Stage IV and very confused
My Mother-in-law discovered blood in her urine in May and her family dr sent her to a kidney specialist. The kidney dr said she had some hormonal inbalance, but nothing out of the ordinary for 69 years; however, the dr noticed a spot on her liver and she was referred to a liver spec. That dr did a liver biopsy and on Aug…
Some advice + hope
My dad was in remisssion for a year with lung cancer. He had been having a little trouble breathing so he called his Dr. and they did a catscan that showed fluid. They removed the fluid and had it tested to see if it was his cancer coming back and it came back at stage IIIB inoperable/incurable lung cancer. I am soo scared…
newbie ---any one online?
Hi, im new here...my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer 3b. Since operation is not possible, he had his first chemo last week. Today, a new treatment was administerd and was not explianed to my mom and my dad. Can anyone tell me how a normal procedure is done.
Hello old friends and new friends. Long time of being out of the site. But I'm back. My husband 32 years old is facing small cell lung cancer. He is in his second quimo TOPOTECAN 5 days in a row, every 3 weeks. This week is his sixth cycle of TOPOTECAN and I'm worried because he is having that chest pain that he had before…
Lung Cancer Radiation - PCI
Hi, I have localised small cell lung ca which was diagnosed mid August. I am currently in the 3rd cycle of 5 cycles of chemo. After this I will be given 15 sessions of radiation to the lung and PCI (prophylactic cranial irradition). Because small cell ca spreads very quickly and the first site is often the head PCI is…
I am schedule for a partial lung removal and wonder if anyone has had this surgery? What can I expect?
Medical expenses
I see on a site, that people with NSLC IV have years of chemo, radiation. Can a person on medicare manage all the bills if they aren't rich. Will they stop the medical care if you don't pay, or are their organizations that will help so you can go on fighting this disease.
Question about stage 3 or 4 quality of daily lives
I haven't been on this board very long, but reading many posts from people with stage 4 nsclc I see that many are actually leading fairly normal lives. The reason I'm posting this question is because my husband was just diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer yet he lives in bed most all the time and can barely walk two feet. I…
Need some info
For about the last 4 months my mother has not been "feeling well". It finally came to the point where she had lost so much weight and was constantly fatigued that I made her go to the er, where she works by the way, and get checked out. They ran a bunch of tests and did a chest x-ray and determined she has COPD. If…
Cancer/Chemo Recovery....Need Info
My Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in Sept. It had spread to her bones and brain. She completed her radiation last October and completed her chemo the middle of February. Can someone give me their experience on the recovery after their chemo? She is REALLY weak, mainly because she lived with a dehabilitating cough for…
The dr.'s have given up on my daddy!!
Hello, this is Legina and I have told you all about my daddy having small cell carcinoma. Well, it has been 18 months and 1 week since he was diagnosed and now the dr.'s tell us that it is over, that my daddy will die and they aren't doing anymore treatments or anything to help him. They have called in Hospice to take care…
Hi you all: I MADE IT..... Lots of problems but I made it. as you remember I went to Surgery at Rober Wood Johnson on June 30, 2009. Mw petscan had confirmed a mass in my right lung and it had to come off ASAP. The whole thing was taken out and as of this moment it looks good. My doctor calles it GOOD CANCER ?????…
My Mom has been diagnosed with Lung cancer in both lungs.
She went into ER for pain in the stomach and they took an chest xray, stomach and intestine CT Scan. Then they told her three tumors, 1 on the right and two on the left. Her PCP sent her to a pulmonologist. He called for a PET Scan and breath test and a bronical biopsy. She takes blood thinners so she had to be off of…
Hi New here --Husband has NSCLC 4
My husband got thru the first day of chemo. they gave him Taxotere IV for a hour and Carboplatin for 30 mins and has to take Vandetanib 100mg every day(this is his study meds) So far everything is ok... this second day when he took the pre treatment pills his stomach started hurting..he ate first... he said is was pain not…
Soccerfreaks...you're the first person I thought to ask about this article since your the smartest person I know! :) Opinions please? DCA is potentially the best new approach to cancer treatment in years, especially given its low cost. The Michelakis team shrank human cancer tumors in rats by 75% in just three weeks using…
Sed Rate
Happy Forth every one !!!! Guess you have all read my bitchen bout joint pain . Well after 8 months of blood tests , specilists,they sent me to a Arthritis specilist. I ask him if chemo caused rumitoid arthritis. He said maybe but you dont have to have Chemo to get RA. So I guess I will never know ???? My sed rate an cdr…
squamous cell lung cancer
Hi my husband has stage 11 lung cancer, he has had one lung removed about 3 years ago and it has now returned. He is on Tarceva, but his oncologist is saying no radiation and the tumour is inoperable does anyone every had a situation like this?
