twice?
I had radiation in 2001 with Breast Cancer. Now I may have lung/bone cancer. I have been told that you cannot have radiation more than once. Is this true?
Is Acupuncture technique effective for smoke cessation?
I’m looking for ways to quit smoking and came across the terminology “Cold Turkey exercise”. What are Cold turkey and acupuncture methods? Are they really helpful? Is there another method available to quit smoking.