Renal Mass
Hello I've been reading this discussion board for a couple days now, and I am really just a bit lost and scared. Here's my story I had a follow up CT on my lung from a nodule a year ago and the doctor called me the next morning to tell me that it's the same size as last year but incidentally we found your spleen enlarged…
Did you have any symptoms
Did you have any symptoms before your diagnosis....did you notice any changes before your diagnosis Shear your story
Officially 1 year from Surgery
Today (10/21) marks my one-year anniversary from surgery for kidney cancer. It comes at a time when many things are going on; we are 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow and work has been busy. But one thing that I did feel about the anniversary... Many people see a cancer diagnosis as a "life changer;" a time when one should…
Opdivo Commercial
I googled "Opdivo commercial" because I was curious due to comments on another thread. If you want to see it just type that on google. I think it's strange. But then I always think it's strange when a drug company has to mention all the horrific side effects, and the list goes on and on, and they speed talk. On that…
Frustrated with the medical system
Need to vent....... I have been trying to get appointments at the major cancer centers...namely Hopkins and MD Anderson. Earliest dates are mid to early Nov respectivley. I am stuck in the position of not being able to consult them prior to taking a treatment. I had hoped to get specialist opinions prior to starting on a…
Treatment Update: Good read for new members and those on Sutent
Hello, friends. I am compelled again to start off my post with an apology for not participating more often on these boards, but as always I welcome emails through my profile, which will forward to my work email, one I am on all the time. Happy to answer any questions or help in any way possible. I like to start with a…
Scan prep
I have a CT scan coming up soon. I just received a blood work requisition in the mail. The only thing they are testing is my creatinine. Doesn't that seem odd? I know they basically just want to know ahead of time if my kidney is in good condition to withstand a CT scan, but don't you think they would want more information…
Bone scan, muscle uptake.
Just received results from bone scan, not mets in the bones. But there was an uptake in the teres major and teres minor muscles 6cm x 4cm x 3cm any toughts on what that could be? My GP ordered a MRI to check this but didn't seemed to know a lot about it. I also have my 1 year(14 months...) ct planned for the 28th, maybe…
My Turn For Scanxiety
Hi Everyone, I've been back a few times since my surgery in February (some of you here were really helpful with that), but life got busy--which I guess is good. But now it's two weeks from my first scan, and a well-known visitor to this group (starts with "Scan", ends with "xiety") has tracked me down and encouraged me to…
FYI... who knows! http://www.upi.com/Health_News/2015/10/16/Study-Antioxidant-use-may-promote-spread-of-cancer/2051445022723/
Just had tumor removed
I am one of the fortunate ones. In March I fell on ice and ended up with a brain bleed. While being treated for that they did an abdominal and pelvic CT scan. It showed a 4 cm (approximately 3/4 inch) mass. Three months later it was rescanned and I was told there was a good chance if was cancerous because it grew slightly…
Small neoplasm found
i am a newbie. Two years ago a small 1.3 cm spot was found on my right kidney. I consulted with two urologists who recommended active surveillance. I have been having CT scans with and without contrast every 6 months and there has been no growth of the neoplasm. My Dr. says I have about an 80% that it is cancer. Well...my…
CT Scan results.. should I be worried?
So I had a partial nephrectomy in July 2013 with stage 1 grade 2 RCC of the ever popular clear cell variety tumor removed. In September 2013 I had a scan and it showed a 1.2 cm cyst in the "interpolar region" of the same kidney.The adrenal glands were normal. All of my chest x-rays since have been clear. Now, at 2 years…
Finally on the way to get this cancer blasted!
