shrank by 50%
GOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS!! I got the results yesterday from my 2nd scan. The tumors have shrunk by 50%! Now to keep fighting to get rid of the other 50%. He does want to reduce my dose to 37.5 a day. The side effects were pretty rough this time around. He is also hoping at some point in the future to do interlukin II. I pray…
Leg Swelling after kidney removal?
Has anyone had any leg swelling after their surgery? Mom had her surgery A week ago on Thursday and her legs have been swollen for the past 4 days. She is having a bit of trouble breathing as well when she walks. None of this before the surgery... Thank you!
Disappointing HDIL2 News; MDX 1106 with Sutent/Votrient Clinical Trial may be next step
John (and I) met with Dr. Hammers today after John's scan to see if the HDIL2 had been successful. He said the scan reflected a mixed response, with most of his lung mets showing some growth, but one met showing a slight reduction. So--bottom line--no more HDIL2. As way of history, John had received 14 doses in the first…
The hospital just called and asked if I want to participate in a study. They did not go into detail. They just said that they would talk to me at my blood typing on Thursday. The guy did say that my doctor said I was eligible. I don't know what it involves but I guess I will find out Thurs. I tried to find out what it was…
Universal Cancer Vaccine
I tried to post the link but I could not. It is in The Telegraph, Thursday April 12, 2012. "Universal" Cancer Vaccine Sounds very interesting. If someone can post the link I would appreciate it. New things everyday it seems.
looking on the grim side but keepin hope alive
sorry havent been on in a bit got results not lookin real good found three at esophagus,one at top of lung one at diaphram, 2 or 3 goin down back and one where my kidney was just removed can you believe it speechless to say but life goes on went to the radiation dr they gonna start radiation on my arm did i mention its in…
Tuesday is fast approaching .... I am ready...I think
Tuesday at noon is my lap robotic partial neph. Thanks for all the tips for a comfortable (as possible) recovery. I assume when you are put under there is no recollection. Has anybody had their procedure video taped? I am going to the University hospital and of course signed the waiver that they may use this as an…
hubby's pathology report received today
Doc says it was all contained in the kidney but I have a question. Do you mind if I post the report and get some feedback? Is there a way to attache it here??? probably not. Furhman nuclear grade 2 Clear cell renal cell carcinoma TNM descriptors: N/A Primary Tumor: pT1b Regional lymph nodes: none resected Why were no lymph…
Limelifes CT report not the best
Hey everyone got called into the docs office today and was told there was a abnormal growth on the left kidney ,needless to say I feel like I just took another left hook from the devil.I have to go in Friday for an MRI to try to establish what it is ,of course doctor said not to worry. Since it could be a lot of things,not…
Nutrition after nephrectomy
After having a right, radical nephrectomy on 3/12/12, my doctor has stressed that I need to be very aware of optimal solitary kidney health. All I have been told is to avoid contact sports, tea, spinach, nuts, chocolate and all colas. This list seemed very vague. Any more specific resources, recommendations regarding…
dx with clear cell kidney cancer need all information i can geta
WOuld like all information i can obtain on clear cell kidney cancer just had left kidney removed on 3/28/12 and this was thte cancer type. If any one has had this diagnosis please reply with information
Surgery date April 30
Just got brave and set my surgery date today..Now all I have left to do before the big day is the pre opt appt's. Feeling tired but a little better now that I have made the decision to go ahead with the surgery.. LD
Social Security Disability and Stage 4 Kidney cancer
I'm not sure if this has been posted before. You might want to log on to or call your Social Security office and find out about this little known fact. I found out from a friend who pasted on from Kidney cancer. If you are diagnoised with stage four Renal Cell Carcinoma.You are eligible for Social Security Diability. Here…
Maybe a silly question...
Here's what might sound like a silly question. If having elevated BP is a sign that Sutent is working, then if you take more BP medicine and lower your pressure, are you counteracting the Sutent?
