Heart issues with chemotherapy??
My mom's in Germany just had surgery stage 3 non small june 25, Rt mid lobectomy. She just completed day 1 and day 8 last friday of chemotherapy. She was rushed to the hospital due to cramping and pain in left arm. They told her there looks like there is something wrong with her heart. Her heart was fine before surgery, I…
My DAD has stage 3b-4 lung cancer
Hi every one. My dad has been recently (08/07/09) diagnosed with stage 3b-4 lung cancer. He was told it is inoperable but he was offered to do Chemo, if he wants. He is also suggested to manage a hospice so he does not have to rush to the hospital when he needs assistance. Is that a bad thing?? It really scares me as if…
side effects Chemotherapy for lung cancer stage 4
My husband is having chemotherapy since june taxol/carboplatin .The last 3 weeks he is feeling terribly fatigue and he is depress. I do not know what to do. It seems the treatment is working because the tumor shrunk.But he told me lately that he feels that he dies every day.He is in bed every day. He quit working and he…
survivng EC newly dx with squamous cell lung cancer
I feel like i know everyone on this board, we have been reading along since my husbands dx of distal adenocarcinoma in Nov. 2007. He is fighting and is a survior. We have had so many complications that just when you think you are getting to a high, you get more bad news. My husband had resection surgery were they removed 5…
How long do doctor's run tests before there is any treatment plan.
My husband's cancer was found on a cat scan done for blood in urine. This was in abdomin area. Later scans showed it in the lung. He has had a bronchoscopy which was non-specific as to cancer cells. Now he is to be scheduled for a cat scan guided needle biopsy of the lung. We are waiting for notice of the appointment for…
Looking for people using cisplatinum and vinorelbine
My mother who has stage 3 non small cell lung ca is on this combination for chemo Day 1 and Day 8. I have looked up the chemo drugs and side effects and statistics. I am actually looking for people that are using this combination and how it has been on their bodies. My mother did her first treatment Day 1 and Day 8. She…
I have COPD and some suspicious cells in the lung
I have recently been diagnosid with COPD and they found some suspicious cells deep in the lung. Has anyone out there been diagnosed with Lung Cancer with these similar symptoms?
Anyone had stereotatic radiosurgery??
First a little background - I usually post on the head and neck board as I just completed chemo and radiation for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the larynx and now have to wait for a CT scan to find out if these treatments helped or not. I also have non small cell adenocarcinoma in my left lung. Both cancers are inoperable. I…
Small Cell lung cancer
Hi Everyone, I am very new at this, but hoping to get some good advise. My grandmother was dianosed last year w/Small Cell lung cancer. She went through the chemo and radiation finished it all. She also went through brain radiation as a precaution. We had a follow up this week w/the doctor. We were told that it is back and…
Well... had my first experience with this new Scan. Of course I was up most of the night cleaning my body with all that stuff I had to drink. Went in at 9:00 A.M and was injected the Nuclear liquid nad sent home until 2:00P.M On my return very quickly on the table and I was there about two hours. Had a little nap. I was…
Needle Biopsy
Okay they finally set up a date for my Mom's Needle Biopsy. She has only been in the hosptial 3 times during her 83 years and I know she is afraid. Could anyone that has had a needle biopsy please let me know the amount of pain you went through so I know how to prepare her. Not that I would tell her it is awful but I don't…
Very frightened for my mother
Hello, I just joined this site because I am very confused and frightened and so in the dark right now. My mother ended up in the ER last week with a collapsed lung. She had emergency surgery and a cat scan which showed a mass on her right lung. The doctor also mentioned that her lymph nodes were swollen. They immediately…
For MichelleP
Hi Michelle, How is your husband doing with the fatigue? I did some research as started to get upset with fatigue caused by kemo, you know, I am well 14 days offshore and the 14 days I spent at home, I receive the kemo and start with the fatigue so not able to do a lot of things I would like to do with my family. Found…
Pls help - need questions for the oncologist
My Mother-in-law has been dx with Stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer. Specifically, poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. It is in both lungs (plum size mass collapsing the lower lobe of one lung and several small tumors in the other). Fluid has been drained multiple times, and her lung capacity is up to 500, from 250…
Financial Assistance For Newly Diagnosised Lung Cancer Patient
Hi All! This is my first time on your message board. My oldest sister has been diagnosised with lung cancer. She is in stage 4. My question is where can she find financial help with expenses and possible help with burial expenses. (I don't want to think of her death but if something happened and help was needed where can…
New Here....can anyone help?
