Meeting Surgeon Tomorrow - Left Kidney Cancer
Hello to all: I am new here. I was diagnosed last week and will see a surgeon tomottow. I feel like I have a million questions, but when I try to get my thoughts together, I freeze. I will more than likely have a partial nephrectomy. Any suggestions as to what questions might be beneficial to ask. I am sure I was told the…
New RCC found on remaining kidney
After a multitude of repeated CT and MRI tests, it was determined I have a new RCC on my remaining left kidney (right kidney and RCC tumor removed 20 years ago). So I will have the same invasive surgery done on my left side in two weeks to remove the lesion and a margin of kidney. I was told no chemo or other treatment. On…
All in the family? What the heck!!
Hello Angels, ive bee hit with another blow recently and so I immediatley run to you guys who know this kidhey stuff. Well as you know I had a partial neph in June. I'm feeling much better taking things one day at a time and feeling overall pretty good. Until my son calls Friday and tells me he may have kidney cancer!!! He…
Hi Everyone, I know there has been discussion about treatment plans and how they differ from person to person and with diagnoses, but I was wondering if anyone could give some insight if there situation is similar to mine. In 2008 I was diagnosed with stage 1 renal cell carcinoma, found by a routine ultra-sound for…
Great news
Hello, I have some good news to share today :-) As I've already posted, my partner's cancer was detected early because of his Hep C diagnosis. He had to have abdominal ultrasound to check liver due to Hep C diagnosed couple of weeks prior to it. liver was Ok, but kidney cancer was detected. So we've dealt with cancer…
RCC Doctor
Who is the best renal cancer doctor? And where are they located? And who gives IL 2? Thanks
Votrient, Inhibitors and Intimacy
I am looking for some feedback on what everyone's doctor has told them about intimacy while being on Votrient or any other inhibitor. Some docs have reported that it is safe and other docs say that Votrient or any other inhibitor, may be present in bodily fluids and couples should avoid kissing, sex without condoms, and…
Stomach Ph and TKI
I just attended a talk given by a pharmacist at Cedars Sinai on Monday for our monthly Kidney Cancer Support group. One of the most fascinating parts of her talk had to do with how stomach acidity can affect metabolizing the drugs we are being prescribed to treat our cancer. She said that antacids are one of the most…
Small tumour displacing calyx
I am new to the site and so grateful for all of the posts that I have read through. You are a very inspiring and caring group of people. I have Crohn's disease and had an ultrasound at the end of July that found a two cm solid tumour in my kidney. This was confirmed via CT scan at the end of August which confirmed that the…
Everolimus - Suggestions?
There is a good chance I will be starting Everolimus this week or in the near future - any suggestions or advice? Are ther better times to take it? Managing side effects? Changes I can expect? Just curious.... PK
carpe diem
OK.....my partner is now 2 months after radical nephrectomy due to pT3aN0MX furhman grade 2 RCC. And he is positive (or at least seems positive). He is back to work full time since last week, and doing his very best at that. But for the rest....he has now gone in a complet "carpe diem / seize the day" mood. THis means he…
Nivolumab Update - Birthday Scan Results
Birthday scan results today are simple and to the point. "1) No Evidence of Metastatic Disease." lung mets- GONE! 3.8 cm Adrenal tumor-GONE! See my bio for more information. Protocol from phase I Nivolumab- Sutent trial has been revised and I will continue with Nivolumab infusions every 3 weeks until any adverse effects…
New here - posterior left kidney mass
My mass was found as an incidental finding while getting an abdominal cat scan. This was followed by an MRI with and without contrast. The good news is that it is small 3x3x3 cm. It is in the back of the kidney and touching the ureter. I met with the urologist/surgeon yesterday and I am scheduled for robot assisted…
Blood Test results
Hey, all, So I was able to score a look at my blood test into on my insurance website; wanted to get your thoughts on them. I looked up what the "healthy" range is supposed to be, but I wanted to make sure I knew what I was looking at: Healthy level from the National Library of Medicine are in parentheses: Potassium Level:…
inside is doc report of ultrasound. please does anyone know what any of it means? scared and nervous
hi, been in and out of the doctores office for many months. blood drawn, tests after tests. they did a 2nd ultra sound this time for my liver. but found a cyst on my kidney. liver enlarged (possibly fatty liver), and shadowing of pancreas. i'm honestly more concerned about the cyst. can i trust that they know it's most…
Home after recovery
I officially got my nephrectomy out of the way on monday and now I'm home. Is this normal for me to sweating a lot especially on my face thanks.
