Question for any Experts
Been reading this board the last few days and got some great advice. I bought the book Three Months to Life earlier today. My Dad is in his late 70s and back in 2008 they removed a Kidney. He was on Sutent during 2009 and stopped in 2010. Everything seemed great until January 2011 when it spread to bones and a section…
What does it mean Tumor Present in Renal Vein margin?
Does anyone Know? Been so confused with all the reports and docs don't really make it clear.
On to the next step (Revised after pathology report)
Well, I'm now on to my next step as a cancer survivor. I had a radical nephrectomy for my right kidney last Friday and just got home from the hospital. It took an extra day or so to hit on the right pain control. Because we hadn't come up with the right scheme for pain control, my BP and pulse rate went sky high. I won't…
I just wanted to share this for anyone that possibly wonders if prayer works. I believe whole heartedly that it does and here is one reason why. When I found out I had cancer, I was SO upset. It was a Friday. I mean, I was shaking uncontrollably in the doctor's office. So badly, that they gave me a prescription for valium.…
Newbie here. Had surgery on 3/22
I had a partial done with the DaVinci machine last Thursday where they removed 50 percent of my right kidney. I will go back 2 days from now so they can determine if the remaining half will survive because the blood supply is now limited. I've been reading a lot of you're posts and signed up because they are a lot more…
Anyone had Laparascopic Partial Nephrectomy?
Had anyone had partial Nephrectomy done Laparascopic? If so, for what size tumor? It seems everyone that does partial nephrectomy do it open stomach, and anyone doing it Laparscopic does a radical nephrectomy, and not just partial.
biopsy tomarrow
I called radiology today and they have scheduled me for tomarrow..I guess things are going my way. I know I will still have to have surgery but wanted to have this test first. Next big step will be calling and scheduling my surgery..
Another tumor
I just went for my 6 month CT scan and another tumor the size of a quarter was found in my left kidney, very close to where the one I had removed was located. My doctor gave me 3 options. 1) biopsy, which he said is only 50% accurate. 2) surgery to remove it, which would be an open surgery since last one was laproscopic…
CT scan tonight
I posted earlier that my urologist had once told me that I would eventually need a CT scan with dye. I wrongly assumed he meant that he would order one as part of my follow-up. But what he actually meant, I have learned, was that someday, for another medical reason, I would probably need one. He has no intention of…
Thank you all
I want to thank you all for your support this past week and for standing by me even when I was less than sweet and being a bit...bitchy. LD..
RCC Expansile
My mom had her surgery by robot last Thursday. It was rough as mom is 79 years old. Does anyone know what RCC Expansile means? I know they removed the kidney and two lymph nodes. One of the nodes was positive the other negative. They graded her stage 3 furman grade 4. I don't have the complete report as of yet. Does anyone…
Well, I've taken the plunge and ordered a Vitamix. There's no way in the world that I am going to eat my veggies. I know that for a fact. I am hoping that making a drink out of them, so I can chug-a-lug it and get it over with, may be the answer. So if anybody has any recipes that might work for, say, a 10-year-old who…
Who needs 2 kidneys!
This afternoon I rowed 10,000m and took 33 seconds off my best recent time. I was so pleased I checked my logbook and found that it's the fastest time I've done for 10k in the past 3 1/2 years. I've also won my last four golf matches. So, losing a kidney in December hasn't damaged my performance capacities to any great…
hanspeter formerly anotheronebites back
I will recieve an injection of zometa tomarrow and once every month there after. and then begin my treatment of Sutent within a few days. I got the skinny of what to expect from the doc but would like to hear from you folks out there about your experiances and how you delt with side effects and all. The closest physical…
surgery Monday
Greetings oh wise ones! My hubby is having surgery MOnday (he has a 8cm on L kidney). Any words of wisdom for me? Anything you wish you had when you woke up from surgery? They are going to attempt lap but hubby is obese and may have to open. About how long is surgery to be expected? Will path report not be instant? I was…
new girl on the block
I recently had a radical neprectomy the old fashioned way, due to Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. I was not informed of all the mysterious things and pains I would be having. My ribs hurt so bad afterward, and still today I have difficulty sleeping because I can not sleep on my back all night. My surgery was 27 days ago.…
New to the site just diagnosed
I have just been diagnosed with a 3.9 cm x 5.2 multi locular cystic nephroma,it has been rated a 3 on the scale. I have come here for support from people who have been there..I have not decided on surgery yet and may opt to have a biospy first. They will try to do a partial but feel I will lose the whole kidney because the…
St. Paddy's day
Paddy, Sean and Seamus were staggering their way home from a night of tossing back a few Guiness.Anyway, they stumble upon a few old stone markers on the side of the road. Paddy says," Aye,this here fellow lived to the ripe old age of 88. His name is O'grady". Sean States, " And this fellow was 91, O'Toole he was called."…
post radical nephrectomy back pain
My wife had a left kidney radical nephrectomy 11-18-2011. Things are going well and she has a upcoming 1st scan in May (which we are nervous about). My question is she is complaining of a small back pain just under her ribs on the side with her remaining good kidney. It is not there all the time but she says it comes and…
What is safe to take for a head cold when we have one kidney? I came down with one last night and I took some tylenol cold medicine today, is that safe to continue? Health and Happiness to all, Wayne
A shout out to darrlipe and vangusto
I hope I got got the names right ,I remember darril was having problems with his remaining kidney ,I also remembers vangustos tumor at time of dx was rather large but both of them had a very positive attitude,hey if you guys are still out there please let us know how are you doing ,I do think about both of you and have…
Hello, Recent Nephrectomy Patient for RCC
Hello, Thought I'd join up and read about the journeys that others with similar situations to my own have taken. Honestly, I guess I'm hoping to see and hear from long time survivors who've had renal cell carcinoma like mine. A little background on me- in November of last year, my Nana (grandmother who raised me) was…
Integrative Medicine
Targeted Therapies for Kidney Cancer
Hats off to Faye.
Today it is close to 80 degrees here in Michigan. Not bad for the last day of Winter/first day of spring, Anyway I took Piper for her walk and she wanted to play with Ernie across the street. I always knew that Ernie's human mother, Faye was a Kidney Cancer survivor, but never really talked in detail about it until today.…
8 weeks after opp
Hi Guys, I just thought I would update,alot of you know, I had Full left kidney removed 6th Jan 2012 6.5 growth,I had a scan after 3 weeks and the doc says he thinks he as caught it all, Ive been back at work now for 2 weeks so actually 6 weeks off work after the opp, I do get weary by the end of my working day. Im on…
Thoughts solicited on Thought for the Day -
Guys, I met a pastor this morning (no, I haven't crossed over - not yet), but he made a statement which resounded with my experience. This has nothing to do with religion, but you may choose to see it that way, if you wish to. Many of us read so many things, inspiring quotes, stories, not necessarily cancer related. He…
No health insurance -- need surgery for malignant tumor the size of an orange
I am a caregiver for someone with no health insurance. He has just been diagnosed with a malignant tumor on his kidney the size of an orange. He needs surgery immediately or the tumor will leak or burst and spread cancer throughout his body. He has virtually no income or savings. Is there anywhere he can go to get…
1st follow-up CT
Will have my 1st follow-up CT scan tomorrow after left kidney was removed in October. Recovery from surgery has been great. Hoping and praying for good results from test.
Second Cycle of Nexavar
Each day is a new day! Votrient was not a drug tolerable for me, and I really wanted to take it, as is new and seems to work for many. After two cycles, Doc stopped it as side effects were off the chart. Two weeks later started Nexavar,after 15 days, more side effects. Doctor stopped the drug for a week, side effects gone,…