The Latest on the Vascular Invasion Question
As I posted last week, I sent an email to my urologist about the vascular invasion question that was discussed in an earlier posting. He returned to the office today and got back to me immediately. Kudos to him for that. Below is his response to my question about vascular invasion and tumor necrosis. QUOTE "The prognosis…
My Mother is scheduled to have her Kidney removed
Hi everyone, My mother (age70) is scheduled to have her left kidney removed along with the tube that goes from the kidney to the bladder and maybe (Dr.'s not sure yet) a small part of her bladder where the tube (sorry don't know it name) joins it. She had been having blood in her urine for the past 6 months on and off and…
What's the truth ? It's all so confusing. Between Covers, an Anticancer Infomercial - An Illusion of
Interesting, what does one believe ? An illusion of control ? http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/07/health/07book.html?_r=1 By ABIGAIL ZUGER, M.D Published: October 6, 2008 NY Times The famous name and the impeccable scientific credentials don’t hurt, but David Servan-Schreiber’s “Anticancer” rides mostly on the sincerity of…
Chemo sensitivity testing
Education please. The name of Suzanne Somers means nothing to me but this piece of hers interested me and I'd like to know what anyone here thinks about the topic. Chemosensitivity Tests – Why Does Big Pharma Know About Them and WE Don’t? By Suzanne Somers10/30/2009 3:30:00 PM…
I am a Survior!
Hi all- just wanted to give a quick update- First I am feeling great! Each day things get a little easier, I finally made it home (I had been staying at my moms) and finally fealing like my life is getting back to normal. I got my pathology results yesterday and I am cancer free- stage was pT1a, 2.3cm tumor with no renal…
Are natural remedies snake oil or promising
I have been online reading a lot about diet, exercise, and other changes I can make to help my body become more cancer-proof. I have already read some of your posts about an alkaline diet and other research. Then there are those of you who are living life as usual but in moderation. I have seen articles online about…
Get copies of all scans, all lab work, everything!
I know for you tenured members on this group, this is a no-brainer. But--for the newbies--let me stress the importance of getting all of your medical records. You'll need them if you want a second opinion plus there is no way your doctor knows everything on your records. Believe me. My husband's doctor -- Dr. Hammers -- is…
Opinions on High Protein Diets
Hey Everyone, I've been reading all these posts about how healthy everyone is eating. I have been the exact opposite. Since my cancer surgery, I have gained weight and can't seem to get a handle on it. I keep thinking that I received a second chance and should take better care of myself, but I think I have been too…
My thought for the day...
A sick man turned to his doctor as he was preparing to Leave the examination room and said, 'Doctor, I am afraid to die. Tell me what lies on the other side.' Very quietly, the doctor said, 'I don't know..' 'You don't know? You're, a Christian man, and don't know what's on the other side?' The doctor was holding the handle…
I had my nephrectomy one year ago today. Awesome. It brings to mind how often I have read here that new treatments are always being developed and to keep up hope. Had I not been fortunate enough to be offered my MDX trial, ( definitely a new treatment. And one I didn't know existed) I may not be here to write this. So for…
Dr.'s willingness to wait???
Just got a call from the office of John's oncologist. Assistant said she had submitted John's name to insurance company for clinical trial (MDX plus TKI drug) for approval but were told "it would be put under review" and decision made within 45 days. She explained he couldn't be screened for trial until approved by…
Chromphobic Eosinophilic
In January 2012 - I went in for a CT scan related to a colon issue I was having and they found a 14.5cm mass in my left kidney. I had no symptoms, no history and none of the risk factors. From the CT scan it appeared that the tumor was contained in the meaty part of my kidney. I had a radical nephrectomy and a colon…
Anyone ever have false positive on scan?
My mom has been diagnosed with a 4.3 cm tumor on her kidney. Also two nodes seem to have faint foci and are a little enlarged. They noted it was positive though on the report. I am wondering if anyone ever had this happen and then find they were just inflamed. She has been having a bad uti for over a month now and on…
Any way to determine how long primary tumor has been around?
