A possible cure for cancer found?
Can this be true? If so, great news! https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/major-cancer-breakthrough-doctors-solve-long-standing-mystery-223029508.html
A get together for DC area folks?
Hi everyone - I hope you had a great 4th of July. Found that I was too tired to sit for 3-4 hours waiting for our local fireworks - to say that I was disappointed is an understatement but it's just 10 days since I had surgery. That said, I walked 3.5 miles on the C&O trail yesterday! I know folks are busy or not necessary…
Partial nephrectomy, creatinine, diet in recovery
I have a partial nephrectomy scheduled August 25 for a tumor that is about 2.8 cm on my right kidney. My doctor's PA went over some risks today and said my creatinine level might stay high after surgery. Did anyone else experience this? Did you go a a special diet that is easier on the kidneys?
Complications after laparascopic partial nephrectomy - any words of wisdom?
Hi everyone It has been sometime since I have signed on and I hope everyone is doing well, or is on their way to doing better. My surgery was on June 25, went very well, and the path report showed a T1a RCC with clean margins. Easy-peasy, right? I was out and about soon after but almost immediately after having my staples…
"Good Luck?" - Scanxiety - Furious Pete
Hey, all, Sorry in advance for the long post, but I have a couple things to get off my chest. So I need a reality check. Had my one year scans today; they consisted of renal ultrasound, chest x-ray and basic metabolic panel blood work. I am sure you will agree that the most nerve wracking part of the process is the…
Nexavar (Sorafenib) for RAF mutation please help
I need to know how good is Nexavar (Sorafenib) at targeting RAF1 mutation, I ask this because Mom used Foundation One, have this mutation, and one of three Targeted Therapies recommended is Sorafenib, the other two being Regorafenib and Trametinib The mutation is related to cell division pathway called the MAPK path:…
In recovery
Hello all, the past 6 weeks has been crazy, from starting to pass blood, to my scans and finding I have a have a large mass on my left Kidney, then surgery and now recovery. My surgery went well. They ended up taking out more than expected but felt it was contained and wanted to make sure they got it all. When they were…
lymph nodes.
Has anyone ever a their first recurrence from a t1a show up in groin nodes. Three years out and all scans have been clear. Waiting for ct scan now.
Blisters from Votrient ... Any remedies?
Does anyone have any suggestions in how to ease the pain and control the blisters my husband has on his finger tips and bottom of his feet? THANKNYOU IN ADVANCE!!!
Nanosecond has passed
The sad news just came across on SmartPatients that Niel F.(NanoSecond) has passed. His wife says he had been declining severely the last few weeks. He is another one that was such a rock and was always there to try to help anyone and everyone. I knew his treatment was not working and knew this day would come, but it is so…
Surgery appointment timing
how long did it take for everyone from the point they found out they have kidney cancer to their surgory date. I found out July 31,2015. I saw the urologist and have an appointment this friday for my consult with the urology surgeon. It could possibly be 3-4 weeks from that day that I am scheduled for surgery. i just…
RCC returns after being cancer free for 20 years (updated 8/21)
Adding new message here as I can't figure out how to add to my boards otherwise. Saw my urologist. He read the reports and looked at the CD that held my scans, but the CD is incomplete. He will be spending the day contacting the original hospital to get the scans as "pictures do not lie, but reports on them may." He will…
Waiting for my surgery
I am waiting for my surgery and my doctor re-assured me the tumor is small, less than 3 cm but today I noticed a slight amount of blood in my urine for the first time. Is this common with a small tumor? I can't wait for Aug. 25.