Hi, In March my husband was having a sharp pain in his ribs, so finally the first of April he went to the doctor, who sent him for an xray. the next morning we get a call something showedup on xray and then he was sent to lung doctor,who then did test and said he had cancer on right lung, he sent us to cancer doctor and…
Hi you all: I had my lung surgery more than one month ago and I feel well and was told that I ws a lucky man. Everything was taken out. HOWEVER.... My Oncologyst saw me a few days after my surgery and he is the one who called me LUCKY, however, He had told me about having another scan which I thought was a new Cscan,…
7mm spot on lungs after breast cancer, has anyone else been down this road?
Hi, I just found out this week by xray I had a 7mm spot on my lungs. That led to many more tests like CT, blood, ultra sound and pet. All tests except the pet and xray were clear/normal. The PET shows 2 lymph nodes (one by each lung in the center of the chest) by the lungs light up. The lung nodes light up also making…
My Dad has stage 3b-4 Lung Cancer (Please help)
Hi every one, Last week my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer type 4. He is given worst case scenario of life expectency 5-6 months. He was offered chemo for treatment. He does not want chemo. He believes that except the water in his lungs that needs to be drained every two weeks, he feels totally fine and does not want…
My Dad is Gone
I lost my Dad today to non-small cell. We just found out in Oct 2002 that he had it. I can't believe it took him so fast. His cancer had spread more than what was at first thought apparently. Our lives will never be the same without him. He was such a great son, husband, and father. It's so hard but I know he is in a…
CT scan
If there was a ct scan and there were no comparisons to any priors for example, and the impressions showed bone mets, would you request further testing? It's my understanding that CT scan very often mimick mets in the bones. My husbands prior bone scan/CT showed bilateral inflammatory arthritis in April 2009. Also in April…
This may be a bit long winded but I will do my best to make it specific and short. My father was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in February. He had 6 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation and was told he was basically cancer free but there was scar tissue and the tumor was still there. After much discussion, it was…
My brain is mush
We found out about 2 weeks ago that my mom has small cell plus it has also gone into her spine. She started her chemo treatments (3 days on 18 days off ) and the first 2 days she had really bad muscle spasums. Today they gave her a pain shot first and all went well today. They are saying she might come home in 2 days. My…
My mother lost her battle July 18th. She was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in '07. She fought for 2 and a half years. Her first diagnosis was just really bad broncitis(sp?) then she called me in the hospital saying she was just having trouble breathering and she was fine. Then a few days later my youth minster came to…
Mom diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer
Hi - I am from Canada - My mom has recently been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. The cancer is in her left lung and has spread to local chest lymph nodes. She is going for a bone scan next Monday and from there, I guess she goes on to the cancer doctors. Of course, we, her family, as well as her, are now living in a…
"It is what it is"
Yesturday I buried one of the best friends in the world to me. It was a pleasant small quiet ceremony overlooking the river under two beautiful oak trees. My friends name was Jim. He loved to fish and work the ground in his flower beds and ride his harley when he wasnt engineering a new project on one of his houses. He was…
SCLC...PCI...Yes or No
Hi everybody, I have SCLC, dx back in March 06, have been through Chemo and Radiaton, Bone scan came back negativ, Yeah and now I have to get my CT scan and Brain scan done next week, I pray that are negative too, now comes my question. Brain Radiation...yes or no, the more I research the more confused I get, severe long…
None small cell lung cancer
Hi, I'm new to here Feb 2009 I was found large tumor in my right upper lope 6cm x 4cm I finished 06 weeks of radiation and now under 06 rounds of Chemo Last week I just finished 03 round of Chemo and My Doctor sent me to PET scan On My PET scan is show the tumor shrunk down to 5cm x 2cm and tumor is no more active ( no…
1st scan news back
Hi everyone, Just received my 1st results after 2nd round of chemo. The mass in my right lung has shrunk in height (not in width) but has a cavatiy in the center, I think this means it has a hole in the center, my left lung mass has shrunk from 9.8 to 8.2 PRETTY GOOD I THINK. This Tuesday I will have my third chemo…