post kidney pain at 52 days
I finished my first week back at work. At day 52 post surgery I seem to be okay. I did get a bit more tired than usual at the end of the day and have been feeling more fatigued then I remember at work, but was doing everything as normal. Only thing that has me wondering, does anyone notice they can feel the kidney? I…
IL2 here we come
I posted on all 3 of the sites I study from but in case others of you are not on those sites I thought I would give you our status. Cody is doing very well. No new evidence of disease. We went to see Dr. Dutcher yesterday and he is planning to have his first IL2 on 5/21. He has no new evidence of disease (phew) and we will…
MDX, part 3
Here's the refresher. Cancer diagnosis last March. (It will be one year for me next week.) Left radical nephrectomy. By October mets in lungs and liver, and lymph nodes. Qualified for MDX-1106 clinical trial after multiple scans, blood work and biopsies. Recieved first infusion in December, and every three weeks. Scans in…
Hi Everyone...
I just signed up after reading quite a lot.. I am super scared. 32 year old male that smokes and is overweight. I have been diagnosed with Renal Cell at just under 3cm and I have surgery on friday.. yes, in ONE day. I have already pushed this off for over a year (because of my extreme fears) and I am wanting to claim I am…
6 Month Ultrasound Complete
Although the lab technician cannot tell you the results she did say if they were my tests I would be very happy. Waiting for the official word from my DR but I am doing a happy dance Needed Good News
Wish I Were The Last Newbie On This Board
Everyone: I have been following this Board for the past month after a 6-7cm mass was discovered on my right kidney during an ultrasound. I have since met with two Urologists for their opinions. The positive news thus far is that my MRI and CT scans indicate that while the mass is likely RCC, it appears encapsulated and…
Comforting words
My urologist/surgeon, called me at 8:30 last night (after a long evening doing surgery) to explain my pathology report and he was so, so reassuring that I didn’t even need an Ambian to sleep last night. I had an appt with his physician’s asst yesterday who gave me a copy of the report and said I was healing nicely.…
sharing info
post kidney pain at 52 days
I finished my first week back at work. At day 52 post surgery I seem to be okay. I did get a bit more tired than usual at the end of the day and have been feeling more fatigued then I remember at work, but was doing everything as normal. Only thing that has me wondering, does anyone notice they can feel the kidney? I…
Automated editing
I just noticed something when I tried to type the word "gobbedlygooook" (mispelled here on purpose). When I previewed my post, it read "gobbedly****." So rather than misspell the word, I removed it. For those of you who don't get it, the last four letters of that word spell a deplorable racial slur used mostly by GIs…
unfortunately I'm a new member : )
Was working in Afghanistan and had a sharp pain in my lower left back on Sep,12.... didn't think much at the time, but the pain kept getting worse. Was transported to the field hospital in Bagram where they performed a CT scan and told me my left kidney had a large tumor on it, and it was bleeding causing the pain. They…
ct tomorrow
Tomorrow - First CT since trying votrient, then nexavar. Off both drugs now due to side effects. Will find out tomorrow what to do next??? It has been an up and down medication cycle - hoping that it levels out.
Posted to friends on original post -ct scan tomorrow- adobe 3/7/12
Hello Everyone Answerend all of you that sent encouragement on my post of 3/7.go back to that thread. I am grateful for all the encouragement. After 4 dr appts and the ct scan,results were no new mets, existing met in pancreas the same, no new growth. Back on Nexavar, 2 tabs every 12 hours instead of 4 tabs. We made the…
had surgeon appt today
My husband had his appointment with the urologic oncologist today. He has a baseball size tumor on his left kidney. The lymph nodes in the area are enlarged which doc said may or may not mean mets. The doctor will do scans of lungs, liver and blood test for bone to see if there are any additional lesions. If there are…
Ablation of Kidney Tumor
I had a nephrectomy of my left kidney in November 2007 (12 cm tumor). Urologist just found 2 cm tumor on right kidney. He is recommending an ablation of the tumor (not sure if it will be cyro or radio wave). Has anyone had a similar experience? Any insight would be helpful.
