Do you have anxiety problems with one kidney?
I had my right kidney removed in September 2009 and since then I have had some major anxiety problems. When I'm in a public place or sometimes at work I get very nauseous, lightheaded and nervous, bordering on a panic attack. My doctor gave me Xanax and that helps, but I hope I won't be dependent on this drug forever. I…
Post surgery treatment
I haven't been on here in a while. Our life has been a whirlwind since my husband's diagnoses of kidney cancer. I read everyone's posts and I do find comfort that we are not alone in this battle. My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV Renal Cell Carcinoma in March and had a left nephrectomy April 24th. He had a solitary…
I am 42 female, I just dont even know what to say. I had a stomach CT in July beacuse I was having stomach pain. I had a Divinci hysterectomy last Aug, and was having pain on my right by the scar. I also had a stomach CT in Jan eariler in the year and nothing was found. I am in the Ohio area. I had just found a new faimly…
29 years old, mother of 6, 4.5 cm lesion.
Hi, I don't know if I belong in this area, I am just lost on where else to go. I have had ct and ultrasound done where they found a 4.5 cm mass on my right upper pole. Rim like calcification and was also told I have sponge kidney in the kidney as well. I went in for pain, and was also told my galbladder has polyps and I…
I think maybe it's a plot, or...?
Tell people who "haven't been there" that you've got any kind of cancer, kidney or otherwise, and you generally get the "Oh, you poor thing" look. They want to bring you casseroles, drive you to your appointments, come by and read uplifting poetry (or Chicken Soup books) to you. Those who are on your care team are…
Did anyone here have bruising on their sides after surgery? My husband is on blood thinners and I'm wondering if this is some bleeding under the skin or if it's normal. Has anyone who is not on blood thinners had this?
Mixed News
Well I had my annual check today with doctors. I got the results of labs and of ultrasound and chest xray. US and chest xray normal no cause for concern however my labs showed slight hematurua in urine culture. I have had this intermittently, just a trace for a couple of years now but this time doc wants to have an…
Newly diagnosed
Newly diagnosed with kidney cancer after having a backache I had X-ray MRI and cat scan which found a 3.777 cm tumor on my right kidney. I'm meeting with an urologist tomorrow am quite scared. I'm hoping it is confined. Would love to hear some positive stories. I have a brand new grandbaby coming in April I'd like to be…
just had open partial nephrectomy
thank you all for preparing me? I can barely stay awake.
Thank you all but need your help
Thank you all so much ....you have no idea what you have done for me in the past few days. I have not felt right for the last two months with pains and heart palpitations and A slight pain in my side.. I went to Accident and Emergency twice who checked my bloods and heart and said I was fine... then trips to Gp.. I have a…
I guess I've gotten spoiled....
OK, maybe I took one of the longer journeys between getting the "mass on kidney" diagnosis, getting it removed, and getting my pathology report. But still, I'm delighted that I saw some really awesome medical people. You might even say I'm spoiled. While all the kidney drama was unfolding, I pretty much ignored taking care…
Pain after nephrectomy
Had nephrectomy on July 19, 2017 on right kidney. Partial in 2012, cancer returned, T3 diagnosis Rcc as tumor was spreading into vein, but no cells found in any fatty tissue, praise the Lord. I was initially having moderate pain beneath front incision area that would spread to back (where kidney was) in a flashing, burning…
Took a little break
I just wanted to say hi to everyone! I took a break for a bit to enjoy my summer with my kiddo while he was out of school. Things are settling back to normal so I'm back with lots of reading and catching up to do! Hope you are all well!
Great Good News
i went to my surgeon today for a one week check up from a partial nephrectomy done last Monday. Healing very well with minimal pain. Today the surgeon said I don't have any restrictions... Wow. Of course I will be taking it easy for awhile. No lifting either. The great part is my pathology report came back and I Do Not…
Length of surgery, stress!
