Surgery AGAIN -Number 3 :(
Things did not go so well today. Lesion on liver is a mets, spot in abdomen watched from last MRI is now considered a tumor, and enlarged lymph node found near portal vein. Lung CT Scan showed 2 small nodules on watch. Bottom line another surgery with two procedures with two different doctors to remove liver lesion and…
Joining the club
I just got home from the doctor. I went in for a CT scan for some pain in my "left" side. The results came back to say that a 4.5cm mass was found in my "right" kidney. I have an apppointment with the surgeon tomorrow morning but of course I am scared out of my mind. The dreaded "C" word was a gut punch from out of no…
Chromophobe RCC case
Hello everyone! I am 2 years post op from complete neprectomy. I had a very large 22cm Chromophobe RCC tumor removed, stage 2, no mets. I am just wondering if anyone with ChRCC ever experienced mets anywhere else after surgery? I am wondering if there are favorite places of ChRCC to reappear as opposed to others. I am…
First "scan"
I am thrilled that my first scan episode (chest xray, blood and ua) have all come back clean! I am confused about one thing though, I am scheduled for my 6 mo scan in January. It is for a CT with/without contrast. Is that normal? I thought we were not meant to have contrast with one kidney? Thank you in advance for any…
Delicate issue
Hi this is a delicate matter, my delicate area is irritated and red (like nappy rash) I am wondering if my body fluids are irritating this area as I am on pazopanib and have been since September so nearly 14 months now. Has anyone else had this happen, what creams did you use, I have tried several nappy rash creams and…
RCC and Anemia/Iron Deficiency
Anyone else experience this? I had severe anemia and iron deficiency prior to discovering my kidney cancer so I assumed afterwards that it was related. However, the summer of 2014, which was after my partial, I was so severely deficient that I got blood transfusion and a series of iron infusions. Told to take iron 2x a day…
kidney removed 2012, Now reoccurance stage 4
Hello again My husband had his right kidney removed in 2012, he had been ned untill this last scan in aug. We went in expecting to hear the everything is good, see you in a year. That was not the case. He has a mass on liver, needs biopsy. we went to hospital for biopsy scared of what would or could happen. They took him…
Question Re: Stage III with Metastasis
I need some inspiration from some of you out there whom I know have fought courageously for many years. I just had my 2nd three month MRI etc. since my surgery in April and received the report this morning through my electronic medical record. I am scheduled to see the doctor tomorrow for all of the results. The MRI a few…
Contrast reaction
Just had my 1 year scan and had a small allergic reaction to iodine contrast(sneezing and itchy eyes). Does that mean i won't receive contrast for my next scans?
I could swear!
I'm stage 4 grade 4, so newbies with grades 1 & 2 dont take fright! So the last cancer drug I was given reduced my tumour by a third but the side effects made it impossible to eat, work, swallow, leave the bathroom or retain consciousness. Ending up with a spell in hospital with pneumonia and amnesia. So I've had a lovely…
Probable metastasis to the mediastinal lymph node
Hello everyone. I just received word tonight from my Pulmonologist that they suspect my RCC has metasticized to the mediastinal lymph node. My surveillance CT last month showed nodes in the lungs and an enlarged mediastinal lymph node. PET/CT Scan says that the lymph node is 2.2 cm x 3 cm and the lymph node exhibits…
Contrast reaction
Just had my 1 year scan and had a small allergic reaction to iodine contrast(sneezing and itchy eyes). Does that mean i won't receive contrast for my next scans?
Family Affair
I wanted to update you on my family affair. May 2015 I have been diagnosed with kidney cancer. Had surgery chromobe renal cell stage 3. Going in for my first scan on Thurs. 23rd. results on the 29th. My son, 36 years old father of two, has kidney cancer and scheduled for radical nephrectomy on Nov. 12. All I can say is I…
After the hospital stay
I will be having my surgery on November 17, partial nephrectomy robotic. I'm single and live alone. (Unless you count my dog and cat) Although I have family and friends close by they all have their own lives to live and jobs to go to. Will I be ok by myself once I'm home from the hospital? They say I will be in the…
Small Renal Mass Recurrence
I had a 1.7 cm renal mass removed from my right kidney in July 2014... I was scanned on Jan 13th and no most recently Oct 13th. Apparenty they found another mass less than 1 cm. When they reviewed the Jan 13th scan they found it was there as well. (It was missed initially but when the MRI in Jan 13th was completed they…
NED!!!!Scanxiety big time: 2 year mark for my husband
Well, I've been dreading this upcoming week. Our family has suffered some losses this month and it just seems like we can't catch a break. Today we our 10 year old daughter accompanied is to her first funeral, for an amazing family member gone too soon to cancer. Later this month, my husbands close friend will also be…
Unexpected symptom -- blood in urine
Background: Stage II renal cell cancer diagnosis in September of 2013. Right nephrectomy. All scans have been NED. I had my every-six-month CT scan just the end of August. CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis and a chest x-ray. Everything NED. On Thursday morning, my morning urine looked a bit pink in the toilet. I did a…
Brand New Here - The Waiting Game....
