Personal Growth when you have cancer
To all of you, I am so moved and impressed, by the outpouring fo sincere sentiment and mourning upon finding out about Nano and DJ. There is a special bond that seems to develop amonst individuals who have cancer and more especially, those who share the same diagnosis, i.e. kidney cancer no matter the sub-category. I…
22 and officially joined the club
A month ago I had right flank pain and I went in for an ultrasound. They found a tumor 1.1x8.7x9.8cm. Today I got the results back from the biopsy, apparently it's Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma. At the age of 12 I had thyroid cancer now 10 years later it's kidney cancer. Life's a trip isn't it. My question is has…
Clear cell renal carcinoma
Had surgery one week ago. They found some spots on my lungs. Not sure what kind of chemo treatment I will be having but doctor said that this type of cancer has the most success rate of others. Would like to hear from others with this form of cancer and what type of chemo was used on them. I am stage 4 so I am really…
sad news
I'm sorry to bring more sad news to this group.... so many of you were so helpful with your support and advice. My mother passed away on June 11. this is the first time I could bring myself to come to the board again sice her passing. Mom was in so much pain,the cancer spread to her spinal column and she couldn't bear the…
Interesting Findings on Magnolia Extract
Anyone hear of magnolia extract being studied for inhibitory effects on RCC? It sounds really promising. Apparently honokiol, a biologically active ingredient has a major inhibitory effect on cell growth and metastases. I’m really intrigued by this. There was an artical by an oncologist in the most recent issue of Bottom…
Is there a way to see previous posts by an individual?
New to this
Hi all, I am so grateful to have found this site. I had an MRI for a uterine fibroid and they found a mass on my left kidney. A week later I had laparoscopic hand assisted nephrectomy. a 5.2 cm stage 1 grade 3 tumor was encased in the bottom of my kidney, margins were clear and pathology stated the it had to be grade 3…
Inylta and scanxiety
I hate Inlyta. or rather, I hate its side effects more:sore feet, sore hands, achy aches, problems on the poop deck, sore mouth. fatigue. My hormones are so mixed up they think I'm a post-menstrual woman! So I went into the Oncs office full of hope, he had mumbled about a trial of something new So I go in with hope of…
Question about Second Opinions and Insurance.
Hi Everyone So as I posted in another thread my right kidney has a complex cyst with septation measuring 3.2cm X 2.9cm and a second cyst measuring 3.5cm X 2.3cm, not sure if this second cyst is complex with septation. Also my left kidney has an inferior cyst measuring 2.9cm X 2.2cm. My initial urologist appt. is scheduled…
For the first time... Scanxiety?
Hey, all, So I just set up all my appointments for my one-year scan coming up in September. Have to get a renal ultrasound, a chest x-ray and a basic metabolic panel... The x-ray is new; he didn't order one at the 6 month follow up. The last time I can't say that I had the dreaded "scanxiety," but something weird happened…
Scan Frequency Post Partial Nephrectomy for Low Risk Patients?
I had a partial in July 2014. I was in the low risk group. I had scans at 6 months and 1 year, both clear. My next appointment is 1 year from now. I thought I would get scanned every 6 months for 3 years. But the guidelines from the American Urological Association say: "Abdominal imaging (US, CT, or MRI) may be performed…
Metal taste in mouth
This is my 2 nd round with Kidney cancer. I found something that works with metal mouth & is even good for diabetics. Its a plant called Miracle Fruit ( a friend bought me a plant as a gift). It has little red berrys that you eat. It takes away metal mouth & makes every thing taste sweet. I pick the berrys when they are…
29yo 3cm mass on left kidney
Hello all, I recently had a CT scan to rule out some other issues and they discovered a 3cm mass on my left kidney... I was promptly sent to a urologist who was talking with me about masses prior to looking at the ct basically there are basically 2 types cystic which are always benign and then those that are almost always…
Got mri results back
I'm in the process of getting all my tests in order before surgry although I have yet to pick a surgeon it's such a big decision. My mass is a complex enhancing mass multicustic/multiseptated appreence thick peripheral wall and septa... My spleen in also enlarging. Is that common? Can anyone make since of this for me.…
My husband has stage 4 kidney cancer and is on 800mg of votrient daily. It seems to be working as the last scan showed the tumors were breaking up. His problem is extreme fatigue. He's on oxygen daily which is a result of his lung biopsy and removal of 3 lesions in February, 2015 (right nephrectomy oct 2014) He just can't…
Not eligible for trial - now starting Votrient
It's been a couple of months since I posted and the time has been spent having every imaginable test to see if I might be eligible for the Niviolumab/Ipilimumab versus Sutent trial starting here in Melbourne, It was only a 50/50 chance I would get the Niv/Ipi combination and in the end my kidney function was found to be…
I'm new to this and have some ?
