First appointment one week from PN
I had my PN last Thursday. I get my pathology report on Friday at my post op appointment. What questions should I ask? I'm feeling pretty good. I just get very tired every 3-4 hours and need to lay down. The pain has been pretty manageable with medication. I haven't taken anything today and I'm feeling a little sore but…
scalp metastasis
Hello. Do any of you have metastasis to the scalp/skin? My husband had three lesions on his scalp before we even knew his RCC had returned. Discovered lung nodules at his five year check up. IL 2, he hated it and it didn't work anyway. Votrient for 9 months....the scalp noduels went away and his disease stabelized. We…
New - TCC kidney lining
I assume a short introduction is helpful. Im 40 years old. Around the end of April I had quite a bit of blood in my urine. This was the first time and it scared me. So we went to the er. They checked for infections and did an ultrasound. Both came back negative. They started throwing around bladder cancer and told me to…
Next steps
Clear cell renal cell carcinoma per surgeon was contained to kidney. Tumor was something like 6cm. Saw oncology yesterday and heading for a brain MRI and PET scan. Hubby doesn't ask questions so I don't know why he is having a brain scan!! So nervous. I first was excited to hear it was contained. Now terrified something is…
Can a partial nephrectomy be done robotically?
Ok, I finally sat down with Dr. Dalton at Northwestern. He first showed me my MRI images. The mass in my kidney is basically taking up the upper left half of my kidney and he said that the Bosniak classification is a "solid 2F", he said the irregular shape is what is giving the radiologists pause. There are septations, but…
White lines on nails
Does anyone have white lines on their toenails? Would be interested in hearing from you!
Does hydrocortisone reduce nivolumab's effectiveness?
My wife has been prescribed nivolumab for her kidney cancer by her oncologist. The nivolumab has affected her thyroid and adrenal glands. So, her endocrinologist has prescribed hydrocortisone to address the gland insufficiency. drugs.com says hydrocortisone works by decreasing or preventing tissues from responding to…
Sarcomatoid chromophobe renal cell carcinoma
My partner had radical nephrectomy on 26th May 17cm tumor in left kidney. We were told renell cell carcinoma however when they did the pathology they said it wasn't and it is Sarcomatoid chromophobe renal cell carcinoma. They said aggressive rare and prepare for devastation. He's only 41 with our young children. Worst…
MRI Adventure
I needed a MRI recently. During the MRI, while in the "tube", I was daydreaming about sci-fi and space travel -- influenced by the sounds and pulse of the MRI machine. Then the power went out. Blackness and quiet -- it was like it got teleported into space!! Kinda cool.
TNM Staging Report Confusion
HI! I got my pathology report last week. My Doctor said everying is OK and prognosis is good. Just my blood count is quite low but not concern. The reason my blood count is low as i suffered bleeding on the 2 weeks after the LPN surgical (tumor 4 cm on the left kidney) . I lost quite a lot of blood during urinating. But…
Good Karma for all my friends!
Not quite four years ago I was diagnosed with a tumor on my right kidney. By October of 2013 it was removed and confirmed to be RCC T1bMxNo. My 5x7 cm mass was removed in a open surgery, This last week I had my 4 year scan and am now happy to be able to report NED is still my friend. As I count my blessings I wanted to…
Waiting is so hard
Hi I was in hospital last week for complication (they thought) with my Chrons. 2 CT scans, 1 ultrasound later a hard 3cm mass on left kidney. I have had pain, fevers blood in urine. I have now to wait till the Muti Specialist Team for Renal meet in Glasgow which is once a week! My partner works away as a lorry driver. It's…
Fifteen Years on August 1, 2017
Some observations and a few thoughts: NED X 15 NBD X 15 Each of the 5 grandchildren has become 15 years older. No new ones. The 18 year old girl I met on the beach (Icewoman) will be 73 this fall. The survivor rates for each Stage of RCC have increased over the last 15 years.. Ice Tongs are no longer used for RCC Surgery.…
Surgery tomorrow scared
tomorrow is doomsday how my husband calls it! We are to arrive at 7.30 to have the embolization done and then his surgery to remove his kidney and that nasty evil 15cm tumour! we are both scared! He keeps crying and I am just secretly hiding my tears cause I am trying to be strong for him and our 3 kids! I will be waiting…
Just diagnosed..
