Irbesartan for hypertension
I recently found out that a medication (Irbesartan/HCTZ) I take for hypertension was recalled due to its containing a contaminate that is a probable carcinogen. I have been taking this medication for several years and am now wondering if my kidney cancer was caused by this medication. The articles that I have read…
Recurrent in IVC
Hey all. Does anyone have any experience with recurrent RCC in the Vena Cava? Looking at my second surgery in a week to have a small tumor removed and the Vena Cava patched. Its been almost 2 years since my nephrectomy and I am trying to wrap my head around what may be coming. Any thoughts or advice?
Anyone with recuurent cancer back in another kidney
Hi Guys, Anyone in this forum who had cancer recurring back to another kidney? what kind of treatment did you took and what are the prognosis after this? Did anyone go for a kidney transplant? I have heard immunosuppresants given during kidney transplant really brings your immune system down and there is very very high…
June 20th World Kidney Cancer Day
Sharing this online event happening this Thursday for World Kidney Cancer Day. More info at the link below! https://kccure.org/2019/06/a-day-of-kidney-cancer-talk-june-20th-world-kidney-cancer-day/?fbclid=IwAR3HC_NJwBFoNFlofxi2UGin2Y8GKtL1DhwPfNk08l-G_QHgdRwr5VG9IjM Summary - KCCure and Kidney Cancer Canada join forces to…
3 Year Follow Up
Hi Everyone - especially Bay Area Guy and stuib1969 as we seem to be in the same cohort... Monday, Tuesday, and Wed of next week I have my annual physical, labs, ultrasound, and followup with urologist/oncologist who was my surgeon 3 years ago. I come to Iowa every summer for events around family, church, and jazz band…
The Good, bad, and awful
This is my first Post in awhile. I needed a break from here and today I caught up on some Posts will go back to all of them. First off, had the 2 years scans and was not bothered like the other 2 scans. Came out NED, GFR improved, blood pressure good and weight same. Hit a home run and thats the Good. Got the CALL…
What kinds of follow ups do you do?
I was wondering what kind of follow ups do you do. I'm new to this, only 1 month out of surgery. I had a partial nephrectomy to remove a 5 cm RCC off my right kidney. Initial assessment is that it was all removed with nothing outside the kidney. I will have a repeat CT scan in September and probably yearly scans after…
First two consultations with urological surgeon
I had consultation individually with two urological surgeons in past week on treatment for a mass in size 10x4x15mm at my left kidney. Both surgeons recomended three options as the same as what was recommended by another urological surgeon when I was with Kaiser, but I insisted to have a robotic partial nephrectomy to get…
Low Back Pain
About a month ago, I developed a pain in my low back/hips. If I lay down in bed, even for a short time, and I stand up, it's there. Kind of a knot with shooting pain. After being up and around all day, it slowly gets better. By the end of the day it's pretty much gone and I start over again the next day. It's been so bad…
Some of us feel like We are Survivors (unless of course you disagree with that term)
Thank you all for sharing your stories. I was hesitant to post because of a bad experience on another message board, I felt like my tumor didn't "really" count because it was so small and fixed so "easily". Well you know what? I am a cancer survivor! I had a 3.2 cm tumor in the middle of my right kidney. It counts! I had…
Complex appearing irregularly margined cyst mid pole
Hello Everyone, I was just referred for a CT scan after an ultrasound (for an unrelated issue) showed a "complex appearing irregular margined cyst mid pole of the left kidney measuring 2.1 x 1.9 x 2.3 cm". I realize that the CT scan will likely tell me more but, as you well know, the waiting is so scary. I wasn't worried…
Open Radical Nephrectomy on Tuesday
Man, am I not looking forward to this, but we do what we've gotta do. Any tips, tricks or wisdom for getting through this and minimizing the pain?
That Time of the Year
No. It's not Christmas time. It's annual scan time. I went for my chest X-Ray today. Tomorrow is blood test time. Then on the 11th, it's CT time. And finally, the all clear from the doc on the 17th. I was originally scheduled for all of this in July, but we were able to score some good award flights to Japan and Thailand…
Complex renal Cyst
I am 31 years old male. In Dec 2004, I had burning sensation while urinating. On urine test, microscopic hematuria was found. A string of tests were done including CT scan of abdomen without contrast and everything came out normal. In Nov 2006, a Ultrasound scan found an incidental complex renal cyst in the lower pole of…
Passing urine 1 month after surgery
Hello to all. I'm a new poster although I joined a month before my surgery which was last month. On April 25th I had a 5 x 4.5 x 3.5 tumor removed by partial nephrectomy on my right kidney. It was a clear cell RCC. The pathology report, which I don't have with me right now, indicated that it was fully removed with clear…
NED :-)
Hello everyone, finally my husband found time for another follow up scans (US and chest x-ray). He was really overdue, supposed to have them in January-February, but never bothered much. I love his calmness and optimism :-) NED! Belated, but NED, as expected. Next scans in a year. He is 4,5 years from surgery. Happy for…
What works for you to feel positive?