Hey everyone - I'm still processing this whole thing (I have a 4cm on left kidney, back side that was found a few weeks ago by accident while looking for a reason for stomach pains). But today I got my surgery date of Sept 26. My surgeon was playing it like it's not a big deal, no worries, it's the smallest that we usually…
So I'm going into my 4th month of Cabo and nausea has become my biggest problem. I can't keep any food down. Even when I have nothing in my stomach I'm sick as a dog. Doctor told me to stop the Cabo for 3 days to see if I feel better. Well today is day one off of it and I have gotten sick twice. I've lost close to ten…
Sexual performance after removing 1 kidney
HI, This is a very personal topic for me and difficult to talk about. I am a 54 year old man in decent shape and 90 deys ago had my left kidney removed with a large tumor. Now I find my self having sexual performance issues. Difficulty keeping an errection and taking longer or inabilty to climax. Can anyone shed some light…
It's Our Turn...Surgery Today!
My husband, Mike, is in surgery right now. I want to thank everyone here for your support the last three months. I truly appreciate it. You have all helped me tremendously. I'm scared, but I'm relieved it's finally here. It's going to be a long day.
New Sacns
Had my 2nd round of scans yesterday. Feeling great and pretty excited to get the results tomorrow! I know that up to the first 3 or 4 scans on imuno therapy may show that the tumors may seem that they are growing. But first scan largest in my right lung shrank 60%.
Pathology results
I had my first post PN follow up. The results showed a 4cm clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma (T1a NX) Fuhrman grade 2. The said that these are usually a less aggressive type of renal cancer. From what I've read, this seems to be a pretty "good" kind of renal cancer to get. He wants to do follow up scans at 3,6 & 12…
cryoablation pain
Had a cryoablation for a 5 cm tumor 5 weeks ago still experiencing swelling and pain and burning nerve pain too. How long does this take to go away. Can do nothing but read and sleep
First appointment one week from PN
I had my PN last Thursday. I get my pathology report on Friday at my post op appointment. What questions should I ask? I'm feeling pretty good. I just get very tired every 3-4 hours and need to lay down. The pain has been pretty manageable with medication. I haven't taken anything today and I'm feeling a little sore but…
scalp metastasis
Hello. Do any of you have metastasis to the scalp/skin? My husband had three lesions on his scalp before we even knew his RCC had returned. Discovered lung nodules at his five year check up. IL 2, he hated it and it didn't work anyway. Votrient for 9 months....the scalp noduels went away and his disease stabelized. We…
New - TCC kidney lining
I assume a short introduction is helpful. Im 40 years old. Around the end of April I had quite a bit of blood in my urine. This was the first time and it scared me. So we went to the er. They checked for infections and did an ultrasound. Both came back negative. They started throwing around bladder cancer and told me to…
Next steps
Clear cell renal cell carcinoma per surgeon was contained to kidney. Tumor was something like 6cm. Saw oncology yesterday and heading for a brain MRI and PET scan. Hubby doesn't ask questions so I don't know why he is having a brain scan!! So nervous. I first was excited to hear it was contained. Now terrified something is…
Can a partial nephrectomy be done robotically?
Ok, I finally sat down with Dr. Dalton at Northwestern. He first showed me my MRI images. The mass in my kidney is basically taking up the upper left half of my kidney and he said that the Bosniak classification is a "solid 2F", he said the irregular shape is what is giving the radiologists pause. There are septations, but…
White lines on nails
Does anyone have white lines on their toenails? Would be interested in hearing from you!
Does hydrocortisone reduce nivolumab's effectiveness?
My wife has been prescribed nivolumab for her kidney cancer by her oncologist. The nivolumab has affected her thyroid and adrenal glands. So, her endocrinologist has prescribed hydrocortisone to address the gland insufficiency. drugs.com says hydrocortisone works by decreasing or preventing tissues from responding to…
Sarcomatoid chromophobe renal cell carcinoma
My partner had radical nephrectomy on 26th May 17cm tumor in left kidney. We were told renell cell carcinoma however when they did the pathology they said it wasn't and it is Sarcomatoid chromophobe renal cell carcinoma. They said aggressive rare and prepare for devastation. He's only 41 with our young children. Worst…
MRI Adventure
I needed a MRI recently. During the MRI, while in the "tube", I was daydreaming about sci-fi and space travel -- influenced by the sounds and pulse of the MRI machine. Then the power went out. Blackness and quiet -- it was like it got teleported into space!! Kinda cool.