Biopsy ahead on solitary kidney
Good evening everyone, In March of 2014 I had my rt kidney removed with T3 transitional cell carcinoma in the renal pelvis. I'm 57 year old male. Dr's removed kidney, uretor, and cuff of bladder. I now have an enhancing 1.2cm tumor in my left kidney. I go in on 9/10 to have the biopsy and hope to be able to determine what…
First Year NED Report
My husband and I celebrated my first cancer-free year and our fifth anniversary two weeks ago. Although my check up was three days ago, I was sure that the report would be NED. My hubby and I first met each other five years ago during last week of August, last year when we were preparing ourselves to celebrate it I got the…
Hello Angels ive been experiencing some burning and a little blood while urinating. Went to my PC doctor. She had urine test done and wanted to wait and see if infection was present. Well my symptoms got worse so she went ahead and prescribed antibiotics. Well test result said no infection. So I'm a bit concorned about…
Miami RCC Conference
low haemoglobin anyone had similar?
Hi Cancer fighters 10 months after rad. neph and grade 4 cancer my blood/haemaglobin count has been dropping. Scans show that I have 2 mets and enlarged lymph node in my lungs and I should get on a clinincal trial soon. However They gave me a bag of blood the other day and I asked the Dr. if it could be anywhere else. He…
Anyone else plagued by anxiety and borderline hypochondria?
I try to follow Fox’s advice and think positively and try to remain upbeat and optimistic. But I just can’t help at times being consumed by anxiety so bad that I wake up with my heart pounding and nearly suffocating. Every single ache or pain or discomfort is filtered through the Big C word and I’m convinced that the…
Sadness or depression after surgery
Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed with kidney cancer in late June and had surgery on July 22nd. I was just wondering if anyone has had a feeling of sadness or depression after the surgery? I sometimes wonder what in the heck my problem is because I should be thankful that mine was found early and it looks like they got it all…
Home after surgery
Well, I had my partial nephrectomy August 25 and got home yesterday. The worst part was being extremely nauseous right after and having a low grade fever. Both are better today.surgery pwent well and my kidney function is good enough I can take ibuprofen. Which helps me more than pain killers. I am feeling much better. I…
Hi everyone
I am so sorry that I have not been on here to help encourage anyone lately, but my life has been like a roller coaster. My husband had a heart attack mid may this was his 3rd one and they got to it before it caused damage to heart. Placed 2 more stents which make him 9 now. Mid July he was outside and I walked out and he…
So I cant eat and havent really eaten for about 3 weeks. I just cant swallow. Nausea all day Horrible diarrhea despite imodium, lomotil, opium Weak as can be and everything hurts. advice?
i had my mass removed Tuesday the 25th. Dr said mass was bleeding so he's sending it out for tests which I think he would have done anyways.. Can anyone tell me what recovery will be like. I have a horrible headache and dizziness..is that common? Can't wait to get back to normal life. Thanks!
Hello everyone, I'm happy to report NED for my partner's 6 month check-up! :-) Ultrasound and chest x-ray are clear!!! He has finished Hep C treatment about 2 weeks ago, we are still waiting for blood test results to see if virus was eliminated. But honestly, I'm not so worried about it compared to kidney related…
MRI results
my husband had an MRI of his spine today and nothing new showed up; one of his radiation oncologist's concern was how the Cyberknife worked on the L4 pedicle that was 1 mm away from the nerves. it appears to have worked well and she confirmed the thought that his kidney cancer is not following a recognizable pattern and…
Lung biopsy - What to expect?
Can anyone tell me what to expect during/after a lung biopsy? I have one scheduled for Monday. Thank you