cutting edge and alternatives

drpoundsign Member Posts: 52
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
C-statin, from Bindweed, is supposed to be 100x stronger than shark cartilage. no harm in trying it. betulinic acid, from birch bark, kills mitochondria in at least some types of tumor and is nontoxic. if you have squamous cell, tyrosine kinase inhibitors may work. I have used clinoril (arthritis drug) plus 80mg lipitor (cholesterol med) in at least some types of tumor with good result. it causes cell death or at least cycle arrest. addding thallidizones like actos or avandia may make the combo even stronger. Remember to take misoprostol 3x/day to prevent GI bleeding from the clinoril, or at least a PPI like prilosec. Check out, and God Bless. Doc who cares