Irma's speggeti models
Right now I am surrounded by speggeti. 15 miles West of Mar-a-lago and 20 miles North of a fellow club member. Hoping it all blows around and not over me or the others nearby. Icemantoo
Question, once cancer, always cancer? ???
So my urologist told me after removing my left kidney with 9 cm tumor that now I was cancer free. Are we cancer free once the tumor is removed? Thanks friends
Bye bye Irma!
Well, made it through Irma! Flooding, lots of trees down and tons of cleanup but we are all ok! Hopefully anyone else dealing with it is too! Iceman how about you?
A bit of optimism
My husband is the one diagnosed with RCC with surgery last week. I happen to be a nurse working in assisted living (love gerontology) and often have cause to read through residents charts. Funny what is suddenly jumping out at me the last month.. out of 90 people, we have 3 that I am currently aware of living a good life…
Need a Beer
Neice is having a graduation party tommorrow and there will be adult beverages involved. I will be 18 days post robotic partial nephrectomy for a 4 cm tumor. Other than some minor left flank pain, recovery is going well and I'm no longer taking pain meds. Any issue having a beer or 2? Post surgery instructions don't say…
high risk
Doctor said I was considered high risk but I dont understand why or what that means exactly can I go from high risk to good risk? My first scan only showed tumor on kiddney and left side of liver I had surgery to remove kiddney and part of liver but by the next scan it had spread is this why?
Has your daily life changed
Big question. How has life changed for you on a daily basis after having surgery and this new journey. I find myself wondering how are thing going to be different and not planning things like I normally do. I went to my second opinion doctor appt at the Cleveland clinic. He wants to do an open procedure. He did seem more…
Something weighing on me
This post has been brewing in my head for the last couple of days and I finally decided I wanted to post it. We all need to maintain a lighthearted mentality in the face of cancer. A good attitude and positive mindset go a long way. However, as someone that has spent my career in and as a professor of medical imaging, the…
Well the report is in......
Looks as tho ol' NED came by this weekend. Wifes scans were posted to her patient portal Friday and the Impressions portion on both her CT of her chest and abdomen read......"No acute findings. No evidence of Malignancy". It was a pretty stressful time waiting on the results but it's in the books now. The only hitch which…
Waiting to find out, 4.9cm complex mass
Hello, I recently had an ultrasound due to some left back/flank pain, and the report stated that I have a "complex, hypoechoic mass in the upper pole of the left kidney, measuring 3.5 x 4.9 x 3.3 cm. This has a lobulated contour and internal septations, it does appear to have a cystic component." I have seen a urology…
Swelling in side
My husband has been diagnosed with kidney cancer in his left kidney. However, he is having pain and swelling in his right side. We have been assured that there is no problem with his right kidney, but this problem continues to get worse. Has anyone had this issue or any suggestions? Thanks.
Sorry for complaining but
12 more days sitting here tearing my hair out whilst the monster inside me continues to grow and possibly spreadI i have no energy either so can really do much to keep distracted although I am still working screaming on the inside sorry Annie
New to forum, new diagnosis need help for post surgery
Hello, I have been reading here for just a short while, my husband was just diagnosed 2 weeks ago with 7 cm x 3 cm x3 cm kidney tumor. Dr thinks it is RCC but from position may be TCC. Supposedly confined to kidney to the best of the Dr's ability to tell with ct scans. He is scheduled for davinci robotic nephrectomy in 2…
I honestly can not believe any of this
Well I have been in the hospital for 12 days now, started with an pneumonia and has progressively gotten very bad. It seems I could have a hole in my small bowel. This is a problem!!!! My chemo has had to stop, which is not good. And it apparently from last scan it's worse. I have an endoscopy tommorrow morning to see what…
Just Diagnosed...Yep I'm scared.
