Eug91's radical nephrectomy story
[ORIGINALLY POSTED DECEMBER 29, 2018. Lost in the great CSN Outage of January 2019. Re-posted because I'm hoping it can still be useful to others.] Left kidney robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. Apologies for the length. I thought it'd be fun to share my experience, and hopefully be useful to anyone who's…
Scared Not sure what to expect Need some advise
Well I went to the doctor yesterday thinking I was having a problem with my appendix. She examined me and felt that it was probably pain and nausua related to appendix or gallbladder. Dr asked me to have some blood tests and really wanted to do a CT scan just to see if this was an emergency situation or if we had more time…
Here we go!
So surgery in Wednesday. The urologist confirmed the tumor's size, but he also confirmed that it has not spread outside of the kidney. So it's going to be a radical kidney procedure, as opposed to the radical 'plus'. I'm relieved that it's not that extensive, so there. Any pointers for before and after will be appreciated.…
Working after op. Experience?
Sorry to open another high level post. So I've been adviced to take it easy, of course, after the surgery. Recap: it's a radical nephrectomy. They're not removing anything else. If you didn't know (and pretty much everybody here knows) my op is tomorrow. There is a circumstance where I would need to be working Monday…
results and status
Hi all! Thanks again for all of your information and support to date! I wanted to give a summary of where I’m at, and what my experience was. 51 years old, 2.5cm tumor found on kidney 1/21/19 during a routine MRI (for other purposes). Began the process of freaking out, but given the combination of reading this board,…
Vitamin B 17/Laetrile
Will not hurt to checkout YouTube : World without Cancer By: G. Edward Griffin. Very interesting.
How does kidney cancer spread
Im really trying hard to avoid google search and one question i never really asked the doc was how does it spread exactly. Iv wondered if the cells are floating around but the body immune system takes care of them until it gets to big and overwhelms the immune system. Whats the difference between a 2cm tumor and say a 4…
Terrified about this...
I know it's irratio.nal, but I'm terrified at the prospect of going under anesthesia. I've never had surgery before. In my 44 years of life, I've had minor stuff done but never surgery that puts me under. My main concern is as a patient of high blood pressure. How's that going to affect me? IDK! I do realize that patients…
Tiny blood clots in urine
I had open partial nephrectomy over 5 weeks ago and recently, I saw a few tiny black or brown particles in a couple of my urines almost daily. (However, my urine is still clear) My urological oncologist said that they could be tiny clots from my old blood left in my kidney while back. I am kind of worried and would like to…
Votrient to Opdivo after 3 months. Thoughts?
I met with my oncologist yesterday and he wants to take me off of the 800 mg Votrient and start Opdivo. I am currently "stable" on Votrient with a small tumor burden - appx. 1.8 x 2.3 cm mediastinal lymph node with mild pet scan activity, 2 nodules both still "indeterminant" due to size. Given the small tumor burden, my…
Back Pain/Shoulder Pain
so I’m two months post partial neph for chrimophobe RCC 3.9cm. This was found incidentally due to my complaint regarding back and shoulder pain neither of which has in any way dissipated post surgery. I’ve spoken to my doctors,both my PCP and my urological surgeon who is handling my scans and they insist it’s not related…
BP medications
Good morning, I hope everyone is safe from the cyclone snow storm. I'm wondering if members would be willing to update their blood pressure medicine experiences. Most of the forum answers are a few years old. I had my kidney and 6.5cm chromophobe tumor removed Oct., 2017. Normal BP (no medication) until November, 2018 then…
pain and burning sansation
I am on my 5th week of recovery from robotic partial neph. Did anybody had burning sensation under shoulder blade on the site of surgery?
Glad to Find this Group!
