End of Days Decisions
I met with my doctor today and we had a talk about the end time. I am not nearly there yet, but after reading an article the other day that was posted earlier this week stating people with advanced RCC rarely make it to five years 12 percent I believe was the number. It got me to thinking since I am now one year with stage…
"Summer of Fox"
I'm exhausted. I need time off. June was so much fun. I did everything on my list. Strength is still improving. Riding my Harley has returned to second nature. Golfing as well as I have in years. Most of my guitar playing has returned. Blood work is good. Mri's and scans will be in August. But I won't worry because if they…
Alternative Medicine
Has anyone with advanced RCC that has spread to the lungs turned to alternative medicine? If so what, where and did it worK? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!
Scan effects?
Okay guys, has anyone ever experienced side effects from ct scans with contrast? I had a lung ct scan with contrast on Thursday and started getting headache, dizzy lightheaded and a bit nauseous. Immediatly my mind goes to brain mets etc. I'm going to have more scans in the coming weeks so I'm a bit anxious about side…
Follow up MRI Report
So I initially posted that they found a kidney mass (small 1.1 x .5) which showed "probable enhancment". I was told to get a f/u MRI in three months to see if the mass grew at all, because the radiologist & urologist couldn't guarantee that it was maligant. Had my f/u MRI on 7/21 and I got a hold of the report. I don't…
Thirteen Years NED
Reflections of my journey . Six days from today I will be 72 years young. Ten days later I will be a lucky 13 years NED. Back in 2002 I was a clueless newbie trying to learn my way around the bases. It started by doing some heavy yard work that spring and then peeing red. My GP thought I just broke a blood vessel, but sent…
12 Years Behind icemantoo But I Will Take It
A man walks into a hospital, sits down in the examination room, and walks out with a new friend--NED! One year checkup today, and all clear. I feel a little silly posting because I had a small 2.9 cm tumor. But I want the newbies to see that things can turn out great. I was initially told I would need a radical nephrectomy…
Confused about the staging & stress for the path results tomorrow.....
Hi there, As I told before, my partner had a radical nefrectomy (left) one month ago. One lymph node was clearly swollen on the scan, and also the blood vessels surrounding the kidney marked positive on the contrast. They removed the kidney, the adrenal gland, and the lymph nodes and blood vessels. They called that a stage…
Waiting on Surgery to remove left kidney and already living with a j-pouch from UC
Hi everyone, My name is Ginger and I have been diagnosed with cancer on the left kidney measuring 6x5.8. I have not been told what stage this is but I do know that from the MRI with contrast that all my surrounding organs are fine and my chest ct scan is normal as well. My surgery has been scheduled for Aug 11 and now I am…
Don't you love it when
The insurance conce company phones up and tells you you cant have a CT scan cause they have less expensive options. "And are they in the top 50 hospitals at treating my kind of cancer? I ask No. Then I'll continue with the treatment my oncologist recommended, where he he recommended. Bloody bean counters trying to dictate…
Partial and Cryoblation
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone that has had a partial if their doctor also told them that they performed cryoblation during the surgery? Has anyone heard of both procedures being done for parial patients? Thanks
Just found kidney cancer
Just found kidney cancer. This is a new discussion board for me. Last year I had Anal Cancer and all is well with that. Went for a cat scan and they found a tumor on my kidney and inmy adrienal gland. I don't go to the uroligist until tomorrow but I did some research o line and it looks like I might hae stage IV which does…
CT Scan on the 7th
I have stumbled from one treatment to another for some time. I was pulled from Votrient when a scan showed progression. On to Affinator. The first Scan showed progresion and some new junk. So now its time to see how well Inlyta is doing. Oh Boy!! Stress. My Favorite! Bobby
Dazed and Confused
Hello kidney friends, As you know I have Chromophobe Renal cell carcinoma T3a. Had partial surgery June 8. Didn't have follow up scans with surgeon until August 26. So after hearing from some of you folks as well as another friend who had cancer. I decided to get an opinion with an medical oncologist who specializes in…
stage4 prior to nephrectomy ??