Like many here, my cancer was discovered during a CT scan due to recurring UTI's and blood both visible and microscopic in urine. I am one of the very fortunate folks here, as my tumor is very small. Next Monday, October 19, 2015, I will have cryosurgery to blast the tumor to smithereen. One or two night hospital stay is…
Serious Question
I am wondering how many stage IV RCC's are out there and how many have made it five years or more. I know the statistics I just want to see what real life says. If this is to personal or morbid feel free to comment. I know for me I am stage IV working on year two now. I am not feeling great but that is due to the Votrient…
Radiologist says :highly suspicious for RCC
So I had CT 2 days ago...w/wo contrast. Shows 1.6 cm cyst that radiologist says is "highly susoicious for RCC" I see urologist today then second opinion Friday with Sloan Kettering. First noticed cyst in 2012 whe i had kidney stones. Should have followed up earlier. I went into hospital August 23 2015 for perforated…
Scary Findings, more tests, scared to death~
I was recently sent to the ER after being kicked in the face by a horse (I am slowly recovering) While there I had a complete series of CT scans done. Some of the "incidental" findings of my CT were a heterogeneous solid renal mass at the mid pole 2.3 cm X 2.6 cm X 2.3 cm along with left adrenal nodlues. Prior to being…
Just diagnosed with stage 1
I was just diagnosed with stage 1 rcc via CT confirmed by MRI. It does not based on MRI appear to have spread. The tumor to 3 or 4 cm. I have Da Vinci partial scheduled in two weeks. I know I'm blessed but I am so afraid. Can anyone tell me what to expect?
genetic mechanisms that explain why we don’t all have cancer
Saying goodbye to a kidney
I went to the bathroom right before turning in for the night. Blood in the urine is never a good thing. I went to my family doctor the next day and they sent me for a CT to determine the size of the kidney stones that he was sure was causing the bleeding. He contacted me one hour later with a cancer diagnosis and the…
By accident, sent for an MRI for back pain.
By accident, sent for an MRI for back pain By accident,I was diagnosed with RCC By accident and it's always by accident Now I see all people have kidney Cancer only they not diagnosed yet Testing for kidney cancer should be part of the physical exam
Why we get second opinions
Almost 5 years back I had my nephrectomy. I was referred to our local hospital cancer center. No treatments. Just follow up. After my first scans showed multiple mets, I was told there was nothing they could do. I tried 3 more cancer centers. It seemed the only chance I might have was to get Il-2 and that was only being…
Hey! Did you hear this story about a kidney cancer diagnosis?
They think a shark attacked this guy. When in the hospital, they incidentally found a tumor on his kidney. http://ktla.com/2015/10/09/possible-oc-shark-attack-helps-save-mans-life-after-doctors-discover-cancerous-tumor/
Bone scan
Did a bone scan today for lower back, hip and shoulder pain that has increased in the last few months. The scan lasted 1h30... Ain't that long? How long were yours? From what I recall, last one I had done was something like 45 min. The technologist seemed a bit worried and spent long time in the shoulders area. Wasn't…
4cm spot on margin of liver found in CT
Hello All, My husband was diagnosed with RCC December 2015. He was was diagnosed with Stage III. He had his right kidney removed and was put on a clinical tril drug Everolimus. Last week he started having pain on his right side under his ribs that would come and go. He called the doctor and the first thougt was a hernia.…
Uncle NED Has Paid a Visit
Thank you everyone for all your good wishes, prayers, and Karma in my scanxiety thread. Everything is clear; no change from last scans, doc is happy and I can finally breathe. As much as I love Uncle NED, I’m sending him on his way because he said he had a lot more stops to make before returning in six months. May he knock…
Prayers, Karma, Good Wishes Please
Today is my six month follow up (1 ½ years out of surgery) chest x-ray and kidney scan and of course I’m getting scanxiety. You know, those little butterflies in your stomach every time you think of something scary. Well, they’re there in full force. My results should be posted in a couple of days but it scares me to death…
Results not so good - UPDATE
I just wanted to take a few minutes and send an update. I met with the oncologist on Monday and he has scheduled a lung biopsy for Monday 8/31. While he does handle renal cases they are not his speciality and he has referred me to Dr. Sosman at Vanderbilt Hosptial. From what I understand he is a leading oncologist in renal…
1st oncology appointment
What should I expect for my 1st oncology appointment? I filled out a lot of paperwork family history personal and insurence information Already. I'm alittle nervous as I'm alittle over a month out of surgery. does anyone have advice on what questions I should be asking or what kind of scans do you after surgery? Do they…
Latest scan
Last Thursday I got my latest scans. Everything is stable. Then while watching the Big Bang Theroy on demand I see an ad for OPDIVO aka nivolumab. Peeps there may be light at the end of the tunnel.......