My turn to wait
I had my annual scan today. This represents year two since intial dx. They did a no-contrast CT and a with contrast MRI. This was the first time I have had a MRI. Now I wait to meet with my Doctors. Monday I meet up with my urologist /surgeon and Wednesday I meet a new oncologist. With a little luck I will have llittle to…
Changes in CT Scans
I have not been to the doctor yet, but I feel i got a relativity good scan report from last Friday. The issue is things they say are stabe or unchanged have never been on my scans reports before. Does anyone else have this issue? For example: 5/8/2105 scan: The gallbladder, left adrenal, and left kidney have a normal…
I had a scan last week and went in for the results today I was so worried that my vistors would be back and bigger than ever. Instead it turns out Uncle NED has come to visit. I got so excited when I heard the news today it is the first time since I lost my kidney that I have no cancer in me. I know that is probably…
Chromophobe - Torisel - Now Everolimus
I was just curious if anyone has had experience with Everolimas for Chromophobe RCC. I was given Torisel alomost two years ago but there is now slight activity in the nephrectomy bed and in the two bone mets I have. The torisel seemed to do the trick, but my oncologist is suggesting Everolimus for this round. They are also…
App's for kidney health: Tracking phosphorus in your diet
Hi everyone, In the interest of full disclosure, I am acquantied with the developer of this app. Our kids play together sometimes. But wanted to mention it here because it is a brand new app related to kidney health and diet. It is called The Phosphorus Tracker and you can use it to track the amount of phosphorus in your…
Upcoming Partial Nephrectomy
Hi! I'm a new member to the group. Very glad to have found it! Lots of good information and support! A little history: diagnosed with a 2.5cm solid rt. renal mass (arising anteriorly - midpole) compatible with RCC (via ultrasound, then MRI with gadolinium showing heterogeneous enhancement). Tests also showed that the mass…
Is this normal?
I am six weeks post op from left nephrectomy (5.2 RCC mass contained in kidney with clear margins)on Monday. I am having more discomfort ( not pain) now then I had after the first couple weeks. Just a bit of aching where the kidney was. No other problems, is this just the normal progression in healing? Feels like I would…
Just found out
I just discovered in the past few weeks that I have kidney cancer. I am scheduled to have my kidney removed next week. I have been lucky till now and have never spent a night in the hospital my entire life. Now I am terrified. I am lucky and have a great group of friends and family for support. But I could really use some…
Yo-yo syndrome
Sometimes this forum just eats your guts out. We cheer for each other and when the yahoos are over, we cry for the rest of us. Then there is the purgatory of waiting for scan results. Emotions are pulled in every direction. What will it be today? Euphoria or depression? Long timers watch others come and go as the roller…
Sorry I've been gone for a while. I've been going out full speed trying to make up for last Summer with the kids. I noticed a small bugle right, smach dab in the middle on my incision. It looks like a text book example of an incisional hernia. I did have 3 surgeries in 3mths using the same incision and I'll admit I did…
kidney cancer or something else
So since march maybe a little before I had these flank pains on both sides, eventually it went to both sides of the lower back & mid back, and then the abdomen & both hips. Its a sharp/aching/dull low pain. This of course scared me and in April I went to a quickcare where they found microscopic blood in my urine and said I…
Outpatient IL2
Has anyone taken or done the IL2 outpatient therapy. If how was your response or any info please. Thanks Regina
Working on Year 5!
I have stage IV Kidney Cancer and I was diagnosed as stage IV on August 3, 2011. I have been through alot of surgeries and I am still here fighting. I had scans and MRI on July 31 and get results on August 10, but this is by far the worst scanixety I have been through yet! When I first came to this sight so many helped…
Hi, My name is Regina just recently diagnosed with stage4 rrc with mets in lungs. I have been taking Votrient for about 2weeks with a few side affects. Just wondering if it's true about a 6 months survival rate. Scared to death about this disease. I'm 54 and in good health. I have had high blood for many years. Any info…
Newly diagonsied
Good day, Last month I found out that I a cyst that was found in a scan 2 years has grown and after the last scan with contrast tha cyst has started show sepations. The oncologist is going in next Friday to remove the hopefull 3 of the cyst that are in the right kidney. She says that these are stage 1 tumors and after…
A 2-year-old little girl with stage IV kidney cancer
I feel so sorry for this little girl who has not even begun to live her life. http://www.komonews.com/news/health/Kids-with-cancer-get-futuristic-chance-at-saving-fertility-321472951.html
Immunity & Energy after full nephrectomy & adrenal gland
Hi all - Been some time since I have been out here. I hope everyone is well though I read the posts regarding 2 people passing away recently. Sad to see that and sad to know so many of you are hurting. I am over a year out from a full nephrectomy on my right side that included removal of my adrenal galnd and in the last 8…