HI everyone, I'm curious about any of you who were diagnosed stage 4 prior to your nephrectomy. My mom had her surger 8 days ago. She was doing great at the hospital. They held off on any solid food for her until she was able to pass gas. This was no easy task for her. They had to resort to a supository to help, then that…
signs after radical nefrectomy
Hello to you all, With interest I read some of the info on this website....unfortunately google brought me to this website because I searched for "kidney cancer", bad words... My partner had a radical nefrectomy 3 weeks ago.....43y old, fit as a fiddle, never smoked, never obese, lots of sport etc.....out of a blue sky he…
Il2, side effects and experience
Thanks for the opportunity to answer your email most of which would be more helpful in the public forum once we get past the first few statements. Sam had to go. Buy by the end of he’s regime he had become like a broken insensible lump slowly sucking the life out the club. I cant think of a metaphor to describe his effect,…
Has anyone had Interlukin 2 (IL-2) treatment at Vanderbilt Cancer Center ?
Hello everyone, Has anyone had Interlukin 2 (IL-2) treatment at Vanderbilt Cancer Center in the last few years? If so would you please share your experience and outcome following treatment? I am currently Stage IV RCC with mets to lungs. Some background info: 10/12 - Left Kidney, adrenal gland removed. 1/14 - Thymus gland…
After targeted therapy?
Greetings all - My Mom was diagnosed witih clear cell RCC in 2010, with lung mets appearing in 2011. She's taken Afinitor, Votrient, and now Inlyta. Each has resulted in stable disease for a little over a year with generally tolerable side effects. I would love to hear anyone's thoughts on treatment they've received after…
Can I get a hug????
I’m not a very good CSN friend. I read but mostly don’t reply cause I don’t have much too say. I’m still learning. Sorry! I do a search for Fox cause he is my hero J But I love you all! I over analyze and I’m a control freak. There is not much within my control for this cancer journey. I remember not too long ago, probably…
Going in for partial Neph next month - scared as heck
Hello all, I just turned 43 yrs old, male, been healthy my entire life, very fit, workout regularly, eat well, never smoked, etc. I was having some on/off acid reflux issues as I started getting anxiety issues about two yrs ago shortly before my father passed away as my life was stressful. I was also having insomnia issues…
New and need help.
Hi, I'm new. I have been debating on posting because I have not yet been diagnosed. I didn't want to step on any toes by posting. I would really appreciate any help from anyone. I am really scared so your help would be greatly appreciated. Here's my story. On June 26th I went to the ER because of a terrible abdominal pain…
Major Scanxiety Y'all
Hi, Everyone Starting to have major scanxiety y'all !! I go to MD Anderson for my checkup on July 8th. I had my nephrectomy for Stage 1 Grade 2 6cm tumor on May 2014. Having just a chest x-ray this time. Had an abdominal ct scan done in January 2015. It was normal. My tumor had not spread locally (no renal vein, renal fat…
IL2 did not work ... onto Votrient
IL2 did not work ... onto Votrient. Anyone with experience with Votrient? Did it work? How long were you on it? How did your body respond? As with everyone else, staying positive, yet scared at the same time
Another UPDATE on DJinnie
JoJo and I have been concerned about hearing from DJinnie. I finally got ahold of her. Sadly, she's not doing well and going into the hospital tomorrow. Seems she her muscle tone is "wasting away", cannot walk without assistance, and now cannot stop vomiting. Says she cannot even get her meds down. DANG! She also is having…
Votrient side effects how lng do they last?
It has been awhile since I've visited this site. Cancer now in both lungs and possible liver. Did HD IL2 April 2014. Had 12 round out of scheduled 15 but pulled from it due to blood pressure and vision issues. Can't go back on it. Still have vision issues. Nodulars did stop growing but have started growing again now. Have…
Headaches on Votrient
Just wondering, has anyone had really bad headaches while on Votrient? I just started my third month on Votrient and I have had bad headaches for like a day and a half. I take tylenol but that does not seem to do much. I am just curious if someone else has had them and has come up with anything good to combat them. Thanks.
Carcinoma in kidney to pancreas
I was wonder if ccrc can go to your pancreas . I had my left kidney removed 7mos ago.Had set of scans done the end of March . Having pain on rightside , went to GI doctor had scan and they found a cyst in my pancreas . Have to go for an endo/eus now . They are still watching a nodule on my lung . But can carcinoma go to…
Pass the Laudanum my dear!
Grade 4 Stage 4. Had IL2, Sutent and now Inylta. Lost a kidney 2 years ago. My big problem, as I may have mentioned, is diarrhea. Immodium doesn't stop it. Immodium and Lomotil don't stop it. My onc prescribed Tincture of Opium (or Laudanum as the Romantics called it) 10%, 0.6 up to 4x daily. I can't take that much it…