Well, I've been diagnosed with stage 1 kidney cancer after my doctor found a 2.5 cm solid mass on my left kidney. Surgery is scheduled for a month from now with a partial nephrectomy. I am terrified with emotions running the gamut from "I've got this" to "I'm hiding under the covers and never coming out." Like many of you,…
Just recieved a good report
Few weeks back I had my follow up reports with NED results. I was diagnosed three years ago with a 10 cm tomur on my right kidney. An immidiate surgery took out tumor along with my right kidney and adrenal gland. And three years later here I am, celebrating my NED report with my dear ones and you all.
Looking For Benefit of Experience
Hey guys, I'm a 42 year old man from Michigan. After a July of feeling a little more run down than normal, although still keeping up my normal activities of walking the dog a mile a day, playing tennis and baseball, and hiking in the woods, I found myself feeling utterly fatigued and just generally drained by mid-August.…
clinical trial sutinent and votrient
I was told that a clinical trial at MD Anderson that uses sutinent and votrient may be avilable to me as a course of action if other drugs don't work. I was wondering if anybody else has any experience or info on this combo?
I need success stories
I would love to hear some success stories about renal cell with metastasis or thoughts on could we posibly live with this as a chronic disease.
treatment with interleukin 2
Has anyone been treated with interleukin 2 for kidney mets.Was it successfull ?
Uncle NED is visiting but hasn't moved in yet...
An update on my son-in-law John who was diagnosed last summer with stage IV, grade 4 sarcomatoid RCC. The latest scans came back a week or so ago and there are NO visible tumors anywhere and the one on his aorta that was zapped with SBRT a few months ago is totally non-existant now (only scar tissue from the radiation burn…
Kidney removal for RCC and now burning when urinate
Has anyone experienced extreme burning and painful urination after kidney removal? I had kidney removed 7/21/17 for RCC and four weeks after surgery I started having a lot of pelvic pain and painful urination. Since then I was treated for kidney and bladder infection but urine cultures have been clear. I had a CT without…
Optimistic Girl thinking of you
sendin best wishes on your husbands surgery hope all goes well
We have a plan
After the Shock of been told I had a 3.7cm kidney mass we now have a plan a. da vinici partial will be done on Sept 21st b surgeon measured mass as 4.2 cm so I went into meltdown again thinkng that it had spread everywhere c). Chest CT was clear d) didn't have a bone scan so panicking about that but doesn't think I need…
Newly diagnosed and upcoming surgery
My 35 year old son was just told he has a mass on his kidney. The 6.8 mass was detected incidently on ultrasound. Immediately, he had a CT scan with contrast and that states possibly oncocytoma or RCC. He had his first appointment with urologist and the urologist feels it is most likely RCC. My son has appointments to…
hope for the future
Hello, I just joined the group, well a few months ago I was diagnosed with clear cell renal carcinoma that had spread to the liver. I immediately went in for surgery to have the left kidney and 12.5cm mass removed followed by a surgery to have the left side of my liver removed. All was well until a I had a CT scan a few…
Best Kidney Cancer Doctors
Hi everyone, I'm trying to find out who the leading kidney cancer doctors are worldwide (presumably the US), for treating kidney cancer. Specifically this cancer has metastasized to the liver. Travel and money is not an issue. I've done a lot of googling, but any first hand suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks…
1st set of scans this week.
Thursday is our 1st set of scans after my wifes partial back in March. Scanxiety is there but for some reason we both feel really well about it.....cautiously optimistic. Let me back up a bit.......we are seeing our Oncologist Thursday who will be ordering the scans. It may be next week, not 100% sure yet but the sooner…
Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma on pathology report?
Just wondering has anyone who received a bosniak category (I.E IIF, III, or IV) on their complex cyst after CT alos has their pathology report mentioned about the cystic structure. Do they specify the histology as "Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma" or just CCRCC? Reason I asked is that lots of people are saying pathology report…
Not in the club.
A friend of mine confided in me on Thursday that he was pissing blood. Brought back all sorts of memories and fears. Turns out his was just a stone. I'm really glad he didn't get an invitation to this club.