I'm another newby - Just got diagnosed Wednesday, they found a 4cm tumor on my left kidney. I've been reading through many of your stories, and I find it interesting that many of you went in to get checked for stomach pain, and ended up finding out you had kidney cancer. That's exactly what happened to me - they gave me…
Opinions would be greatly appreacited
Hi Everyone On October 5, 2012 I had surgery to remove my left kidney. 11CM Stage 3 Grade 3. The tumor had invaded the renal sinus and muscular veins, I was then 50 years old I had scan every three months for a year, then every six months and after 3 years once a year. In October of 2016 the scan disclosed three nodules in…
Questions I hope to get some answers
Hi guys, haven't been on for a few weeks . Took a trip across country with my daughter, so inlaw and grandson to Disneyland. Had a great time. Doctor gave me a week off of Cabo while I was away, so that was good. Anyway to my newest questions. Before I went away I went to ER for abdominal pain. I had to follow up with a…
2 wk post op.. diagnosis finally... and questions
so my randy is now 2.5 week laparoscopic total nephrectomy. So he does have one incision below he belly button about 3 inches where they could pull it out at. He had no drain placed, was sent home the next day. He is starting to come around but is completely exhausted. I mean literally sleeping all day? Is this normal?? He…
Hello my friends!
I have been absent from here, but think of you often....read your messages when I get the chance. I wanted to let you know that today I went for my CT scan results....and Uncle Ned came to visit once again! I am now only scheduled for scans once a year. I feel very fortunate and blessed to receive such a good report....and…
Apricot seeds -B17
Hi, anyone with more information or opinions about apricot seeds and cancer? I take great daily plant based supplements. I just do not, do not want the big bad Cancer wolf again.
Cabo - maybe these tips will help someone..
I was treated with Sutent and Opdivo which only worked for me for a short time and then things got quite a bit worse. I then switched to Cabo and within days felt better, and started healing. My scan after 8 weeks showed significant decrease in my tumor sizes and my back mets pain almost went completely. I found a few…
Cancer center visit to Moffitt
My three month scan was moved up because I was as yellow as tweety bird. Scans showed no new tumors in liver, only in lungs that stayed the same except one doubled in size to 2 cm. Not bad considering off sutent four months due to liver. I had five large tumors are in my liver. They radio emblized my liver in January which…
Opdivo Psuedoprogression
Just an FYI. 'Got my first scans back recently after being on Opdivo for three months. Mixed results. Some things disappeared; new things appeared. Most alarming was a new 1.7cm lesion in my spine, yet no clinical symptoms. At present it's being attributed to psuedoprogression. Spooky nonetheless. 'Continuing with…
Increase in creatine post partial kidney removal
My husband had renal cell carcinoma almost 3 years ago , he has had some issues with chronic unexplained anemia requiring iron transfusion over the last 18 months, today we saw his creative which was in the normal range at 55.4 in march and .7 are now 177.4 and 2.3. should we be concerned ? Should we contact the kidney…
Tumor size
My tumor was a 9.0 cm, aggressive. pT2aNXMX, not sure what that means. But, I feel great now.
July 17th, 2012 - today....
This time 5 years ago I was being wheeled into the ICU after a 'Full Right-Neph'. Thank you to this community for all the love & support; I pray that with 'God's Will' I'll be posting another one of these messages in another 5 years :) God Bless everyone!
Last year at this time.....
I was an emotional wreck. My wife and I had just been told by my kidney doctor that I had a mass on the lower pole of my right kidney that appeared to be cancer. He told us that he'd make an appointment request with our local Urologist for follow-up and to expect a call from them in the next week or two. I was devastated.…
Mind if I join the club?
Good morning, all. I've been diagnosed with RCC (left kidney, Stage 3) and am scheduled for a radical laparoscopic nephrectomy Aug. 9th. It's all a little surreal still, and I'm not certain it's sunk in completely, but I've been reading up anyway in an effort to be better-informed about any potential lifestyle changes…
Collecting Duct Carcinoma and Cannabis Oil
Hi all, I'll introduce myself a bit, I'm a 45 year old male previously in good health although a smoker and drinker I was diagnosed with Stage III CDC on May 25th 2016. Initial prognosis was not good, the number of lymph nodes involved and their location made it inoperable. At 44 years old, with a 10 year old daughter and…