Hi all, im 51 and was diagnosed last month with a 2.5cm renal mass, likely RCC. Scheduled for robotic partial the week after next. I feel very lucky that t was found early, during a routine scan I get for unrelated reasons. I was reading through this forum and was quite touched by the amazing support you give one another,…
The results are in
So my biopsy was positive for RCC Meeting today with Radiation oncology to set up SRBT. The plan is to zap those two spots and bring me back to NED. I will re scan May 13th. In the meantime I'll just be plugging along one foot in front of the other... I hope this finds you all well and happy! Sending out love Cin
Treatment Provider Selection
I'm new here and am glad finding this incredible forum. I was incidentally diagnosed with a solid-appearing enhancing left exophytic renal mass in CT and MRI last December. The mass is in posterior midpole measures 10x4x15 mm. I feel very lucky that it was found early. My previous urologist oncologist offered me three…
Managing Votrient Side Effects
I just took my first (800 mg) dose of Votrient last night. Today, we'll be going out to get some "supplies" for managing side effects. Among the things suggested are: * Biotene - it was suggested to use that before mouth sores start to help either prevent them or to manage them when they do come around * Bag Balm - for…
Stage 4 RCC -- just started a new drug, "Votrient" --- anyone out there familiar with this medication ?? Please advise - and thanks.
Colon thickened and Free Fluid at the Pelvic
Hi! Everyone! I had a laparoscopic partial nephrectomy in July 2017. My pathology is Clear Cell RCC, 4cm, T1a Nx Mx Today is my 3rd time MRI scan & chest X ray. Everyhing are OK. But they accidentally found my descending colon had thickened and there are some free fluid at the pelvic area. After consulted 2 radiologists…
Hello everyone and hope all are well! I've been on Sutent since December, completed 2 rounds and just started my third round yesterday 3/6/19. Had scans done on Monday and they showed a 25% shrink of my tumors on the adrenal glan and lungs. They are going to continue the Sutent as it is working at this point. One thing…
Curative Surgery
I am a bit confused by the verbiage my doctor uses. He uses the term curative quite a bit and he said that following the pathology report there is an 87% chance of the surgery being curative (I had a radical nephrectomy). Does that mean there is an 87% chance I will not have mets down the road? What about secondary…
Renal Cell Carcinoma--Surgery Recovery
First time to a "survivor" discussion board. Everyone's experiences are so different. I had my kidney surgery for Stage 1 RCC on April 15, 2009, knowing that there was an 80% chance that the "inadvertent" find of a 2.5 cm growth was cancer. I came out of surgery with a 9" cut in my side (one of our toughest decisions was…
Weight loss
When is unexplained weight loss a concern? I weigh at the same time every day and lately I have been eating more (an not all clean but mostly lower sodium) and have lost about 5 lbs. over the last week (I weight right around 200 lbs). I went to my PCP and he said that if the weight loss continues and hits 20-40lbs. in 6…
CT Scans
Anyone else have items like this show up on their scans? Is it pretty normal? 4 mm low-attenuation focus in the medial left lobe adjacent to the falciform ligament most likely benign such as focal fat. 3 mm low-attenuation lesion in left hepatic dome (3:13), also most likely benign.
Seeking advice
I am new to this forum. I have been reading quite a number of discussions on this forum and found them very informative and helpful. I am a not so old guy (61 years old) with pretty good health generally. However, last Dec, I was found to have a small renal tumor in my left kidney (about 1.6 cm) which was highly likely to…
How bad is Furhman grade 4 and does that even matter 2 years after neph?
Sutent 2 weeks on 1 week off
Hi, I haven't been on this site since I started my chemo in April. Was on 50 mg Sutent and had problems with my thyroid. Put me down to 25 mgs of Sutent and still have problems with my thyroid. I am of thyroids meds but they can't seem to get it adjusted My nubers go back and forth from 1 to 25. It was suggested that I do…
Port or intravenously
I am beginning inumatherpy infusions for my renal cancer. The kidney has been removed but tumors were found in my lungs as well. I love to use my hot tub. Its so cold outside. My oncologist says no with a port. My infusions are once every two weeks. Anyone hear of being allowed to us the hot tub with a port?
Rebirth Day
My birthday was two days ago. My re-birthday is today - the one year anniversary since my nephrectomy. There were some complications (a clipped artery), and a four-day stint in ICU. I have extra scars (from the laproscopic start and the opening me up to fix my artery finish). There's what I call my 'navel shelf'...which a…
Been a while..
Sorry to see so much lost content! I know it's been a while since I posted... Last scans show 3 spots in my lungs. Two in right, one in left. Onc scheduled repeat scans and one "spot" resolved itself?? They, however, want to biopsy the one in the left lung. I have been spending a lot of my time on smart patients but I…