Dad just diagnosed with stage 3b-4 lung cancer given 3-6 months to live
We were just told Friday that my dad has stage 3b-4 cancer that has travel to his lung from an unknown origin. He has been batteling blood clots for over a year now and in the past month has been hospitalized three times for fluid on his lung. He had a PET scan two weeks ago that showed nothing and in around the beginning…
Lung Cancer that has metastized to the lymphnodes, adrenal glands, brain and bones
Hi My husband is 52 and was diagnosed about a month and a half ago with lung cancer. It was found by accident. He was having pain in his left hip and both knees so we went to a pain mangement doctor who sent him for a mri of his left hip. The mri showed arthritis in his left hip and knees but it picked up something on his…
Confused about staging
My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in the Fall. Adenocarcinoma NSCLC. She was told then that she had a 4.5 cm tumor but no lymph involvement or mets. In late Nov 2008 they told her she had stage 2b and that she was a candidate for surgery. She had surgery Jan 4. The surgery lasted a few hours longer than they said it…
And Now Swine Flu!
Last Tuesday I finally dragged my daring teenage son to the doctor for a respiratory infection that he had been nursing for about a week. The doctor did the nasal swab test. We knew in an hour or two that he had the flu (no fever, but definately type A flu). Today they called to say that he absolutely had swine flu. Great!…
plural effusion
I am caregive for my partner who was diagnosed in Jan 07 with poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma. He received 10 days back to back radiation followed immediately by chemo - Carboplastin iv and 5 days of etoposide. He was responding wonderfully and gained weight but developed a DVT in his right leg after the…
Continuous pain months after lung surgery
When my left upper lung lobe was removed in February of 2007, I had the normal pain and soreness for a few weeks afterwards. Then the pain slowly started getting better. Now I am having pain upon deep breathing in my bronchial tubes and swear that I feel pain in my right lung. My doctor says that when cancer recurs, you…
Mom Diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma....and it really broke me down.
Hi Everyone, My Mom was just diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma in her Lungs earlier this month. She has had a cough for a couple months. Her PCP sent her for an Xray and told her , that nothing showed. He suggested that she take cough medicine and wait for this to past. My Mom eventually changed her primary and the…
Carboplatin and Gemzar
My Dad was just dx with stage IIIB Lung cancer. He is going to start chemo on Thursday. They will give him Carboplatin and Gemzar. Anyone out there have any experience with these two drugs. Trying to find out all I can about them. Side effects etc... Good or bad. Thanks
Still smoking with Lung Cancer question
My Mother has smoked for 60 years. On April 17th-09 she was diagnoised with lung cancer by CAT scan. We had several pulmonary docs look at it and they said the same thing. No treatment- no cure- one week to six months to live. She also has alzheimers. My Dad made her quit prior to cancer dx by about 1 month. She forgot she…
Doc said chemo would only extend my mom's live a few weeks to a month! Can you help me?
My 83 yo formerly heathy mom (she modeled for god's sake and walked every day and looks better than I do) was just diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer that spread to her bones. She is getting radiation for the bones. Her onc tells me that the chemo (Avastin/Alimta) which she'll get every 3 weeks might prolong her life for…
simultaneous radiation & chemo?
My son has recently been diagnosed with stage 4, non small lung cancer. He has started radiation. I have read that chemo has sometimes been given at the same time. His doctor has gone on vacation & I would like some answers today. Have any of you had any experience with these drugs been used together? What are the pros &…
Survivor's List of Stage 4 NSCLC
In April 2003 I was told that I have Stage 4 NSCLC with a mass (4 cm) in my right lung, both adrenal glands and 2 lymph nodes. I have done 2 rounds of Chemo. My dr. says I have a 20% chance of surviving 1 year but she has known of patients living 15 to 18 months. I am looking for Stage 4 folks who have lived longer than 18…