As I've stated before, I find a lot of value to this board and one of the many values is it makes you think. In reading some of the other links where people discuss possible contributors to their cancer, I noticed some people assign age to their tumors, e.g., "doctor says I've had for four years," etc. None of John's…
After 2 months something else discovered
In January I had a partial Nephrectomy, and it was discovered I had stage 1, grade 2 chromophobe cancer. All margins were negative, and I started to believe I would be done with this until 6 months from now. I have been having pain and swelling in my neck and my pcp advised it would be best get an ultrasound. I went last…
Open Nephrectomy pain after 80 days
I am into the third month of recovery from the big slice. I feel like this surgery has changed my life. For the worse. I have been online almost weekly trying to find out about this thing that has happened to my body. Symptoms of "other than" kidney issues plague me. There is NOTHING out there except stories from others…
holding off a few weeks for surgery
I have just been diagnosed with stage I (3cm tumor) found accidently while looking for kidney stones, as I have a history with them and yes they found one in each kidney but also found the"shadow" which the MRI showed was a solid tumor. I am a teacher and have several major commitments to my students in the next few weeks…
Finally, surgery coming up this week
Well, I'm finally coming up on surgery (diagnosed Feb 9). It's scheduled for this coming Friday. Although the anxiety levels are starting (continuing) to increase, I'm ready to get that sucker out of me. It's about 7cm and located in the upper lobe, so it will be a laparoscopic radical procedure. I've had simultaneous…
Sutent and High Blood Pressure
I have been on Sutent for 6 months. I take 37.5 mg for two weeks and then I am off one week. I have been on some type of blood pressure medicine for the past 30 years. I have been taking Toprol 50 mg and Norvasc 5 mg since my surgery (complete nephrectomy of right kidney in July 2011) and my blood pressure has been…
See small blood in urine after period
Hey all, I had my laposcopic kidney removal on feb 22, just about three weeks ago. The cancer was confined in one kidney and the surgeon told me there is no treatment necessary just some followups. And, I have my period started 1.5 weeks after my surgery. The period was normal, but it happened about 10 days earlier for my…
Vitamins supplements
Guys anything concrete on this ? Should we take a multivitamin ? I am hearing mixed things but a dietician tells me to take 1 with most vitamins 100% and no more. What about protein supplements ?
Radiation MRI vs CT vs ultrasound
If CT is too much radiation can they do MRI ? I hear ultrasounds are not as confirming. Any facts ?
Monograms nomograms
http://nomogram.org/ http://labs.fccc.edu/nomograms/ http://nomograms.mskcc.org/Renal/PostSurgery.aspx http://lifemath.net/cancer/renalcell/outcome/index.php Does anyone know how accurate this stuff is ? I am told it works well for the population as a blunt tool, but for rare outliers does not provide meaningful use ?
Newbie just diagnosed 2/27
Hello, crazy things happening this year. Just turned 36 two months ago and I'm getting married in two months from now (5/5/12)to a wonderful woman. After going to my doctor for what I thought was a sports related injury to my ribs, I found out after the ultrasound and MRI that I have a 20cm mass Renal cell carcinoma. Just…
Tumor and complex cyst benign
I am 6 months post surgery from my second surgery. I was told after my first open partial nephrectomy that the complex cyst was benign. I recovered for 8 weeks then had laproscopic partial nephrectomy on my left kidney to remove a tumor. It came back benign also. I was told before both surgeries that I had a 98% chance of…
Found blood in urine at 3rd week post laposcopic Radical nephrectomy
Hi guys, I am from Michigan, and i just joined this forum couple days ago when i accidentally found the link, this forum has provided me lot of information and very helpful and encourage. Just some background, I went through a laparoscopic radical nephrectomy surgery about three week ago, to remove 5cm stage 1 grade 2…
Drug Therapies
I have just been diagnosed with a 3cm tumor on my left kidney. My problem is back in 2009 I had a partial nephrectomy on my right kidney, and I have CKD my gfr is at 21 and creatine is 3.5. Because of this surgery is out of the question. My nephrologist has told me there are several drugs that are used to treat kidney…
Pathology Results
Hi All: Just found out I get my pathology results March 14th, I asked the doc after the surgery his opinion on what he thought the "tumor" was he said he was pretty sure it was Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. So I'm not scared of hearing the "C" word- just need some suggestions on questions to ask. How important is it to…
E-patient Dave
I realize this is almost a year old and probably old news for most of you. But in case you've missed this Ted Talk, you may find it interesting. I find e-patient Dave inspiring not only as a survivor of Stage 4 kidney cancer but for all he's done for patient advocacy.…