Anyone with portal vein thrombosis and HCC?
My 63 yo husband was diagnosed with HCC 3 1/2 weeks ago. This came out of nowhere. He is healthy. Never smoked, done drugs, nor drank a lot. No hepatitis. Minuscule cirrhosis from age , etc. doctors tell me because of portal vein thrombosis with early signs of it leading into left lobe he can't have resection or…
I am afraid. ex husband will not tell me anything
My ex-husband was diagnosed with liver cancer coming from another unknown origin 3 months ago. We have two young children. 12 and 14. He will not tell me much, as he is trying not to scare the kids. How ever, he has had 3 chemo treatments, today he sent me a text, that he is coughing up blood. i am afraid!. what is…
Looking for information on small cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma with METs to liver
Hi, I just joined this group in the hopes of finding out some information that will help me understand what my family is about to endure. On October 10 my 66 yr old mother in law had an endoscopy becuase of a gastro pain...they thought she had reflux. (She has a terrible pain in her chest that she felt starting in the…
Mom diagnosed with Cancer of Unknown Origin with lesions spreading in Liver
My mom was diagnosed with Cancer of Unknown Orgin at the beginning of Sept. She was having this terrible back pain, went in for a scan and they found a tumor on her back (causing the pain) and 11 lesions in her liver. They immediately did radiation on her back and chemotherapy. We received the results back a week ago that…
Second SIR spheres tx (Y-90)
Just about the time my husband started feeling better from his first SIR spheres tx, he had to go and get his 2nd and last SIR-spheres treatment on Friday (Mar 2). This time it was to his left lobe. This treatment seems to be really kicking his butt. He's having a lot of abdominal pain/nausea feeling with this one and…
Family resistance to alternative therapys: the "one minute cure."
I am new to this site. I don’t even know how to get postings lined up chronologically so I can follow them. It's is okay to call me "cynical" about allogpathic medicine. However, I am positive and spiritual. I do know this. “I used to cross the street rather than walk by ‘tattooed gang members’, today I cross the street if…
Father just told first line chemotherapy has not worked
Hi, My name is Alex and my 68 y/o father has secondary liver cancer resulting from colorectal cancer. He was first diagnosed with the colorectal cancer (small tumour in bowel) around 2 years ago. In December 2010 he had the tumour removed and it had returned as several Mets to the liver and small nodules on the lining next…
PET scan is very scary
My husband just had a PET (CT/PT), scan. I put the scan on my computer and took a look. It's not hard to see the areas that are glowing bright yellow/white as compared to the other colors. He looks like someone lit him up for halloween with candles inside. I'm afraid this means his cancer has spread everywhere. Multiple…
any one with HCC (primary) No Cirrhosis and No Hepatitis?
My husband has this and the doctors say it is uncommon within the HCC diagnosis. If anyone else has this type, please write me and let me know what treatments you are participating in or have participated in. One doctor says we just try Nexavar first and then consider other treatments when/if Nexavar doesn't work. Another…
Resection of left lobe and 16cm tumor
This thing came out of nowhere and most likely spawned by my Hep C. I had a Ultrasound done last January and nothing was detected, then, I felt a bump under my rib in july, so I went for a ultrasound and an MRI, this thing was HUGE! They (SLOAN) removed the tumor in early October. The doctor said he got it all out, he did…
My husband lost his battle with cancer
After almost two years of posting on this site I am so sad to be moving on to be a part of another group. My husband lost his battle with cancer yesterday morning. I am forever proud of his determination and bravery for trying to stay with us longer. But sadly he has left us too soon and too young. I will not share our…
The China Study Book - Animal Prods feed cancer cells
Anyone read this book? I was told to read it by a liver cancer survivor who was told he only had weeks to live. He said that outside of the trial he is in (Torisel + Nexavar), he is following the advice of this book and another book called Medicinal Mushrooms. The China study basically says that cancer can be turned off or…
Yervoy for treatment of advanced melanoma
Good morning. This is the back story and I want to be sure that when reading this, it is understood that the side effects I am describing ARE NOT to be considered to be associated with Yervoy. My father was diagnosed 34 days ago with melanoma on his liver and a tumor between his small and large intestines. He began a…
Treatment with Nexavar, how real?
I'm looking for some additional information on liver cancer treatment with Nexavar. As I understand it is quite popular in US as a target drug for liver malignancies. We live in Russia where it is approved yet, but it is possible to participate in clinical trials. My father has been diagnosed with HCC 15 months ago when…
2 years since diagnosis
Hello everyone. When Ed was first diagnosed I searched for information and hoped that what the doctors were saying did not have to be true. I found so much hope here. Ed was given 2-6 months to live. He asked every time he went to see a doctor hoping to get a different answer but only one doctor said to him that he…
Anyone in clinical trial with Nexavar aka Sorafenib and Temsirolimus aka Torisel?