Limelifes first CT scan 4/09/
Hi everyone yes my first scan is Monday ,yes my tumor was 5cm and 2 grade so I know the odds are in my favor,I was told at the time of my surgery I had a 80% chance of never having to deal with this cancer again.So I keep thinking what if I'm in the unlucky 20%.I used to feel sorry for myself only to join this website and…
Nodules in lungs after Kidney Cancer
Hi everyone, You may remember I posted a while ago about my mom having breathing problems. She received some unfortunate news that she has nodules in both her lungs. They are going to do a needle biopsy next week to find out for sure if it's from the kidney cancer or if by chance it's from her appendix she had taken out…
Gerald White - "Three Months to Life" MAARS CD
Just received Gerald White's book (signed with a nice little note) and MAARS CD, and I enthusiastically delivered it to my husband who was watching television Can't say he shared my initial enthusiasm as The Masters was on. And my excitement was short-lived when I realized and voiced, "I don't have a CD player in the…
Bombs dropping by the day! (hopefully someone can relate)
6 months ago i had an ultrasound that revealed a couple kidney stones And a couple cysts one of which looked "suspect" and the urologist just wanted to watch it And do a follow up ultrasound in 6 months. (which was last week) The 2nd ultrasound revealed that the "suspect" cyst had grown (don't know the size, but believe it…
fluid buildup maybe
Good morning. I am taking my husband to the doctor today, sometime. He is 10 days post op today. He has an area of hard induration around his main surgical incision along with redness and warmth. Unfortunately when he stands up he has a bulge around that area as well. I am thinking it is fluid. I wondered why they didn't…
What are the 'normal' or standard procedures during every 3 months or 6 months check up after the su
Hello all, my 1st coming 3 months check up has scheduled in this coming Jun, it will be chest x ray and ultra sounds on the abdomen/bladder then follow up with Ctscan 6 month post surgery. I've been reading some posts here, looks like some of you have 6months or 1 year check up. Try to get some understanding what kind of…
Reading this article.. interesting way to help immune system!
Thoughts of TW and Friday...
T, Strange, it has been but a few short months, I have yet to see your face or learn your name, and still I have come to know you as more than a friend. You are one of a kind, your intellect, humor, and selfless desire to help others when most would be concerned with self is an inspiration and example for us all. You set…
When can i get back to work?
Hello i go in for surgery to have my whole right kidney removed on april 9th, i'm a firefighter by trade and my question is when do you think I'll be able to get back to swinging an ax and get back to full firefighting duties. Not looking forward to this at all.
Are all treatments chemo based?
Just wondering if every treatment includes chemo or are there meds that do not destroy the good healthy cells in the body? Anyone know which one has less side affects? Thank you.. trying to do all the research for mom which is so overwhelming to me. I am not feeling well myself and all of this is maker me sicker. How one…
21 cm tumor "Newbie just diagnosed 2/27" removed!
I wasn't sure if I should start a new thread or continue on my original post? I started a new one though cause the old one was looking to long. Anyway here's a little backstory for those who would like to do some reading. I have always been in good shape, exersise regularly and eat well. About a year and a half ago my…
Most discouraging follow up visit with surgeon today :(
Hello, had the follow up visit with my mom's surgeon. She is 79 and had her right kidney removed by robot a week ago. She is stage 3 grade 4. T3N1mx. Also has a positive margin for the renal vein. The surgeon gave us the report and basically told us mom is on borrowed time and that she will subcumb to her disease. He gave…
are we doing the right thing?
First of all, I feel lucky to have found this discussion board, many caring people who have been through similar circumstances. We recently learned my husband has a 7.5cm mass on left kidney and are experiencing every emotion imaginable. He just turned 50, is healthy, nothing other than colds ever. Two weeks ago, he…
post op pain and depression
Good evening. Hubby had lap surgery Monday afternoon and came home Tuesday afternoon. Today is the worst day yet. I think all the gas pains are gone but he complains of burning inside at the surgical area and is tearful. He is cold (never cold) but he has no fever. Any suggestions on how I may help him?
4th stage club
It's not as bad as it sounds. So far, my general health is still very good. No chemo, yet! My RCC was found accidently as most cases are discovered. That was in Feb. of 2010. In March of 2010 I had a radical nephrectomy of the rt. kidney. The pathology report came back 3rd stage RCC as the tumor was large and had protruded…
Hello my name is Fishknees and I have kidney cancer.
First I would like to wish all of you having surgery next week good luck and a speedy recovery. I am 62 years old female and about 10 pounds overweight. I think I am in good shape physically. On March 2, 2012 I had an ultra sound for a gallbladder that was acting up. I went for a week vacation and when I got home I found I…