Friday2012 name changed to LiveAlive - Raj
Friday2012 name changed to LiveAlive - Raj
had surgeon appt today
My husband had his appointment with the urologic oncologist today. He has a baseball size tumor on his left kidney. The lymph nodes in the area are enlarged which doc said may or may not mean mets. The doctor will do scans of lungs, liver and blood test for bone to see if there are any additional lesions. If there are…
Happy World Kidney Day
CSN friends - Today is World Kidney Day http://www.worldkidneyday.org/ We probably know more about kidneys and kidney function than your average bear, so here's to us!
Cancer back (3rd time) need advise on dialysis
Right kidney removed 2006, Cryoablation on Left 2010, now 2, 1 cm spots again. One right in center of the kidney which is causing a lot of concern. Was told today would check again in June then decide what to do. I may have to have the kidney removed which means dialysis which scares the crap out of me. Does anyone have…
question on diagnosis
My husband had flank pain and frank blood in his urine. Has now had a CT scan with contrast and the urologist told him he has a large mass on his left kidney and will have to have all or part of his kidney removed. He referred him to a urologic oncologist for surgery and that appointment is tomorrow. At what point is…
Everything is happening so quickly
My 67 year old mom was diagnose with stage 4 kidney cancer yesterday.Unfortunately it has all readily spread to her boned ans traces in the lungs. They say the mass is about 12 1/2cm. Previous to the news my mom was in no discomfort. Monday she goes in to remove the mass and the main source.From there the oncologist will…
Family History?
I had my 6 month results today and my tests were all clear! While I am happy about that and I plan to live my life like I'm cancer free, my urologist has concerns for a higher recurrence rate for me due to the fact that I am fairly young to have kidney cancer and I have a family history. My paternal grandfather died of…
Released from Hospital Yesterday
Well, it’s out. One kidney less. My road to recovery is a rough one. I’ve had surgeries before, but never on my ‘innards.’ My cousin the nurse, assures me I’m not a wuss. It’s a difficult procedure because they not only remove an organ, but they stretch others and readjust them, making recovery a bit more difficult. Also,…
RCC and Re occurrence new member
Hi my name is Joann, I recently had my right kidney removed last August 2011. I am 43 years and was devastated to learn that I had a 10 by 14 cm tumor in my kidney. It was a stage 2 (due to the size) grade 1. My oncologist said it is 20% chance of re-occurrence and my urologist said 5-15%. As seen most post they both said…
1st follow up scan not good
Well I got the results from my CT today. It is in several lymp nodes on the side I had the Kidney removed from. The largest being 4.6cm. I will be starting Sutent soon. I have to do a MRI of my brain Sat. Then I will start treatment after that. Wish me luck and say some prayers!
I don't understand all the facets of this web-site. The one thing I'd like to know is: How do I put my e-mail address out there so if someone would like to get a hold of me through a personal e-mail; they could? I'm a slow study but a willing study. Tambo
all members
All I want to say is that I know some people are either intimated, or feel like they are breaking into a "click" of some sort on this forum. (I did). Please don't. Interact and share your perspectives. As I have recently read, only 3% of cancers are kidney cancers. We are a select group. All supportive. Pulling for each…
wedge resection
I had a wedge resection on Feb. 16th. They took out a nodule about a half inch in size. Came home on the 19th. Pretty sore. still am. Mostly on the outside area around the incision. I get winded easily, but that's getting better. I won't see my oncologist until some time next week. Don't have and appointment,yet. However,…
Support Hospice what a joke Douglas Macmillan
Diagnosed late with renal cell carcinoma and also what was thought to be a simple cyst was also a bosniak type 3 - 4 cancer. I had to have radical surgery cut acrosss stomach to rempove large cyst and kidney and cancerous lymph node that was last year. I went into hospital at 7.30 in morning operation at 9 out of operation…
36 hrs since surgery feeln ok
Hi All: Im about 36 hours out of surgery and I feeling pretty good. Doc did a partial right nephrectomy with a 6-7 inch incision. The first 24 hours were really hard and they had alot of trouble controling my pain, finally Saturday morning we got it under control and I was able to get up and walk down the hall last night.…