Talking or mumbling to self
My husband just started chemo about three weeks ago for stage IV oral and throat cancer. From the very first week of chemo, he started a new habit of mumbling or talking to himself. At first I didn't think anything about it, because he said it was a song that popped into his mind or something. But now, three weeks later…
HSC Topic
Hi guys, ive just started my HSC and i am studying the course, Community and Family Studies, We just began our first major assessment which is an Indiviual Research Project,i chose to do mine on 'How does chemotherapy Affect a perons wellbeing?' I came onto this site in hope that i could inspire a few people to tell their…
Post Radiation muscle pain
I had surgery to remove a dermatofibrosarcoma from my left shoulder in 2000. I also had 7 weeks of daily radiation treatment to my left shoulder area. Now I constantly have stiffness and in some cases pain, in the radiation area. Does anyone else have this? Is there something I can do?
One of those 'sick of it all' days as a 22 year survivor
Know what I mean? Have been chasing an endocrinologist for a scarey message left on my service over a week ago now 'results are borderline' she said but not BORDERLINE WHAT???????????? Hasn't called to clarify after 3 messages left, two of which got more questioning as I have gotten sick and don't know if I can even get a…
Books on Lumbar Sacral Radiation Plexopathy
Can anyone recommend any books about radiation plexopathy? I was diagnosed this year with it as a result of radiation treatment for colorectal cancer I had 23 years ago. I've had many of the symptoms for years, but this last year had gotten much worse, went to the Neurologist, tested and diagnosed. Also, has anyone out…
experience at ctca,zion
my wife was recently found to have breast cancer,and after talking with their lead guy on the phone,we were assured they would honor our insurance as an in network client,and we have an email confirming this.Now they sent me a financial hardship form, and are telling us they would most likely eat all the charges the…
Dealing with Radiation Plexopathy with Myokymia
This year I was diagnosed with lumbar sacral radiation plexopathy with myokymia - 23 years after having had colon cancer (I was only 31 when diagnosed with cancer). Thank God I had my children prior to this happening and that treatment (radiation) was available as it more than likely saved my life. Looking back, I can say…
Stomach pains non stop. What do you think?
Hi Guys: I recently had a endoscopy and colonoscopy and all clear except for bacteria on the stomach which I had a ten day supply of antibiotics. Every day I had a little discomfort but now it is all day. I was not going to call the Doc, but it seems to be more unbearable now. I need your views on this. Unfortunately, I…
Long Term Effects Clinics
I am a 31 year old childhood cancer survivor (Wilms tumor and lung cancer). I have had multiple late effects, for a total of 10 surgeries throughout my life. I have always had Kaiser insurance and have had what I considered "crisis management" health care. I am now researching and learning more and am realizing there is…
Anal abscess and fistula -- what next?
For all those of you out there who've had colorectal or anal cancer, I completed my treatment for anal canal cancer in May 09 (surgery/rad/chemo-5FUwithMit). I've overcome fatigue (for the most part) and muscle weakness in my legs (PT helped). Now I've been treated twice for an anal abscess (the surgeon didn't get it all…
One Year Later..
First of all I want to say I wish I had found this site while going through my treatment. To the day it will have been one year since I had a battle with NHL Large difused B Cell Lymphoma, I have been in remission now for roughly three months. Durring my struggle I had three outbreaks of MRSA,two blood transfusions,and now…
Side Effect: Loss of Circulation in the Hip Joints
Have you experienced this? How have you treated it? I discovered this back in '93 and my doctor blamed the Predisone. Both of my femur ball joints are affected and my pelvis has tilted to relieve the weight pressure, which causes me to gimp. Swimming and stretching are very helpful but my flexibility is nearly zip due to…
How that chemo drug your taking found its way into your body & often saved lives
If you hear someone say there is a treatment or drug for cancer that sounds too good to be true, well you know the rest. My first question to an "Alterantive" treatment in a country outside the US is does that country have a process for approval to market that is as rigorous and proven as the FDA? In fact, we all know of…
scar tissue in lungs due to radiation therapy
Every spring I start with a little cough due to the start of the pollen season. Then the cough continues, gets worse and more frequent. I take predenesone and it helps and eventually goes away. This spring/summer it is lasting longer. Does anyone have remedies for this ?
lower extremity lymphedema - gyn cancer
I would like to hear from people who have had a gynecologic cancer and have lymphedema. Did you ever hear that this would be a risk of treatment? Which kind of cancer did you have? What treatments did you have? How bad is your lymphedema? How do you control it? Do you know that Medicare will not pay for your compression…
Long term young adult survivors
I had a childhood cancer at 24. I am thirty now and have been in remission for 6 and a half years. However, I still have some major medical issues and new ones come up all the time. I recently had to go back on disability and getting a full work up because they know I don't have a tumor, but they don't know what's wrong.…
What should you eat while being treated to Cancer?