I was just diagnosed with stage 1 kidney cancer. I'm going through some test already had a cat scan and they found 1 1/2 inch mass on lower front Right kidney. I'm 32 yr d female and I have 2 young kids. I am scared and nervous beyond belief. Went to urologist today and they are sending me for Mir tomorrow and to check my…
small tumor with sarcomatoid features
I was recently diagnosed with a localized 1.8 cm rcc and had a successful partial nephrectomy. The lab report indicated the tumor had clear margins and a prognostic biomarker, IMP3, was negative, indicating it was not likely to metastacize. Such factors are very encouraging, to say the least! However, it was also analyzed…
Votrient working wonders in only 2 months
I had my 1st CT scan after being on Votrient for only 8 weeks. It was VERY good. On 400 mg a day. My nodules in kidney, liver and both lungs have either disappeared or shrunk. Some as much as 50%! No new spots. Side effects minimal. High blood pressure in first week but lowered dose from 800mg to 400 mg and now under…
Found this forum a few days ago. Thanks for all the great information. Me, My name is Mark. 50 years old. The doctors found 11cm RCC tumor on My right Kidney in Jan 2015. Removed same month. Recovered great and feeling good. No meds, as of yet. Surrounding tissue and lymph nodes where clear but did have what they call…
Questions, confused, and anxious...
My kidneys have been checked via ultrasound every 6 months for the last 2 years (an emergency Appendectomy 2 summers ago revealed cysts.) I have bilateral complex cysts that are growing (but slowly). I just had another renal ultrasound and the report reads that I have a new "superior" cyst on my rt kidney and multiple new…
Scan day-NED
my excitement about sharing my scan results took a slap in the face when I read about Neil. It is a harsh reminder that we are up against an ugly disease. I will always be grateful for his support and nutrition expertise. His knowledge is almost irreplaceable. Be well all, my prayers are with Neil's family tonight first,…
New Member with Kidney Cyst's
Hello to everyone, I am 57 years old male. 14 days ago I started not feeling well and had a med amount of pain around my right back rib area along with low-grade fever. I went to the doctor and she ordered a battery of tests along with an abdominal ultrasound. I was called back into the office a couple of days ago so the…
I have cancer and it sucks
Hello all, Just feeling a bit anxious and need to vent here a bit. Tomorrow I go into oncologist to find out the results of all my scans he wanted. As you know I am stage 3 chromophobe. I have so much anxiety thinking about tomorrow. Ive always though of myself as a optimistic person but since this cancer diagnosis I am…
Switching from Votrient to Axtinib
I have been on Votrient since 3/1/2013 to treat RCC on right and left kidney plus lesions on my pancreas. The Votrient reduced the tumors on both kidneys and on my pancreas in the first two or three months of treatment and then I held steady until this Summer. After my last MRI the lesions on my pancreas increased enough…
squamous cell carcinoma of the kidney
My family member has recently been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the kidney. His kidney was removed after a long standing history of kidney stones, and since, a large tumor grew in its place and has also been removed. He will be receiving chemotherapy. Does anyone know any other option for treatment ?
Why me?
Why me? When I was diagnosed with Stage 4 last year I was also asking the same question to God. My kids are still young. My eldest is only 21 and my youngest is only 19. I am only 43 and my wife is only 41. They still need me. If not because of them I should be fine because after all the sufferings I will rest in peace.…
Painful Ribs - Met to Ribs Question for those with experience
Hi everone. Sorry I've been AWOL. :) Work has been crazy and I've had very little me time. I just had a CT scan (no contrast) of chest/abdomen/pelvis about a month ago that was all clear. I've developed a very sore spot in the middle of my right rib cage. It feels like I bruised it. I mean it doesn't hurt unless I push on…
Anybody hear anything about Djinnie?
The last time I heard from Djinnie was June 17th. She wrote me that they didn't find a brain tumor - they did several tests to make sure - and that she was returning home from hospital the next day. I have heard nothing more, and I have emailed her several times. If anyone has heard from her since June 17th, please post.…
Has anyone had Stereotactic radiosurgery??
Going to have my left kidney removed Thursday. They found some spots on my lungs and said I might have to have Stereotactic radiosurgery. That is when they pin point the cancer in the lungs and treat it with high, exact does of radiation. Has anyone had this type of therapy before? Thanks kathyStereotactic radiosurgery???