My husband just started this trial. He is in stage 4 HCC (no hepatitis, no cirrhosis). If you are a participant, let's connect. My email: dvmendoza2012@gmail.com I have talked to one participant already who seems to be responding well. They told him he had weeks to live and he's been in the trial for 2 years now. He's 77…
Clinical Trials?
Does anyone have an opinion on clinical trials for cancer patients? My mom has stage 4 liver cancer and has tried different types of chemo that have unfortunately not helped. Her next option is to try experimental treatment. Has anyone been a part of clinical trials? Anything you can share that might help? Also, does…
Treatment options
Hi. I am new to this board, and I am seeking advice. My brother was just diagnosed with primary liver cancer less than two weeks ago. He is in his early 60s and is otherwise healthy. He has been told that he has at least one large tumor that is greater than 5 cm, and there is also portal vein involvement. Last Friday, he…
Hitting the 5 year survival mark this week.
I have received good news in regards to my MRI last month and I will hit the 5 year mark for surviving my first diagnosis of HCC later this week. I had a recurrence treated with RFA 2 years ago, but I am still counting this as my 5 year mark anyway. The first tumors were 3.5 cm and located on my portal vein-not usually a…
He will be gone by tonight
It will be almost two years since first joining this site. I have met lots of people in the same situation that we have been in. We have even made some friends that I hope to keep in contact with. Sadly today I will be saying goodbye to my husband of almost 40 years. I still can not believe we are at this point. We have…
Liver Cancer Support Group at CPMC
Since my husband's diagnosis in October 2009 and starting treatment at California Pacific Medical Center they have finally started a Liver Cancer Support Group. The first meeting is this Tuesday, February 14,2012. That is sadly the one month anniversary of my husband's passing. We had hoped to participate in it this month.…
Liver Cancer with unknown primary
Hi Everyone, I am wondering if anyone can give me some insight about liver cancer mets and an unknown primary. My friend is 39 years old and has always been healthy. She has a 5cm tumour in the liver but they can't find the primary. She is not a drinker, no history of hep. or liver disease. Her CT was clean and so was her…
Thank you LeeandShirley
I found out my dad had been diagnosed with Stage 4 HCC with mets to the lungs shortly after Christmas. His doctor told us there was no cure, no clinical trials, only NEXAVAR... a drug to "prolong his time" My dad just beat Stage 4 Head and Neck Cancer and after two clear scans this news was devastating. I cried for days,…
Bile Duct Cancer
I was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma on October 8th, 2010. I had surgery to remove the tumor about 2 weeks later on the 26th of October. The surgery said he was able to get the entire tumor out. I am 21 years old, so I have my age working in my favor. I saw an oncologist a few weeks later and he said that whether or not…
Cirrhosis with multi focal Hepatocellular carcinoma
My Dad's age is 62. His CT scan abdomen reveal - 1 . livers showing multiple modular , lesions and volume redistribution suggestive of cirrhosis regenerating modules 2. two large rounded lesions 10.1 X 7.5 cm and 3.4 X 3.8 cm in the right lob of liver with mosaic pattern of enhancement. multiple enhancing arterial branches…
Hemangioma or Liver Tumour
HI all: I am actually from the gallbladder cancer and peritoneum cancer discussion boards. But am here now because of an inconsistency in my scans, both CTs and MRIs. Background: my gallbladder and its tumour plus a part of the liver were removed in April 2010. Peritoneum nodules were identified that had spread from the…
trying to cope with losing Mom
My mother found out 4 moths ago she had liver cancer and 6 months before that my uncle found out he had cancer too. We lost him in late November and it was hard on everyone in my family. On January 1st at 7:02 am my mother took her last breath in front of me and my world ended. She was a loving person who loved to teach…
HCC with HepC and Cirrohsis just had a resection
I feel so blessed to have accidentally found this small spot of cancer. While in the process of starting the new HepC drug, my doctor did an endoscopy and noticed a spot on my liver which turned out to be the very beginning of cancer. The spot was small 8mm and the alpha feta protein was 118. He immediately scheduled the…
Liver Cancer
My brother who lives in another state has Stage IV colon cancer that has metasticized to his liver. Originally they found it in his colon, 2 lymph nodes, chest wall and 4 huge spots on his liver. On average he was given 48 months. He is past 22 months. He had 4 months of intense chemo for his liver. Got all but one spot.…
Should caregivers try to give structure to the patient's day?
Sorry if this sounds naive. My Wife and I are wanting to give remote moral support to her Cousin's carers who are his Wife and his elderly Mother who is a physician. He is in a pretty bad way after surviving skin melanoma nine years ago and a massive heart attack a few months ago and is now battling with advanced liver…