What are good foods to eat while in treatmant for Neuroblastoma? I've heard that Chemo therapy can twist up your taste-buds, is this a NORMAL side-effect?
Has anyone had an actual facial deformation from radiation?
I noticed about 8 years ago that one of my eyes looked smaller than my other one. I went through tons of opthamologists and other physicians who invalidated me until after a few years it became more and more noticable. If I am really tired it can almost disappear but at other times it seems quite obvious. I never had this…
I had cancer-NPC-treatment twenty years ago when I was only 44 years oid. When I came out of the hospital after the two one-week sessions of chemo and a month of radiation, I feel dizzy,head burning feeling like a melting candlewax,weak,tired, just about everything you can feel in your head not normal anymore,my…
Avscular necrosis
I finaly felt I was getting back to my old self after a few months post chemo. Then I was diagnosed with avascular necrosis. Any one have any good coping methods?
For all of you with tingling, pain, numbness in extremeties
I did a posting here on nerve damage and I think you might all do well to read it because it deals with neuropathy testing which detects nerve damage, sometimes from cancer treatments, and the damage can produce the symptoms I mentioned in the title of this posting. It's called a nerve conduction test and you might ask…
Zometa and jaw bone necrosis
Has anyone had any experience with ill effects from Zometa therapy? It is a drug that helps grow bone after cancer has spread to the bones. I have already lost a small piece of ny jawbone after I had a tooth pulled-the dentist did not know of this issue. Now I am faced with several other potential tooth removals and the…
Just recieved my 5 yr marker for colon cancer, 14 mo. of chemo, left with neuropathy severe in both feet and legs, chemo brain issues. I am having problems with ,it is even hard for me to write, bouts of feeling great sadness, isolation, almost dissappointed with myself. I was so greatful that I made this marker then my…
20 Years Today!!!
I’ve done it. I reached a milestone that I thought impossible upon being told, “You have cancer.” I’ve reached the 20 year mark in remission, without relapse. While I do realize it is a big deal, to survive cancer this long, as always, I consider it bitter sweet. There are so many that I’ve had to say goodbye to from this…
Trying to get pregnant post treatment
Hi, I am new to CSN. I just wanted to see if anyone out there is also having a hard time conceiving after cancer treatment? I survived Ewings Sarcoma that was dx in 2001. I am a 9 year survivor!!! I have been married for almost 6 years now and we have tried everything to get pregnant naturally and also considered donor…
Stomach issues
Hello everyone, I have a ? Has anyone had or have any stomach issues after chemo such as loud bowl noises,lactose intolarent or having tons of gas I will apreciate any input thanks again god bless
painful finger/toes & rash
hello, my husband had cisplatin / doxcatel.. and his fingers/toes r burning numb throbbing, he cant even get in his wallet, it started after his last treatment,how long will this last ?????????? he also has a very bad skin rash that itches, nothing works on the rash, dose anyone know of anything that works on the…
Pain, soreness, cramping, and hardening of neck occuring about eight months after radiation
In January of last year, at age 20, I was diagnosed with a mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary gland. I had one surgery removing just the gland then a second scraping the area where the gland was and removing all the lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. I had radiation without incident - with the exception of…
Immune system/getting ill after finishing chemo.
Now that I am off the chemo and in remission I find that I am getting sick all the time. More than I was when I was on the chemo it seems like (maybe because I am leaving the house more). How long does it take for your immune system to build back up again? I literally have been catching a cold/sore throat/etc. every couple…
Long term effects of colon ca chemo
Hi, I have just started my 13th year as a survivor of stage 3 colon ca into 6 nodes. I had 48 sessions of 5fu backed up by 9 levamisole tablets each second week. There seems little evidence to support long term chemo effects . I believe that the chemo may well exarcerbate problems that are latent or dormant in our systems.…