Hi, I had a partial nephrectomy in March and I am experiencing many of the symptoms that others have mentioned here, including pain and some bloating. The surgery was much more traumatic than I expected and the diagnosis came as a total shock to me since I had no symptoms and it was diagnosed via a routine ultrasound…
4 weeks post robotic partial nephrectomy with burning pain and severe bloating
hello i had a partial nephrectomy robotically for an “unclassified” renal tumor. 31/2 weeks ago. I have severe superficial burnishing sensation / parenthesia on my skin from umbilicus ( where drain was) to flank and hips. i am very bloated having gained probably about 10 lbs after 1 week post op. Worse in the evening. I…
Weaning Myself off Nivo
After having been on combination immunotherapy (Ipi/Nivo) for three years, and having been NED at the last six of my regular three-monthly scans, I have decided to stop the treatment. The medical team thinks it has done all it can for me, and my immune system should be able to do the job by itself from now on (if needed).…
65 GFR
Eight or nine years ago when I had gout and was a bit heavier my GFR went down to 39 or so. It is now up to 65 and I will be 76 years young in a few months. Over the past 5 years I have lost 75 pounds and put back 20 or so. I really think losing weight is the best way to get your GFR up to a decent level. Much of the…
Mountain lion
Just read this on a Facebook page I'm following, I think you'll like it. They didn't mention who the author is. ................. In case you've ever wondered................ "What’s it like to go through cancer treatment? It’s something like this: one day, you’re minding your own business, you open the fridge to get some…
Why don't people listen?
As a cancer patient and now survivor, I've learned alot as far as being a survivor. I've learned to be my own advocate, I've learned where to get information. I've learned generally what to expect with scans and how people react. It's funny what happens when you tell someone you have cancer. I wish I would have had someone…
Treatment done anxiety lingers
Hey all, I hope you all are well and enjoying life. I finished my SBRT on the 8th but since then I cannot seem to shake this anxiety/scared feeling. I scan on May 13th and I find myself so nervous. I am not on any systemic treatment but cant help but wonder what they will find next.... I was stage T2B at diagnosis and even…
Trial drug Sorafenib (nexaval) - anybody have any info on this
Hi Just wondered if anyone in here has been on a trial drug called Sorafenib (nexaval). My mother recently had a radical nephrectomy and her oncologist has asked if she would like to take part in a trial therapy which could stop the reoccurance of kidney cancer. We have written information on the drug and side effects but…
A confession to make...
I will be lying to you all if I said that I am doing exceedingly well. Oh, I am well. Still hurtin' from the surgery, but well enough. Previous to the surgery, I was a heavy drinker. Not necessarily a cause of the RCC, but a contribution to it for sure. You know, the type of guy that would drink in excess more often than…
im 8 weeks post surgery partial nephrectomy feeling pretty close to 100 percent at this point during most activity but I still have a bulge On the top side of my incision. I had open surgery. I found a few older posts that seem to indicate this may be permanent? Has anyone around here had this issue? At 8 weeks is it still…
New here
Hello peeps. 35 years old and newly diagnosed since RCC took advantage of my welcoming nature to find refuge in my right kidney. Fortunately, it was caught before it could wreak a complete havoc. Incidental find was based on pelvic floor muscle tightness trigerred urinary issues (I have some series muscle issue going)…
WHO/ISUP grade vs Fuhrman
Happy Friday peep! I'm not sure if this has been already discused here, but pathology reports over the last 5 years or so have embraced the WHO/ISUP grade for the surgicl tumor as opposed to the Fuhrmans which was pretty much the norm for ccRCC. I have observed that a lot of research data (including nomograms) for…
Still NED but---
Had my Kidney US last week and saw URO today. Same small sub cm cyst in other kidney wh1ch they have been watching for years. Officially NED for almost 17 years. But PSA is higher and retest in 90 days. Then maybe Prostate biopssy. Trying to get discharged from URO. icemantoo
laparoscopic partial pain
almost 3 month passed after LPN. still have pain from time to time sometime very discouraged. My doctor ordered ct and after reviewing result told me that it is nothing to do with a surgery because laparoscopic partial could not cause this pain. he said that disc regeneration trigered this pain. I do not believe him.…