Brand new here. I am a 43 year old female that had an ultrasound last week for gallstones. Well, they did an entire abdomn ultrasound and found no gallstones (been having horrible abdominal problems like upper abdominal distention, acid reflux, pain, chronic diarrhea - sounds like gall bladder, right?) But, what they did…
BMS checkmate 214 trial
4th scan results today. 8%reduction in lung mets. very mild side effects. Have been in BMS trail 214 since March. Now only on Nivolumab and have had a total of 58% reduction in 7 months. Again I thank everyone very much for sharing all the information and support. Never give up and always Believe. Praying for y'all. Texas…
Fat infiltration and calvification
Recently I was in the er for a matter not related to my past history of RCC. which I had partial nephrectomy for in Nov of 2013. The er dr did an abdominal ct without ccontrast and talked to me about a 1.5 cm fat i filtration (hard to see for sure) with calcification at cortex. I know I had ct with/without contrast on Sept…
Pain in groin/node
I have a small 1.3 tumor on my right kidney that my last scan showed has started to grow. i meet this week with my surgeon to schedule surgery to have it removed. For the past couple of weeks I have had a low grade fever off and on and have had pain in my right groin area. Has anyone else had painful nodes in your groin…
Renal Mass
Hello I've been reading this discussion board for a couple days now, and I am really just a bit lost and scared. Here's my story I had a follow up CT on my lung from a nodule a year ago and the doctor called me the next morning to tell me that it's the same size as last year but incidentally we found your spleen enlarged…
Did you have any symptoms
Did you have any symptoms before your diagnosis....did you notice any changes before your diagnosis Shear your story
Officially 1 year from Surgery
Today (10/21) marks my one-year anniversary from surgery for kidney cancer. It comes at a time when many things are going on; we are 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow and work has been busy. But one thing that I did feel about the anniversary... Many people see a cancer diagnosis as a "life changer;" a time when one should…
Opdivo Commercial
I googled "Opdivo commercial" because I was curious due to comments on another thread. If you want to see it just type that on google. I think it's strange. But then I always think it's strange when a drug company has to mention all the horrific side effects, and the list goes on and on, and they speed talk. On that…
Frustrated with the medical system
Need to vent....... I have been trying to get appointments at the major cancer centers...namely Hopkins and MD Anderson. Earliest dates are mid to early Nov respectivley. I am stuck in the position of not being able to consult them prior to taking a treatment. I had hoped to get specialist opinions prior to starting on a…
Treatment Update: Good read for new members and those on Sutent
Hello, friends. I am compelled again to start off my post with an apology for not participating more often on these boards, but as always I welcome emails through my profile, which will forward to my work email, one I am on all the time. Happy to answer any questions or help in any way possible. I like to start with a…
Scan prep
I have a CT scan coming up soon. I just received a blood work requisition in the mail. The only thing they are testing is my creatinine. Doesn't that seem odd? I know they basically just want to know ahead of time if my kidney is in good condition to withstand a CT scan, but don't you think they would want more information…
Bone scan, muscle uptake.
Just received results from bone scan, not mets in the bones. But there was an uptake in the teres major and teres minor muscles 6cm x 4cm x 3cm any toughts on what that could be? My GP ordered a MRI to check this but didn't seemed to know a lot about it. I also have my 1 year(14 months...) ct planned for the 28th, maybe…
My Turn For Scanxiety
Hi Everyone, I've been back a few times since my surgery in February (some of you here were really helpful with that), but life got busy--which I guess is good. But now it's two weeks from my first scan, and a well-known visitor to this group (starts with "Scan", ends with "xiety") has tracked me down and encouraged me to…